8.1 The Devil's Birth

Nina lowered her head and quickly followed the older woman's footsteps.

They were getting farther and farther from the palace, and the surrounding scenery became more and more desolate, but the female official in front had no intention of stopping at all.

She couldn't help asking: "Sister Ellie, where are we going?"

Ellie glanced at her: "Her Majesty the Queen praised you for being smart and beautiful, and sent you to serve at Her Royal Highness the little prince."

Nina trembled and asked tentatively . : "But, we are far away from the palace."

"His Royal Highness the little prince does not live in the palace," Ellie said with a strange smile, "you will know when you arrive."

Nina shivered and smiled reluctantly . .

She also knew something about the little prince. His Royal Highness was originally smart and clever, and was very popular with the king and queen. However, he was seriously ill a few years ago, and his body was covered with pustules. Although he was cured later, there was not a piece of good flesh left on his body. The character of the little prince also became withdrawn and gloomy, obsessed with witchcraft research, and gradually lost the king's love.

She knew that the little prince was not favored, but she did not expect that the little prince was not even qualified to live in the palace.

Then there is no future for her. Nina felt that her life had lost hope, and she was dragging her feet.

It wasn't until she reached the corner of the palace wall that Ellie stopped and pointed to a small building that was too shabby compared to the palace: "It's here, go in by yourself. His Royal Highness the little prince can't see the sun, so he lives in a special place. "

The grass next to the building is barren, and the flowers are drooping with stalks listlessly. Now is the season of early spring when everything recovers, but it is so desolate that it seems to be sealed in the harsh winter.

Nina shuddered, and asked one last time in despair: "Am I going to stay here forever?" Elion raised her

chin and replied meaningfully: "It depends on your performance."

Leaving alone, leaving Nina at a loss.

Nina hesitated a few times, but when she saw that there was no living thing around, she walked in with a frown.

As soon as she entered the palace of His Royal Highness the little prince, she felt a chill pierced into her bones.

She heard a sound coming from a certain direction, and she could only walk over tremblingly.

The voice came from the door. She put her hand on the hidden door, and before she could open it, a mouse jumped out, making her scream in fright.

A cold male voice came from inside the room: "Who?" Although the

voice was cold, it was very pleasant, with a languid taste. Nina's inner fear eased a little, and boldly pushed open the door: "I, my name is Nina, I'm the new maid."

The man in the room looked up. He was wearing a loose black robe with a slightly wide neckline, and his fair skin was looming with the movements of his body. There is a delicate belt around his waist that outlines his slender waist, and his feet are also black boots, which outline the tight and graceful lines of his calves.

With a mask on his face, only a pair of dark and bright eyes can be seen, and the black hair is slightly long and scattered on his shoulders, which contrasts sharply with the snow-white skin.

The man knelt down on the ground, with a magic circle drawn in blood in front of him, with several mouse corpses lying on it. He turned the book with one hand, continued to draw something on the ground with the other, and the other hands were more lustrous than the pearls on the queen's necklace.

The man looked up at her and nodded: "Go out, I'll call you if I have something."

Nina confirmed nervously: "His Royal Highness?"

"Is there anything else?" .

Nina originally saw that he wasn't as scary as the rumors said, but she breathed a sigh of relief, but now her heart is hanging up again: "May I ask what I am usually responsible for?" The

man's tone was not good: "Just like you before, doing laundry, cooking and cleaning the room, You can't enter my bedroom and laboratory without my permission, the rest are up to you."

He paused, then continued, "But you are the only maid here."

Nina asked with a bitter face: "Why?" The

man said coldly, "Dead."

Nina's eyes widened in shock and she took a step back, but the man seemed to soften his tone: "It should be replenished after a while.

" Na breathed a sigh of relief, and patted her chest: "That's okay."

She looked at the man: "Is that all?" The

man thought for a while, then suddenly got up and went to the drawer to pull out a portrait: "Pay attention, is there any in the kingdom? Such a person."

Nina secretly admired. The portraits are so lifelike that even court painters may not be able to draw such a verve.

She asked hesitantly, "Is this a foreigner?"

The person in the portrait is a young man with a gentle smile and a very friendly personality, but his dark hair, pupil color and soft facial features all show his "foreign" appearance. identity.

"I don't know if he is a foreigner, or what his name or identity is. But I think he should find a way to appear in the palace. In short, as soon as you have news about him, let me know."

Nina took the portrait in confusion and left, closing the door to leave room for the little prince.

Yu Jin picked up a dead mouse, put it into the newly drawn magic circle, cut his fingers, mixed blood and potion, and poured it on the mouse.

The wound of the rat whose stomach had been ripped open quickly healed, and his red eyes were opened. The madman scurried around the room like a madman. After about ten minutes, he hit the wall with injuries all over his body, and fell to the ground exhausted.

Yu Jin picked up the mouse corpse, threw it into the fire, and made a note in his notebook.

The Lord God wanted him to become the ancestor of the blood race, and the first step was to turn himself into a blood race.

His current body was seriously ill a few years ago when the plague was raging, and he almost lost his life. Fortunately, he used to like to study witchcraft, and he saved a life by accident.

It's a pity that he is not a blood clan now, but his body recovery speed is better than ordinary people, and he can't reach the strength of a blood clan. He had to figure out how to become a vampire as soon as possible.

After he fell ill, he was sent outside the palace. When he recovered, the people in the palace did not dare to let him come back. First, he was afraid that he would still carry the source of infection. Second, he heard that he was beyond recognition because of his illness, and only threatened the king and queen. Only let him live in a remote place.

Instead, he liked it, and he began to immerse himself in witchcraft in his small house.

I don't know if it was because of the bonus of his body or because he was suitable for this industry, but he actually found the process of practicing witchcraft very interesting, and unknowingly became addicted to it.

Yu Jin tried several combinations of potions and magic circles, tossed all the mice, stretched out, packed up the tools, and pushed out the door.

His usual habit is to take a bath first, wash the blood off his body, and then do other things. He took his clothes and just entered the bathroom, only to find Nina respectfully appearing by the bathroom door, stopped and asked angrily, "Why are you here? Here?"

Nina didn't expect him to be so angry, and explained in panic, "I'm here to serve His Royal Highness."

Yu Jin's voice was even colder: "Who let you into my room? I said don't enter me without my permission. The room!"

Nina looked at him dumbfounded: "But His Majesty the King said before..."

"You used to work with His Majesty?" Yu Jin looked at her face carefully, and said lightly, "It was the Queen who sent you Did you come here?"

Nina lowered her head: "Yes..."

"Do you know why she did this?"

Nina shook her head blankly, and listened to him again: "Has His Majesty the King favored you?"

Nina suddenly His face was bloodshot, and he stared blankly at him, not daring to answer.

Yu Jin waved his hand impatiently and told her to go out: "Are you really ignorant or just pretending? The queen is dissatisfied with the king's intention to send you here. What you did before is not necessary at all."

Nina pleaded aggrieved: "I really don't know..."

"Then you know now. Don't appear in front of me without my order, I don't need anyone to serve."

Nina went out in a submissive manner.

Looking at her ignorant back and innocent expression, Yu Jin only felt a headache for a while.

Although she is still young, her facial features are slightly immature and her demeanor is too simple, Nina's charming face is almost exactly the same as Laina.

Her presence here probably means that this is the world Yu Jin has been to.

He may have to deal with problems that he can't solve.


Soon after, a new maid was sent over, most of the work was robbed, and Nina became the one who had nothing to do.

Her mission has also become one: to help Yu Jin find out about the person in the painting.

After hanging out with Yu Jin for a long time, Nina is no longer afraid of him, knowing that although he has a cold temper, as long as you don't poke at him, he is actually very easy to get along with, so she dared to ask him: "Who painted this painting, do you Why are you looking for the person in the painting?"

"I painted it, I have something to do with him." Yu Jin opened the drawer, took out a new portrait and threw it to Nina.

The drawers are full of portraits of the same person.

Nina's eyes were full of great curiosity: "But...you don't even know his identity, what would you do with him?"

"This is not something you should know."

Nina lowered her head in disappointment and took it. The portrait, turned to leave, but Yu Jin looked at her back and said softly: "I have divination, he can save my life."

Nina opened her eyes suddenly, turned to look at him in surprise, only to see that he had already He lowered his head again to play with his props, and blurted out, "I will definitely help you find him."

Nina felt that although His Royal Highness the little prince was withdrawn, he was still a good person. She didn't want the little prince to die.

So she worked harder to help Yu Jin find out the news.

Her hard work paid off, and she finally found a clue.

The Royal Knights are selecting new recruits, and under the blazing sun, one of them's black hair is particularly eye-catching.

Most of the knights around are blond and blue-eyed, but he has black hair and black eyes, which is like a cut out of the night, deep and not gloomy. His smile is warm and friendly, and he has the power to soothe people's hearts, as if surrounded by clear moonlight.

"A young woman is looking at you." The knight on the side joked.

Ding He turned his head to look, the beautiful face of the maid in the distance was somewhat familiar.

He raised the corners of his lips, slowly pulled the sword out of the scabbard, and started the next practice with his companions: "This is my honor."

The author has something to say:

Shou exudes the air of a domineering president of Gu Zaowen.

However, Miss Nina is just a loyal dog.

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