Chapter 8.

Louis woke up the next day, feeling happy. If he was perfectly honest with himself, it was a feeling he hadn't felt in a while despite the fact that he was in love with the loveliest man on Earth and he couldn't happier. Supposidly. Louis did love Harry, dearly. He wanted nothing more, right?

His eyes drifted to the sleeping figure next to him and he smiled. His face was turned to him, his cheek against the pillow so that his brown curls fell over the other side of his face and yes. His hand was on the pillow, near his face and the bed sheet had fallen half way done to his waist, showing off his pale toned back. He looked so peaceful, his lips parted slightly as he slept and Louis didn't want to disturb him but he couldn't help brushing a sling strand of curls out his face, revealing his long black lashes.

It was Saturday, so it meant a lazy day for him and Harry. He let his boyfriend sleep soundly before going into the bathroom and brushing his teeth and putting on some aftershave, and then going back to bed again. He had a feeling that would be about the most productive thing he'd do all day, but he didn't mind. He wanted to spend time with Harry.

"Where did you go?" Harry mumbled sleepily when he arrived back in the bedroom, sitting up on the bed. "To the bathroom. Why, did you miss me?" Louis asked cheekily and Harry chuckled."You know I did." he replied playfully and grabbed onto Louis' thighs, bringing his hips over so that Louis was straddling him. Louis giggled, his hands pressed on either side of his head.

"What would you like to do today?" Harry sighed, his hands placed on either side of Louis' hips. Louis simply shrugged, gazing into the green orbs as he smiled back. "How about I make you breakfast in bed?" he offered and Louis smirked. "I suppse, but I'll probably end up being lunch in bed." he replied. "How so?" Harry frowned innocently and it dawned on him what Louis meant when he leaned down to kiss him fully on the mouth.

Meanwhile, at Liam's house, Niall had stayed over night.

"I've missed you." Niall smiled, turning over to the side on the bed, looking up at Liam. Liam sighed happily, wrapping his arm around Niall's waist. "I've missed you, too." Liam replied, kissing the tip of his nose. "Just out of curiosity, how many times have we have sex?" Niall asked innocently and Liam laughed. "Well, last night obviously. Umm...our first time at Disneyland." Liam began, and Niall couldn't help smiling and laughing at the memory. "The time at your party, and my birthday so yeah, I'd say quite a few times." Liam continued sheepishly and Niall chuckled again, when his phone vibrated. "Who's that?" Liam wondered. "Nobody. Just my parents." Niall lied, deleting the text message from Zayn and sitting it back on the nightstand. 

Liam sighed, turning Niall over and gently catching his lips in his own. "What do you wanna do today?" Liam questioned, his breath tingling against Niall's mouth, sending shivers down his spine. "We could go to the arcade? I could win you a cute, fluffy toy like you." Liam beamed and Niall grinned. "I think you're the cute, fluffy one hear, Liam." Niall breathed and Liam rolled his eyes. "I take that as a yes?" Liam asked hopefully and Niall nodded against the pillow. "Just lemme get changed and eat first." Niall sighed, shuffling out of the bed and shoving on a pair of breifs. "Can't you just stay naked for me?" Liam whined, almost child-like, as he sat on the edge of the bed, admiring Niall's gorgous body. 

"I would, but what if your parents came in unexpectidly and saw me naked down stairs?" Niall laughed, leaning in close to Liam. "Hmm. I really can't get enough of you." Liam admitted innocently, kissing Niall on the tip of his nose. Niall smiled. "I love you." Niall whispered and Liam blushed. "Love you, too." Liam replied simply, and it was the truth. Liam generally loved Niall with all his heart, and he knew he felt the same way back. 

Niall slipped on a black onesie and Liam slipped on a pair of grey sweats and a black t-shirt and they both went downstairs to eat. 

"Liam, can I head back to my place? I need to get some fresh clothes." Niall spoke after they had ate and cleared up the dishes. "Sure, I'll drive you." Liam replied softly so they both headed out to the drive way of Liam's car, with Niall still in his onesie. They arrived at Niall's house shortly after and headed up to Niall's room. Niall began gathering a bunch of fresh clothes, the most that he could find amongst his messy room, when he saw Liam looking at a pair of briefs, a Superman design plastered on them. Niall froze, gulping dryly. Oh, no. This couldn't he happening...

"Niall, what are Zayn's boxers doing here?" he whispered, holding them up. Niall stared, speechless. "They're mine." Niall lied, but Liam saw right through him. "No, they're not. They're Zayn's." Liam said, frowning curiously at Niall. "He stayed over night when you were studying with Mr Tomlinson, okay? God sake!" Niall huffed impatiently, pouring more clothes into his bag. "What has gotten into you these days?" Liam asked exasperatingly. Niall froze again, staring at Liam.

"What do you mean?" he frowned. "You've been Mr Secretive for like a full week now, you never tell me anything! It's like I don't even know you anymore!" Liam fumed, dropping the boxers on the bed. "Maybe that's cause I don't have my head in a bloody book every fucking day!" Niall yelled back, his body boiling with anger. Liam blinked at him. "This isn't about me. You know fine well I need to pass this exam-"

"Yeah, and you don't even to study for it! I don't know why the fuck you're studying with Mr Tomlinson when you're the smartest guy I know and you've already passed the exam last year!" Niall spat back impatiently. Liam sighed, hurt and defeated as he stared at his boyfriend. "You know what? I can't believe we're fighting over a pair of stupid boxers." Niall huffed, dumping his bag on the ground which fell with a large thud, causing Liam to wince. "It wouldn't be happening if you don't fail to tell me where the heck you've been!" Liam shouted back. 

"I've been with Zayn, okay? At least he's actually a true friend! At least he's actually there when you're not! You're never there for me anymore!" Niall said, and then cut himself short, realizing what he had just said. Liam winced again, this time tears prickling in his eyes. "You know what? Don't even think about me taking you out today. In fact, don't think about me taking you out of a while." he added  in a whisper, wiping his wet cheeks with the back of his hand.

Niall stared at Liam, his lips and throat dry. They hadn't fought like this. At least not in a long time. "Liam, I-" Liam walked out, quietly closing the door behind him. 


Not to sure about this chapter! Had writers block about half way through it! But thanks to Karo for the help :) 15 comments? Please make comments detailed :) xxx
