"What are you thinking Mr. President? You've been wearing that irritated look on your face since the class started. What bothers you?" Roy asked Suga as they were walking along the hallway. They were going to grab their lunch at the school canteen.

"Hm? N-nothing..." He answered obviously lying.

Roy have known each and every actions Suga does. Whether he's cool and not. Whether he feel bad or well, disappointed or upset. Though Suga had one and only one expression on his face, Roy knows what he feels inside him. And right now, he's certain that Suga's thinking about something bothering.

"Tell me. Was it the girl that bothers you?" Roy asked.

"Tch. Why would a girl bother me? Never did a girl bothered me and you know that." Suga said defensively.

"Okay. Sure. But trust me. I know you Mr. President." Roy teased and walked faster repentantly.

"Hey! You scoundrel!" Suga was left behind totally feeling busted.


Suga was back in his apartment late six at night. He was so tired and up till now, something has been bothering his mind he doesn't know. He felt like he was floating in the air, totally out of himself. And suddenly the girl's face,that moment back in the detention room before he locked the door, flashes back in his mind, that apparently caused his heart beats louder.

He gripped his chest in shock. "Why why why the hell is this heart beating fast? " He asked himself.


Suga winced in shock when someone slammed his apartment door open.

"What the!! You sacred the hell out of me Jungkook!! Could you knock before coming in?!" Suga scolded.

"Sorry hyung. Should I get out and knock your door then?" He asked joking.

"Humor me. I'm not in the mood." Suga wore his poker face again.

He sat on a chair in his dining and started to wear off his uniform.

"What are you here for?" Suga asked loosening his necktie.

"He has quit. Did you know?" Jungkook sat beside Suga.

"I know. And unfortunately, he did sleep here last night." Suga answered and got even more pissed off as he remembered what that guy has told him last night.

[A/N: If you've read the LOVE IS LIKE HELL, you'll know what they're talking about.]

"Really?!" Jungkook asked as if he has just heard the most shocking news ever.

"Yes. And he has only just told me to get a girlfriend that he could steal to make me feel what he feels." Suga said as he stood up and boiled a coffee.

Jungkook was speachless. He lowered his head as a sign of guilt.

"Why did you do that? To your own bestfriend?" Suga asked.

"Hyung, it's really complicated. I agree with Taehyung,get a girlfriend to know how complicated it is if ever this thing happened to you." Jungkook said carelessly.

Suga's ear perked up. His nerves has gone crazy enough for things such these.

"O.O..... For Pete's sake! Why are you people keep on telling me to go get a girlfriend?! Is it necessary?! Can a girlfriend give me money? NO! They'll just spend all my money instead! So why would I have a girlfriend?!"

"Because you haven't since birth. Stop acting like a kid and get a new life. Or hyung, don't tell me you're a homosexual." Jungkook teased him.

"-___- GET OUT."

And so, without a word and just a sarcastic smile, Jungkook left Suga alone.


On a peaceful misty road to the Stonehill University, Kyle was walking alone.

She was slouching and looked so stressed as she was pacing the road. She looked like she never had a sleep in a month.

"Look. It was the girl who stood aginst our president."

"She also blew the whole gate down."

She heard someone murmured that made her stop from walking.

She turned her head sideways to find for the owners of those voices. Until she saw three girls walking just a few steps ahead from her.

She grinned for she was searching for gossipers ten minutes ago and she felt like as if she found the best of gossipers in the school.

So she ran towards the girls proudly of herself.

"Annyeong!" She jumped at them that caused them startled.

"O-omo!!!!" One girl shouted.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhh!" They screamed all together and ran as fast as they could.

"HEY!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GOING?!?!" She shouted. But they were gone fast.

Kyle sighed in disappointment.

"Oh! You're that tough chic!" She heard someone spoke behind her.

She turned around and saw a pretty boy standing with a bright light. He was shining like an angel came down form heaven. Petalsof flowers were falling dow slowly. But of course, it's just her imagination.

"And you?" She asked as she snapped outof her stupid imagination.

"Oh. I'm Han Sang Hyuk. But call me Roy." He bowed.

"So............. how did ROY came out from Sang Hang Hyuk?" She asked dumbly.

"Uhm. It's actually Han SangHyuk. Well, that's the English name I prefer." He smiled brightly.

"Oh. Okay. So you're Roy. Okay..." She said then suddenly remembered something.

"Wait. Have I seen you before?" Kyle asked.

"Ah. Yes..." Roy giggled.

"I am the guy-who-sent-you-to-detention's secretary. Apparently, I am the secretary of the SC." Roy smiled and bowed.

"Oh... I see. You were that guy back then. Ah!!" Kyle thought luck was hunting her now.

"Shall we talk?" She asked him.

"Hm? About what?" He asked.

"Something I'm really curious about. Come one let's get you some bribery first." She smirked and dragged Roy away.

"W-wait! But the class is going to start in a minute!"

"Forget about it. This is more urgent!"

♚♚♚♚♚♚♚♚♚TWO HOURS LATER♚♚♚♚♚♚♚♚♚♚♚

"Noona, have you seen Roy?" Suga asked Cathy, the SC's vice president and Suga's considered best friend.

"Uhm... I think he's absent today. He hasn't shown up yet." Cathy answered.

"Is that so? But that's not possible. I'll go look for him."


Suga then left the SC room and started to search for his lost buddy. Until he has reached the school's backyard garden, which was empty that time.

"Hey! Psst!" He paused when he heard someone hissed behind him.

He turned around and was startled to death as he saw Kyle standing there.

"Annyeong!" She said with her wildest smile.

"Holy shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhip! Why would you shock me like that?!" He exclaimed.

"Ah waewaewae?!?! Do I look like a monster today?!" She asked angrily.

"Worse!! Aigoo!" He replied in annoyance and aimed to leave.

But Kyle grabbed his wrist to stop him.

Suga was more startled. It was the first time a girl has grabbed his wrist like this.

"Shall we talk? Mr. NGSB..."



