Chapter 11.

Louis watched as his last class that Friday piled in. Everybody was there; Zayn, Niall...except Liam. Louis bit his lip, staring at his empty seat. Was that because of him? Was he the reason for Liam's absence? He hoped not. That'd just be out of line. What's even more odd that Zayn and Niall didn't talk once the whole way through. Zayn kept his head down and Niall kept glancing at Liam's empty chair and the door, expecting him to come in. Either Zayn and Niall had fought when they realized Liam was away, or Zayn just really didn't want detention.

Louis dropped his stuff at the flat before heading down the road, to Liam's house. He tried to remember the address Liam had given him when him and Harry had fought, and drove up the familiar neighborhood. Louis was happy that there was no cars there, as it would've been awkward if he had to introduce himself to them.

He got out his car and rang the doorbell, but after five minutes, there was no answer. He was about to leave when he looked up to one of the windows on the top right corner and spotted Liam peering down at him. His heart skipped a beat as he stared back, and waved up to him, indicating for Liam to open the door. Liam shook his head slightly and went away from the window, avoiding Louis.

Louis frowned and tried the doorbell again, but with no such luck. Why didn't Liam want to see him? Surely he was the reason that Liam went home today...surely. Sighing frustratingly, he pressed his hand over the cold, metal handle and pushed down, and realized that the door was open the whole time. He scoffed and pushed it open carefully, stepping into the household just in time to see Liam walking down the stairs, dressed in an oversized white t-shirt and grey sweats.

Liam stopped dead at the landing when he saw Louis, a bar of chocoalte in one hand. Louis could see the tear stains on Liam's t-shirt, his eyes red and sore from crying. Louis felt guilty. Really guilty. "Why did you leave school after you spoke to me?" Louis was first to talk. Liam opened his mouth, then shut it again. "Didn't feel well." he lied, shrugging ad headed into the kitchen. Louis stepped forward. "Really? You look perfectly fine to me." Louis said, trying to sound cheerful. Liam grunted. "I don't feel it." he muttered smugly.

"Look, you should go. I don't really wanna speak to anybody right now." Liam sniffed, walking over to the kitchen to place an empty glass in the sink. "Liam, you need someone. Really you do." Louis persuaded. Liam's heart clenched as he gave an impatient sigh. Why was Louis making it so hard for him? He didn't want this, he didn't want to have to deal with Louis. "Louis, please just leave. I don't want to speak to anybody at all- especially you." he added harshly with a glare.

Louis blinked. "What? Why, me?" he asked, stunned. Liam let out a bitter laugh. "You didn't tell me that Niall was fucking my best friend behind my back- that's why! So don't act so innocent! You're not in the good books either so please, just leave!" Liam cried, almost desperately. Louis winced. "Okay but just so you know, I know what you're going through." Louis spoke sofly.

"How so?" Liam challenged, thinking for a minute. "Harry." Louis whispered and Liam snorted in disbeleif. "I don't need a sob story from you." Liam sniffed, wiping the tears from his face as he sat down on the couch. Louis joined him. "Liam, please. Just let me help you." Louis pleaded, pulling the younger the boy in for a hug and he immediately felt him tense.

But when Louis pulled him closer, he weirdly felt safer. As cliche as it sounded. And it felt nice to actually be in somebody's arms instead of the other way around. When Liam had stopped crying- after what felt like hours- he just closed his eyes and rested his head against Louis' chest, feeling at ease. Louis bit his lip, suddenly realizing how awkward this was. He was his student for God sake- how would he be able to be with him, if it was going to be awkward like this? He supposed he'd just have to figure out a way to work it out. 

"Are you all right?" Louis whispered when Liam looked up. "Mhmm." he hummed, smiling lazily at Louis. "Can I ask you something?" Liam frowned, perching himself on top of Louis so that his arms were on his chest. Louis nodded. "Why didn't you tell me? When you know?" he asked softly. Louis closed his eyes, scared that this question would come. Liam continued to look hopefully up at him. "Because I care about you, and I didn't want you to get hurt." Louis answered truthfully. Liam frowned. "But I got hurt anyway." he retored. "I know. And I thought I was doing the right thing to protect you. But it was none of my business to tell anyway, it was their's." Louis answered simply.

"Niall came up. Before you." Liam spoke suddenly and Louis' eyes shot opened. "Really? What happened? I mean, not that it's none of my business-"

"He kissed me." Liam sniffed. Louis cocked an eyebrow. "He was saying good-bye. Not just to me- to Zayn as well. He says it was a mistake to cheat on us both and that he was sorry. He said he hoped I'd forgive him so we could be friends again. But I don't know if I wanna be friends with him anymore-not after what he done." Liam sighed, curling up next to Louis. "Just give it time." Louis replied, nuzzling his face into his hair. "Would you ever forgive Harry? For what he did?" Liam wondered. Louis thought about it. He saw no reason why he should forgive Harry for what he did. None at all. 

"It's more complicated than that." was all Louis could muster, followed by a long silence. "Wanna- wanna go upstairs?"Liam asked curiously. "Why not." Louis sighed and they walked up the stairs up to Louis' bedroom. Louis wasn't surprised that Liam's room was, well- tidy. In fact, he was a bit embarassed that his wasn't the same. He didn't think he should mention that to Liam. 

"Do you wanna watch something? I can go and get popcorn." Liam suggested, sitting on the edge of his bed. "Yeah, sure. Uh, just one question. Where are your parents?" Louis asked, suddenly noticing that they were nowhere in the house. "Visiting some relative up north that I've  never met before. They won't be home for a couple of days." Liam shrugged casually. Louis nodded. "Hey, how about we watch the Big Bang Theory? I have the full seasons- 1 to 5." Liam beamed and Louis couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay." Louis sniggered and Liam disappeared quickly to get the popcorn and DVDs. Soon, they were curled up on Liam's bed under the quilt, with a bowl of popcorn sat between them as they watched the big bang theory. It wasn't until half an hour later that Louis caught Liam staring at him. "What?" Louis asked softly, a frown on his face.

"You look different." he suddenly complimented and Louis frowned harder. "How so?" he asked faintly. "You have a beanie on. You suit it." he added for good measure with a smile. Louis chuckled. "I'm glad you think so." he sighed, pulling Liam in, wrapping his arms around him. It wasn't until the third or forth season if the big bang theory that Liam had fallen asleep peacefully in Louis' arms, with Louis going his way shortly after him.


I know it's been long! Been to busy working on other stories, I'm really sorry. 15 comments? Please make comments detailed, thank you! Much love. X 
