chapter five ★ accidents

"ah yes, Yaku-san is here. i'm gonna call him for you, okay?"  the boy said.

y/n nodded in response.

the boy came back with a red-faced yaku.

y/n noticed him sweatdropping, but decided not to mind it.

she was hesitant, but gently took yaku's hand.

"let's go..?"
y/n asked for approval.

he calmed down and nodded while smiling.

y/n ran in the hallways with yaku's hand intertwined with hers.

the process of them running was filled with joy and laughter.

they finally reached the garden, where they agreed to have lunch at.

she really didn't want to let go of yaku's hand, but she had to.

she sat down and patted the ground beside her, yaku understood and sat down on the spot she patted.

they began to eat shortly after that.

but little did y/n know, yaku had something for her.

yaku spoke.

she hummed in response

"can you turn around.. I have something for you.."
he said.

she nodded and followed his command.

yaku took out a small box from his pocket and pulled out a small baby blue hair ribbon and proceeded to tie it on her hair.

"it's something you can wear.. i'm done putting it on you, you can take a look if you want"

he said while rubbing the back of his neck in the realization of how close the two were.

he handed her a pocket mirror.

she gladly took it and began to examine herself.

she turned to face him.

" it's so pretty, morisuke! I love it. thank you"
she said while leaning closer to him.

he absentmindedly leaned in closer to you as well.

" you're welcome"
he said in response,
going silent as he gently put his lips on y/n's.

she was slightly taken aback, but she still kissed back.

once y/n did, yaku immediately realized what he was doing and backed away.

he quickly bowed and ran in the opposite direction from the classrooms.

y/n was still shocked, covering her lips with her hand.

though she did have her first boyfriend during her 2nd year of junior high, they never kissed.

y/n just had her first kiss with the boy of her dreams, yaku morisuke.
