Beep beep I hear my alarm go off. I sigh shutting my alarm off getting out of bed. I get ready for school and bring my backpack downstairs so I can eat breakfast. "Here are your pancakes joe." My mom says putting them on the table.

The pancakes smelled so good I ate them right away. "Thank you mom," I say smiling. "Your welcome," my mom replied. She hands me my permission slip for the camping trip. I take my folder and put the permission slip in it. I put the folder back in my backpack. "Alex don't say anything to joe or I'l find out," my dad says taking a sip of his coffee. "I won't ," Alex says looking at me then smirking.

Me and Alex go out side and wait for the bus to pick us up. 5 minutes later the bus came. We get on and I sit next to Noah. "Hey Noah can we talk about yesterday," I say looking at the ground. "N-no we can talk about it later," Noah says to me. I put my hand on his shoulder and giving him a smile. He looks at me and smiles back at me. I could feel my face heating up a little.

We get off the bus and go to see first class to tell us what we are going to do for the camping trip. "Ok class come bring your permission slips," The math teacher says. I take the permission slip out of my folder bringing it to the teacher. But before I can get to the teacher Alex trips me making my nose bleed. "Alex don't do that. Go and get a tissue for your nose joe." The teacher says. I grab a tissue and put it on my nose.

We go outside and get separated on to different buses. Thank goodness me Noah got to share a seat. We sat in the front so that we did not have to hear my brother. I put my headphones on and fell asleep.

Noah's pov

I was looking outside until I felt pressure on my shoulder. I look next to me and see that joe fell asleep on my shoulder. He looked so cute when he was sleeping. I started blushing until I noticed he woke up. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to do that Noah," He says smiling at me cutely. "It fine," I say. "Are we there?" Joe asked me. "Um yea we are," I say.

We get off the bus listening to the teachers for directions. "Okay kids you guys can go to the town to eat dinner at 6:45 and breakfast at 7:00 we are going on a hike tomorrow at 12:00 tomorrow," The teacher explained. We go to are cabin. We see that are other room mate is there.

I was pisses that it was another boy that actually looked good. What if he likes him and hate me then. I start to freak out but I control it. "I call dips on top bunk," I say. Joe rolls his eyes at me. "Let's unpack," he says to me. We spent half of the time unpacking and showering.

"Oh I never got your names I'm Andrew," Andrew asked. "I don't fucking care," I mumble. Joe nudged me "I'm Joe and this is Noah," Joe says looking pissed. He checked his watch. "We should get dinner want to get dinner?" He asked Andrew. "Um sure why not let's go," Andrew said excited. We walk to the dinner place. "Il pay," I say trying to be kind.

"What do you guys want?" I ask them both. "Um can I get a burger," Joe asked. "Me too," Andrew asked. We go into the all food cafe and I order are burgers. "Order for Noah," The kind lady says. I hand them their meal's and we eat them. We walk back to the cabin., Andrew and joe were talking the whole time. I was so in love with Joe but I don't think he would notice.

We go inside and joes says "I'm gonna Change and go to bed," He says. I nod and then do the same thing myself. I pull my phone out and start watching stranger things After two hours of watching stranger things I fall asleep. Joe then falls asleep too.

I made it longer sorry for the wait. If you have ideas pls tell me I really need it this is so bad lol. Make sure you




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