Joes pov
I grab my lunch from the lunch line. Alex pushes me and I fall into Andrews arms getting food on him. "I-I'm so sorry," I say running away. He looked confused and went to change his shirt. I sit next to Noah and he gives me a hug. "Thank you," I say to Noah crying.

After lunch

I had gym class with Noah and Andrew I had a crush on both of them. The gym teacher says we have to pick partners for this class. Me and Noah were partners.

After school

Before my parents could ask how my day was I ran upstairs. I was sobbing quietly because of how disappointed I was at myself. I turn my head phones on listening to music. Forty five minutes later I took my headphones off. I put them on my bed and went to the bathroom. But before I could I heard my parents talking. "I think we should send joe and Alex to the school camping trip," My dad says. "Yea joe only has one friend and Alex has too many." My mom explained.

I was mad so I ran upstairs and headed into my room. "You good bro," Alex says snotty.
"No thanks to you Im not," I say pushing him out the door.
Sorry it's short
