Chapter 15- A kiss for Colton

The girls and I were all sitting in our kitchen eating breakfast aka leftover pizza while talking. The boys left after the movie and we just fell asleep right after that.

"I'm home!" I heard my mom yell through our house. 

     "In the kitchen!" I yelled back. 

"Oh, hello girls." My mom said giving them all quick hugs, since we have all been friends since we were kids my mom kind of just treats them like her own daughters. "Honey, the Cadman's are coming over for lunch in an hour and a half, Ace also said he was bringing his girlfriend." My mom said as she poured herself some cereal. 

"Oh...we are going to go then." Sammy said as everyone stood up and left. 

"No." I said dramatically dragging out the word. "Don't leave me here with Bitchy!" I whined. My mom knows I swear but she doesn't mind, she also knows who 'Bitchy' is. 

"SHIT!" I hear my mom yell from the kitchen. 

     "What happened?" I asked. 

     "I cut my goddamn finger!" She said walking towards the bathroom. I just shook my head at her. 

"Well, text us how the lunch goes." Destiny said as she walked out the door. 

      "Okay, I will. See yeah later." I said closing the door behind them.


I was curling my hair when I heard the doorbell ring.


I put in my black triangle earrings that matched my black triangle necklace that went with my tight black dress that had a triangle in the middle where you could see my skin. 

"Honey come down here!" My mom yelled. 

     "One second!" I yelled back down at her.

I scrolled through my contacts looking for Colton. My thumb found his name and clicked it. I held the phone to my ear and on the third ring he answered. 

"How fast can you get here?" I asked, no greeting at all. 

     "Hello to you too, and about 3 minutes." He said. 

"Get here. Wear something nice, like khakis and a button up shirt. Kk thanks bye." I said. 

     "Ok bye." He said and I hung up.

I walked down the stairs and stopped at the bottom step. Everyone was sitting on the couch, Emma and my mom were talking on one couch while Ace and Bitchy sat on the other. I cleared my throat and everyone looked up at me. 

"Mom, have you already prepared lunch?" I asked. 

     "Yes, we were just waiting on you." She said. 

"Can we wait on one more person?" I asked sweetly. 

     "Who?" She asked her eyebrows furrowing together. 

     "My boyfriend." I said and I could see Ace's face get red with anger. 

     "Who is that?!" She asked surprised. 

     "His name is Colton." I said.

I was kind of scared Emma might now him because of Ace but she didn't even blink at the mention of his name.

"Yeah, we can wait." My mom said. 

     "Okay, he should be here any minute." I said and right as I said that the doorbell rang. "There he is." I said laughing a little. 

I walked through a hallway and into a small little room where our front door is. I opened it and saw Colton standing there in khakis and a blue and white plaid button up shirt. 

"Hey." I said as I welcomed him inside. 

     "Hey, so why did you want me to come over?" He asked. 

     "The Cadman's are here for lunch and Ace brought his girlfriend. Just act like we are the perfect couple, okay?" I asked. He just nodded his head.

I took his hand in mine and we weaved our way through my house and into the living room again. 

"Mom this is Colton, Colton this is my mother." I said releasing his hand. 

"Hello Ms. Cabiya." Colton said sticking his hand out for my mom to shake. 

     "Oh please, call me Laura." She said shaking his hand.

We were all sitting around the table eating and talking when my mom looks at me. 

"Hey!" She said loudly. 

I thought she was going to yell at me for a second. 

"You got a new tattoo and piercing?!" She asked, I looked at her confused, I always do and she doesn't care. 

     "Yeah, why?" I said. I could see Ace smirking out of the corner of my eye. 

     "You didn't show me." She said happily. I saw the smirk drop from Ace's face and be replaced with a scowl. 

"I have 3 more tattoos and just the one new piercing." I told her and she started bouncing up and down in her chair excitedly. 

"Show me! Show me!" She said. 

     "I will later." I said laughing and rolling my eyes.

We all continued eating and Emma went back to talking to my mom and Ace and Bitchy talked. "So tattoos and piercings huh?" Colton asked facing me. 

"Yeah why?" I said. 

     "You didn't strike me as a person to have ink. Obviously I can see your piercings." He said laughing. 

"Yeah well I do." I said matter of factly. "Actually I have eleven tattoos." I said. He just nodded. "What about you? Any tattoos?" I asked. 

     "No, not yet." He said. Everyone was done eating so I took my plate and had Colton do the same. He followed me through a door and into the kitchen. 

I took his plate and put it in the sink on top of mine. I heard footsteps, since they weren't heels they weren't a girls because all of the girls were wearing heals and the only other guy here was...Ace! 

"Kiss me!" I demanded. 

"What?" He asked, then he heard the footsteps and did as he was told.

The footsteps were getting louder, it was kind of awkward making out with someone in the middle of the kitchen, plus I have only known him for a few days. 

"Hey!" Ace yelled and we jumped apart acting startled. 

"Uh..." Colton said wiping his bottom lip. I wiped around my mouth with my thumb, wiping away any lipstick that may have smeared. Ace walked past us and put his plate in the sink and walked out of the kitchen 'bumping' into me. Right as he left we both started cracking up laughing.


I was zoned off while Brittany babbled on about drama or something, I don't really know. I don't actually like her, I am just using her to make Andy jealous. But now she is dating Colton and she knows I hate him. But technically I am dating her enemy.


I fucked up big time when I let Brittany grind on me. I was snapped out of my trance when Colton and Andy walked past me with their plates, taking them to the kitchen. 

After a few minutes I went to put my plate away. I walked across the dining room and through the doorway of the kitchen, what I saw made my heart drop. Colton and Andy were making out, right in the middle of the kitchen. I didn't know what to say because she wasn't my girlfriend but it was heart renching watching her kiss someone else. 

"Hey!" I yelled regretting it instantly because it made Andy almost fall because they jumped apart so fast. I shoved past them and put my plate in the sink. When I walked past them again I made sure to hit my arm against Andy's just like she did when she caught Brittany grinding on me.

Wow, Ace you are a dick.

My brain wouldn't shut up, it kept calling me names and I was literally beating myself up from inside to out. 

Wow, I fucked up bad this time.
