Love confession


As promised amitadhuri I won't let u wait here the update.

Recap; RagLak has a cute morning moment. But at college it all changed bcz of Soumya... Laksh so called first Love.

Laksh; Soumya leave my hand. Can't u see she is hurt.

Soumya; So what?! U don't love her... u love me!!!

Laksh turns his face. I don't love u! Damn it I have never loved u now leave my hand! He shout at her.

It matters when she is hurt but it doesn't matter anything to me if u r hurt.

He leaves from there to find Ragini....

Ragini was hurt to the first time she had started to like n trust someone but even that one just lied to her... he could come n console her but no... idiot!

Ragini was in the classroom but she wasn't sitting at her usual bench which was next to Laksh no she was sitting on Sanskaars place which was just a raw in front of Laksh.

Laksh was looking for her everywhere but he heard the bell. Hope she is fine. Damn it! This stupid Soumya!.

Laksh reaches the classroom n was happy to see her there but she ignored him. Laksh was just happy seeing her. He sat on his bench n tried to talk to her but she ignores it.

Laksh hits with the fist on the desk.

The prof; Laksh!.

Laksh; I'm sorry!

Sans; Laksh... u r bleeding...

He was hoping that someone else would show some concern but no...

The prof; go to the ward.

Laksh nods n leaves from there...

Ragini was looking at him but didn't followed him. The lecture ends n Ragini vanished from there without that anyone notice.

Laksh comes to the canteen.
Sans; Laksh what's wrong with U? Y u did this?.

Laksh didn't say just remembered.

Lil FB.

Laksh was trying to talk to her. He pokes her shoulder but she didn't react. He then touched her waist... she glares at him with teary eyes... he did something without her permission. His anger raised n he hits his fist on the desk he didn't saw the compass the needle of it hurt him.

FB ends.

SwaSan; Laksh!!! They shook him

Laksh comes out of his memory. Where is she now?.

Sans; don't know! She vanished as soon the lecture ends...

Laksh; what u... U lost her! Arrrg he again hits with his palm on the table. He leaves the canteen.

Soumya; Laksh!!!

Laksh ignores her not only this but in his blind anger he pushes her n she fall on her bottom.

Laksh Ragini where r u?. Damn it think...! Roof! Oh haan roof!.

Laksh starts to run. He was running as if his life depends on it... which was true as Ragini has become his life...

Laksh opens the roof door n there she was crying silently.

Laksh couldn't see her like that his heart was breaking each teardrop of her marks a broken piece of his heart...

Laksh comes near but slowly...

Ragini heard the sound of the closing door she looks up once to find him... the one who is the reason of her broken heart.

Laksh was now sitting in front of her.

I won't say a word...

Ragini looked at him in confusion. Y? Don't u want to make me understand? Haa tell me?.

Laksh; hmm I wish I could make u understand but first I need to understand what is going on with me...!

Ragini got more angry on him. What the hell! I hate U!

Laksh; that one thing I can't accept n understand. U know at the beginning of everything I used to hate U! But now after knowing u better something has changed... I don't like it when u r hurt... bcz it hurts me! I don't like it when that Ajay Mehta even think of U it makes my blood boil. I don't like it if someone else comes n wants to snatch ur place. I don't like it that my family n ur family r treating us bad but more I hate it bcz u had a bad childhood y now? They could punish us differently but no! They don't... don't know what is wrong with them but who cares I'm here I'm always here! Here in front of U to keep u happy 😊. To make u smile. N I will be here too even if u hate me bcz I... uff

Ragini; don't stop...!

Laksh smiles... she was smiling...

Laksh comes closer cupping her face.

Okay I won't stop but u have to stop crying n always keep this smile on ur face.

Ragini; haan But u complete ur sentence...

Laksh smiles...

Ragini; complete the sentence

Ragini; complete the sentence

Ragini; complete the sentence! She pushes him away but he again starts from beginning...

Ragini; Laksh... please complete the sentence

After a few minutes.

Laksh; y can't u just wait n complete my work..

Ragini looked at him numb...

Laksh; I Love U Mrs. Ragini Lakshya Khanna.

Ragini took him in a hug..

Ragini; hmm Haan I don't like either when someone else like that witch comes n tried to be close to U... 😡.

Laksh; so what is ur reply?

Ragini closed her eyes... n rested her head on his chest.

Laksh; Ragini...?!

Ragini was smiling but she kept quiet.

Laksh; Ragini...?! Don't u dare to play a prank on me!

Ragini didn't react.

Laksh; Ragini... a bit angrier than before. He tried to break the hug but she was holding him tight.

Laksh smirks... his hand was moving on her back.

Laksh!!! She pushes him but he was still holding her so he land on his back but she was still on him.

Ragini; Laksh... I mean Mr. Lakshya Ragini Kapoor I love U too... don't know when it happened but it did happen...

She kisses him..


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