

Recap; the true is out abt RagLak. Ragini is hurt but found support from Laksh.

Laksh n Ragini were sleeping on the bed when AP enters their room without permission. She n Janki made the plan to bring them together.

AP; Ragini Laksh. It's morning get up!

RagLak were surprised seeing her in their bedroom. Ragini fall asleep on his chest last night crying silently her face showed the dried layers of tears but AP stood there determined n strong.

Laksh rubs his eyes. Maa what happen?! Y r u here? That too without our permission?!.

AP; permission?! Haa! I do not need permission to enter ur room as u both doesn't share a relationship! U lied to me! U both broke my trust do U think that I will believe ur words. Ragini today is ur first day as the DIL of this house my son had put on a condition u remember. Today is ur rasooi. Make it fast!.

She leaves the room holding her tears back - I'm sorry beta but it is necessary to build a bond between u two! -.

Ragini looked at Laksh. I can't cook! I can't make a proper tea. Laksh; relax first let's get ready. Laksh looked at her. Listen Ragini don't cry anymore u look awful! Ur whole make... he stopped! Do u even use make up?!. Ragini; very less! Y r u asking?!. Laksh; just like that.

Laksh stood up n went to the washroom. Ragini was scared. What to do she is not a pro in cooking or anything which is connected to household.

Ragini went to change her clothes. She was behind the room divider.

Laksh comes out very fast in a towel forgetting that Ragini is there too he was abt to remove the towel when she appears.

Ragini; Laksh!!! She turns hiding her face behind her hands. Shutting her eyes. Laksh!!! Have u gone mad?!.

Laksh hides himself. Ragini what u mean do u really think I did it in purpose?! I forgot u r even here.

Ragini turns in anger. U forgot me! Laksh gulps. I meant to say I didn't saw u here na.. now turn! Ragini pushes him n leaves the room n her heavy clothes.

Stupid idiot duffer moron arrgg 🤬.

She was in the kitchen all alone. Maa... she said with a low voice still scared of AP n her reaction she stayed calm.

Laksh changed n comes down to her in anger. Ragini...!

Laksh shocked seeing her in kitchen she was trying to make something but it all was looking like a mess.

Laksh looked at living room no one was there he comes into the kitchen n closed the door from inside.

Ragini; Laksh what is this? What r u doing?!. Laksh; saving ur life. Move aside.

Laksh washes his hands n starts to prepare the pancakes 🥞. Ragini was just looking at him. How?!

Laksh; what?!.

Ragini; how do u know?!

Laksh; Before my life take a bad turn I was a very gud boy who loved to cook with his mom n dad every Sunday we had a cooking lesson. But dad ruined it all! Still I didn't forget how to cook.

Ragini nods. U had a very cheer- n joyfully childhood, right?!.

Laksh nods. Then they heard a knock on the door of the kitchen. Laksh; margaye {death}.
Ragini; shh! Don't speak! Laksh 🤐.

AP; Ragini open the door! Is Laksh there...?!
Ragini stammers. L.. La... Laksh! N.. No.. Maa he isn't here!.

AP - I saw him going inside hmm Ragini can't cook is he helping her?💡-.

AP; Laksh!! Beta Laksh where r u?! What has she done?! That u runaway ur first day after marriage. DP was suppressing his laugh! This won't work?!.

AP whispers. Wait n see!. Laksh beta mom is here u don't need to be afraid of her! She can't do anything to u! Laksh don't be scared mom is here na!

Laksh; what is she doing?!. Ragini; showing me as an evil n U as a victim of..,

Laksh; domestic violence?!

Ragini bursted our in a loud laughter! Haha.

Laksh; oh funny! Look now what happens! Laksh opens the door. Maa look she held me inside the kitchen to help her. After all she can't cook! Nakaam aurat {usless woman}.

Ragini; Laksh now I will show u domestic violence.

Laksh looked at her in confusion. What u mean?!

Ragini took a magazine n rolled it...

Laksh; Ragini what r u going to do?!.
Ragini didn't wait long n starts to beat him.

Laksh; ouch Ragini! Stop!! Ragini gave u gone mad? He was running away n she was chasing him like a mad furiously woman.

Ragini; useless Woman!!! Laksh; shit!!! Arrey galati hogayi maaf karde {I made a mistake forgive me} u r not useless just brainless woman!. Who left a pan on a hot fire spot! Ragini widen her eyes. Laksh the pancakes!!!!

Laksh smells it. Uff they burned! Ragini ur work is done! Ragini stamps with her feet's. She throw the pillows on him as he was hiding behind a couch!

Laksh caught each pillow. Hogaya Ragini {u done}. Save as much as u can.

Ragini; Laksh help me na! AP; y should he?!.

Ragini bites on her nails. Woh Maa he helped me before it is his recipe I don't want to mess up naa.

Laksh looked at her with a pout. Only for that! It's very easy just place the dough in the pan! Laksh leaves in anger. Ragini; Laksh wait.. she follows him...

Ragini; Laksh stop na! Please help me! I can't cook! I need ur help!

Laksh; y didn't u said it this way?! Y u had to say it is his recipe!

Ragini; woh I didn't thought na. Laksh please I need help!

Laksh; okay fine! But next time don't I dare to make stupid excuses just say the true. I hate liars!

Ragini nods n follows him. Laksh; that pan is death! Ragini; uff I can clean... oh this pan is gone!

AP; oh no it isn't u will clean it!
Laksh; Maa but look naa...

AP; I have seen a lot n this is nothing. We r hungry n I have DIL who can do the first ritual alone! Wah what a choice of mine!

Ragini felt bad. Laksh become suspicious... - what is cooking in mom's mind? -.

Ragini; Laksh I will clean this. Laksh; wait Ragini first eat then! They both prepared the pancakes. Ragini; it is much easier than I thought. Laksh; it depends on the dish u wants to prepare! Ragini; oh!

Then Laksh sat on his place n Ragini served the food!

Laksh helped her with the cleaning of the dishes but both were useless fellows!

Ragini mistakenly spray dirty water on him. Laksh took it as a declaration of war. He too strayed water on her.

Ragini; Yuck Laksh what is that!

Laksh; u started it!

Ragini; by mistake!

Laksh; then y didn't u apologise?!

Ragini; Laksh!

Laksh; n y didn't I thanked me yet?!

Laksh throw the dishes not hard but dramatically he puts them down n left.

Ragini; uff shit he is right!!! Arrgg I should have thanked him! What I haven't Sans yet but I still can!

Ragini prepared coffee something she can do!
She come to their bedroom

Where Laksh was sitting on the bed...

Ragini - haaw Selfish man look at that cup! Self loved but who gave him the coffee I just made it? -.

Laksh looks up n saw her.... Ragini what happen?!. Y r u staring from there?!.

Ragini; nothing woh. I made coffee thought to give u some but... u already have.

Laksh; the cup is empty miss Einstein.

Ragini; Arrg it is Mrs. Einstein.

Laksh; really?! I would never marry that old man with the tongue 👅!

Ragini; Laksh!!  U know what I meant to say!

Laksh laughs 🤣. Unfortunately I do know! Ragini comes with the Coffee n filled it in his cup. She sat next to him.

Thank U! N I'm sorry!

Laksh; it's okay... but we have a new problem!

Ragini; which?!

Laksh; college. 

Long I will try to give u one more update of RagLak marriage is not a joke.

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