
The bat hung upside down on the branch, showing a dormant state. When Yu Jin walked about half a meter away from it, he suddenly flew off the branch and flew around the whole tree, accompanied by a warning squeak.

Yu Jin took a step back and exited the range, but it didn't stop halfway.

After one lap, it fell back to its original position and resumed its motionless state.

Yu Jin stood there and waited for a while, and after about three minutes, it flew around again. During this time, he did not see any hints of vampires appearing, so he speculated that the warning effect of bats only worked on vampires within a certain range.

When a creature passes by, the bat is alerted, giving the vampire a signal that has a three-minute cooldown.

That is, in the same place, you can hide for three minutes, and then you have to move the location.

Yu Jin observed the distribution of bats. From the perspective of distance, it seems that there is no clear regulation. And these trees have different shapes, and people can't find the rules.

Is it random? After asking this question, Yu Jin denied it to himself.

The range that each bat can detect is limited, and game participants can completely bypass the bat, so what's the point of the bat's design?

Unless the bat appears in the place where the player must pass, such as next to the totem. But that coincides with the burst function after the totem is sealed.

Yu Jin covered the tree trunk with his palm, circled around the tree, tapped the tree again, and suddenly realized.

The trunk is hollow. He found the gap in the trunk and opened it to both sides. There seems to be a thick film with excellent elasticity inside the bark, showing a state of excellent ductility. When he opened it, it did not provide any resistance, and when he closed the bark again, it quickly returned to its original state. It will not be too slack due to the action just now. After opening the bark, you can see a small bag hanging on the inner wall of the tree. Yu Jin squeezed the bag and found that it was empty.

There should have been props hidden here, but someone else took it first.

It didn't take long for the game to start, and there might be other people nearby.

He closed the bark and looked at the crevice in the tree, which was mixed with the lines, and pondered. This is a hiding spot designed for them. The trunk is too thick to hide from an adult. But if humans hide in it, vampires may take a long time to investigate, so bats are designed on the tree.

If these particularly stout trees are excluded, the remaining bats are basically equidistant.

Some of the bats are used to indicate the location of the hider, and the other part is used to indicate the movement direction of the fleeing person. This forest is not dense, but if there is a certain distance between the vampire and the game participants, they can still avoid the tracking through the card vision method. Bats are here to avoid that.

Approaching the prey's hiding place step by step and enjoying their trembling may be the pleasure of vampires, but too long probing time will obviously wear down their patience, vampires still prefer to simply chase their prey directly.

The bat circled over his head again, reminding him of his current situation. He didn't have much time to sigh, and he had to find the next totem. After all, his opponents were not only vampires, but also other game participants. Once someone collects all nine totems, the game is over.

He looked up at the bats, wondering if he could just burn them. But the bat is different from the snake that he burned to death before. The bat is likely to have a direct connection with the vampire. If they kill them rashly, it may directly attract the vampire's attention.

Besides, he didn't have to clear the way for others.

He found several other similar trees, without exception, the interior of the tree was empty, and the bag hanging inside the tree was empty.

This means that he is out of luck. The person who arrives at a certain place first can get the item first, and the item is non-renewable, so the birth point becomes very important.

It is possible that there are treasure chests hidden in the reed field, but he has lost the best chance to search.

It wasn't until he stood in front of the fourth tree that he noticed the difference.

Next to the root of the fourth tree, there is a red flower that is almost black, but in the part of the stamen, there is a blood-red eye.

There was a pool of blood on the ground where the flower took root. The color of this flower seems to be absorbed from this pool of blood.

It stared at Yu Jin intently, and its eyes shifted with his movements, like monitoring, but also like concern.

If it wasn't for him wearing a single shirt now, he must take off his clothes and cover it.

The bloodstains stretched all the way to the roots of the tree, as if oozing from the inside of the tree.

Yu Jin pulled the bark away, and a tall figure fell straight down. He slanted his body and let the corpse fall to the ground.

He looked at the blood on his palms, frowned in disgust, and took the opportunity to turn the corpse over to wipe the blood from his hands.

The corpse was a young man, and Yu Jin was a little impressed by his appearance, but didn't know his name. His head fell limply to one side, a horrific gap appeared in his neck, and blood was still gushing out of the wound.

There are many other wounds on his body, and it is even unclear which one is the fatal wound.

His face still had the shock before his death. He didn't seem to think that the enemy would suddenly attack. The enemy's attack was unexpected, and he had no time to prepare at all, and even forgot to struggle at the first moment - or he might not be able to struggle.

He looks young and strong, but he doesn't seem to have any room to fight back, which makes people even more afraid of the strength of the enemy.

Yu Jin observed his wound. Although he couldn't see what tool caused it, it was obvious that the other party's way of killing was not elegant.

If it was made by a vampire, why not just drain his blood? Why hide him here again?

Yu Jin searched all over his body, but couldn't find any props. This made him even more suspicious of the identity of the murderer.

The person most likely died at the hands of other game participants.

This is a game that does not require cooperation, and every time you eliminate an opponent, you have a better chance of winning.


A crisp bell sounded in his ear.

Yu Jin looked at the blood-stained dark ground beside his feet, his face dignified.

The smell of blood will attract vampires to approach faster.

After the man killed the man, he hid the man in the tree in case a vampire entered the woods and attracted the vampire to the corpse.


The sound of the bell is always near and far, making it difficult to distinguish the specific location of the owner of the voice. Yu Jin could only hide in the nearest tree before the vampire saw him.

He pulled the bark away and found a boy with eyes closed in the middle of the tree. The boy was only seventeen or eighteen years old, his short silver hair was obediently attached to the sides of his cheeks, and his eyebrows were somewhat cold. His hands were folded in front of his chest in a self-protective gesture.


The sound of the bell was coming from the boy's body.

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