37| Thank You For Nearly Ruining My Day.. Next!

"So.. when's your next class?" Carina aske

"Just about.. Now."

"Oh." she replied hesitantly.


"Well, catch you later I guess?"

(*|]]{ (fish emoji I got from someone!! Hehe that's random)


I rushed off to biology class, not wanting to be late.

"Ok, so- you all are here already?" Professor Demerta questioned, dropping her hands abruptly, causing a small pencil to thump a bit, but I didn't have a second thought on it.

(I'm being to obvious rn T-T)

"Today we're going to work with partners! Let's see.. Carina with Kristen, Leah with Jordan, Draco with Theodore, um.. Hylla with Hermione, Ron with Harry, Pansy with Michael, and.. Greta with Richard. Oh! I'm missing a few.. Blaise with Diana."

I internally groaned.

"You'll find all your materials on your desks," she motioned, and I was about to protest that I didn't see anything on my table, but looked down to see a notebook, pencil, and packet along with a whole set of odd things I couldn't identify, and I didn't necessarily want to know what they were either.

But, thank god, the principal saved me. Just maybe in a bad way.

"Diana Evans. Please report to the office immediately."

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat before reluctantly walking out.

"It seems that Ms. Evans will be.. Occupied, so Mr. Zabini, you can go with Mr. Weasley and Mr. Potter."

I, thankfully, wasn't part of any of those groups because the options she chose were almost horrifying. Instead, I walked toward the office, hoping I wasn't in trouble.

"Ms. Evans," said Principal Deliah curtly.

"Y-yes?" I stammered.

"I have something to.. Show you."

"Really?" I asked, a lump in my throat.

"Yes. Did you sign this?" she asked, sliding me a familiar permission slip.

"I- ah, yes." I said, relieved this was all I was here for.

"And you're sure?"


"Okay.." she said suspiciously.

"Well, since Mr. Nott has decided to go skiing with Ms. Eelops over winter break, I would advise you to come with him."

Before I could launch into the ultimate wait wut..? moment in the world, she looked at me in a way that when she said advise, she meant go or you'll regret it kind of way, so I stuttered, "Ok-kay?"

"Good." her shoulders relaxed.

"Just need to go over a few things. You must stay in range with him so he doesn't get lost, or it's your responsibility. Plus no romantic moments."


"That's all, Ms. Evans. Would you like me to escort you back to your classroom?"

"No thank you."

"Have a good day, then."

Seconds after I got back, I heard the same static voice: "Theodore Nott, please report to the office immediately."

I sighed.

Updated! And next chapter will be explained and all that good stuff then a few chapters after is the Halloween festival/carnival thing! So yahoo! Plus this has nothing to do with you guys but I have officially reached 100 pages with this story!!! And because it previously glitched out I'm starting a new doc! Nothing that concerns you. So just ignore that. And 1.1K VIEWS!!!!! YAYYY!!!

