chapter two ★ unnamed

*yaku is now a third-year

It has been 2 years since Yaku and Y/n have met.

It was normal for Yaku to frequently drop by the Music Room to watch Y/n play and perform music.

She has also been to more than one of his practices.

She also met his teammates and they liked her just as much as she liked them.

Yaku and her were really close friends.

You could say they loved each other as friends of course..

or maybe the love they felt for each other was for more than friends..

it's like

this unnamed feeling in their hearts that they weren't so sure about.

it's like, they both gave off a feeling towards each other that no one else could.

they were both so special in a different type of way to each other.

----Timeskip to a school day----

" Morisuke! Morisuke!"
Y/n called out.

Yaku was passing by the hallways and heard his name being called out by a familiar voice.

The voice sounded pleasing to his ears.

He liked how it sweetly called out for his name.

He knew EXACTLY who this voice belonged to, he remembered because he longed for this voice.

This voice is what made him feel different in a good way.

This voice belonged to no other than L/n

" Ah, F/n!"
He said, turning around to face her.

She was running towards him at full speed and couldn't really manage to slow down.

Luckily, she was able to stop right behind him.

She was panting for air as she straightened up to look at him.

At the exact time she did so, Yaku had just turned around.

Without fully realizing it,

Their faces were so close to each other, their lips were 1 or 2 inches away from kissing.

author's note

konnichiwa, minasan!
i'm so sorry I took longer than said to update, and my update was short too!
i'm really sorry (´._.')
I promise i'll try my best to update more frequently!
also, I got a ranking ˚▱˚
tysm !!

stay safe!

ja mata ne!~ (o゚▽゚)o
