72| So Am I Right?

I was the first to move, quickly retracting my body from his. "Er.. yeah." I said, forcing a tight smile, then continued to do whatever I was doing.

What was I doing again?

Oh, right.

I could tell he didn't want me to do anything about it. "So you're gonna be fine.." I muttered awkwardly, and he glared at me, then nodded slowly.

I sighed. "There's enough problems in high school without you,"

"Excuse me?"

"Whatever. So why are you here?"

"Do I not have my rights now?"

"Do I not have my privacy now?" I seethed.

"It's not your dorm."

"It's not yours, either!"

"Fine, then let's both get out of here!"

"Not until you tell me why you weren't in class!"

"It's a long story."

"And I have all day!"

"Not. Now!"

I huffed, then noticed something fall to the floor. Before he could react, I snatched it up to reveal a wooden stick.

"You weren't supposed to see that!"

"So you do admit that something's fishy!"

"Not what I meant!"

"What is it?"

"Give it back!"

"What is it!? If it has something to do with the terrorist group Malfoy's in-!"

Nott snorted. "Terrorist group? On second thought, it is awfully like a terrorist group-"

"What is IT?"

"Something for me to know, and for you to find out!"

"I know enough! That you go to this weird school that spam gives you letters until you agree to come, then some people go to this extremely prejudiced and unnecessary violent group who judge you on your blood- like what the heck? How do you control what your blood is? Everyone has red blood, you people are acting like you have the all so mighty golden blood, and even if you do, how does that change anything? You're all PEOPLE, and golden blood, red blood, all the blood's, you're all PEOPLE, so that group should go away to their imaginary 'perfect' world then never come back, and that school has issues!"

"Woah, woah, woah, where did you get all that- totally not true information?"

"Blaise," I panted, tired from the rant.


"What other Blaises do you know?"

"Like Blaise as in Blaise Zabini?"

"Yes, him!"

"I'll need to talk to him about that.."

"So is it true or what? I'm not gonna believe your 'totally not true' scheme!"

"Well, all I can say is it's partially true, but you have some stuff to catch on about."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Told you, for me to know, and for you to find out."

I gritted my teeth in frustration. I was going to find the truth, no matter how long it took.
