
Author 's Note :- Hello Everyone , This is your author ,I am here to inform you a small change in the story .

Few readers were concerned about Mrs Kim pregnancy details ,So I edited that chapter out ,and the new details of the story has been edited .

,Kim Jimin and Kim Taehyung would be un identical twins ,Jimin would be elder by 2 minutes .And Jungkook would remain the youngest .

So ,I hope now there won't be any confusion ,I had to edit the story because ,Few people found it confusing and commented on it .I hope you enjoy the chapter now .

Thank you 💜


"RIGHT ,NOW LEFT " One of the professor yelled ,while the students groaned in pain warming up for the morning activities .

"Are we doing some military training ?" One of the student groaned in pain ,as his hands reached till his knee bending over ,while few athletic student's hands reached till the ground .


Y/n sighed hearing the great professor 's talks ,As an introvert communicating is the worst thing to do .She and Riri got herself seated near her tent made by them two days back .

Y/n noticed Riri murmuring to herself something .

"What are you doing ?" Y/n asked her as she wiped the sweats off her forhead .

"What would you do ? If I leave and don't come back ? I hope ,it breaks you in two ~" Riri answered back with a straight face

"Pardon ?"

"I am singing the lyrics idiot " Riri spoke ,while y/n felt like squeezing her throat to death ,Y/n looked at Riri with a pissed off expression .

"You could have told me ,you are singing a song " Y/n gritted ,calming herself down for having such a smart as well as dumb as fuck best friend .

"That 's what I told you ----I am singing the lyrics " Riri whined and in return got a side eye from y/n .

"Congratulations Y/nieee and Taehyunggieee " Jungkook exclaimed in happiness as he and the rest two brothers sat near y/n  ,while y/n shyly smiled .

"I knew it ,You both would be couple one day ." Jimin spoke and patted y/n 's head .

"Thank you " Y/n giggled shyly ,while Taehyung who came near them adored his small little family .

Jimin who spoke to y/n ,shifted his head and watched Riri being happy for her best friend ,Jimin smiled and felt a small regret .

Riri never changed , how many times life would make her sad ,she would always been the one smiling ,energetic and funny person .

Taehyung back hugged y/n ,while y/n held his arms which was resting on her waist and pushed him back .

He was always the clingy one and now being the boyfriend of y/n ,no one could stop his extra clinginess ,it was his love language .

Physical touches

Those people's sweet moments were interrupted by the professor again as He announced once again to be back on the activity .

Taehyung whined ,but y/n reassured him that they would talk to each other later ,Jimin and Jungkook had to drag Taehyung all the way .

A female Professor approached the female students for their communication lessons and rest of the afternoon was spent in the lessons .

"The most basic thing for communication is - The way you speak ,the way you stand confidently ,the way you maintain the eye contact while speaking .To have best Communication skills ,you need confidence in yourself ."

The lecture started and which ended for hours.

Riri and Y/n laughed secretly on their lame jokes ,sitting on the grass at the back ,Trying to be quiet as possible .Who cares about those communication and speaking skills ? When you have your best friend to talk weird things with you ?

It was past 3 PM and they were given a small break ,y/n found this break as a way to meet Taehyung ,While Riri wandered a bit and met Tom ,as they both talked a little .

Riri excused herself and sneaked into the kitchen of the guesthouse .

A foodie always a foodie

"Where is that fried chicken ?" Riri mumbled to herself and quietly searched for the leftover chicken from their lunch .

And without acknowledging her surrounding slipped a little ,because of few water droplet spilled on the ground .

"Be careful !" A new voice startled her and grabbed her wrist .

And she knew who it was , This voice ,this touch even in thousands of people ,she would recognize this person .

Kim Jimin

"What are you doing here ?" She gritted through her teeth and avoiding his eyes ,and being embarrassed searching for those fried chicken .

"Nice way of Thanking someone though ,never mind " He sighed and spoke again .

"I was here from the start ,you were busy searching for that leftover Fried chickens and for your kind information ,the left over chicken has already been eaten by me and few other boys from our university " .

Riri pouted unconsciously ,she was in her deep thoughts Because she was hungry .

"But ,I knew you love chicken and I also knew you would come for those left over .So,I saved few pieces for you " .

Riri snapped her head at Jimin ,glanced at him suspiciously while he chuckled .

"Why are you so cute ?" He asked ,Riri was taken a back for a bit and still glanced at him suspiciously .

"Here you go " Jimin handed a small box of left over chicken ,while Riri stood there ,Debating whether to take it or not .

"Don't act like this " Riri spoke ,And listening to this Jimin's smile faded and looked at her confused

"Like what ?"

"Like you care " This words left from Riri 's mouth bitterly ,She wanted him to taste his own medicine .Jimin 's happy face and smiley face fell ,Oh did he hurt her so badly ? That she is questioning his geniune care for her .

"I always did Riri ,I thought we were friends -----".

"No ,we are  nothing ! You didn't care for me when i needed you by my side and reassure my overthinking .You never did ,you distant yourself from me and made me feel alone ,Ghosted me and now you are acting like this .Do you think it is easy to go through the pain your loved ones give you ? This is not a joke Kim Jimin ,I won't let you take me granted for god 's sake " Riri spoke as warm tears fell down her cheeks ,She looked at Jimin 's regretful face .It kinda satisfied her .

"We can't even be friends ?" Jimin asked as he saw her puffy red eyes .

Those tears were the pain he had given to her .

"First act like a Human ,Then talk about being friends .The world doesn't revolves around you ,if you were stressed out because of your being one of the heir of your company ,we could have talked about it .But you were the one to be distant from me ! "

Riri spoke and headed back to her room and closed the door and let her warm tears again fall on her cheeks and quietly sobbed  while Jimin mumbled to himself as he stood there alone in the kitchen with the left over chicken box in his hand .

"I am sorry " He mumbled as one side of his lone tear fell on the box .




It was past 10 PM now ,all the students were heading back to their room having their dinner  tired from all their activities ,So did Y/n and Riri and the boys .

Riri and Jimin walked ahead of them ,While behind them Y/n With Taehyung and Jungkook .

Those three noticed how Jimin time to time glanced at Riri ,While Riri just headed up towards her room and Jimin sighed .

"What is going on between them ?" Y/n asked particularly to no one .

"Cold war " Jungkook answered ,Taehyung chuckled at his younger brother 's answer .

"I am going to sleep Hyung ,Meet you tomorrow " Jungkook yawned and bidded goodbye to the couple ,and now they were the only one left .Taehyung grabbed y/n 's wrist and dragged her to upstairs .

"Hey !! What are you doing ?Slow down Tae " Y/n whispered yelled ,but Taehyung was excited to spend their alone time .

And in no time ,Taehyung opened the door of the terrace and they both entered and locked it ,while y/n widened in panic ,but Taehyung sheepishly smiled .

"What ?"

"Let's have a terrace date " He spoke ,as he started walking and searched for a higher place where they could adore the mountains ,the sky ,the moon .

Nothing could be more special than this type of dates .

Taehyung found second level of small Terrace built ,he called y/n and careful reached the upper level of Terrace using the rotten metal stairs attached to its edge .

Taehyung held Y/n 's hand and sat at the edge of the terrace point ,it didnt have any barracks or railing for safety ,it was all open and infront of them ,they could see few houses ,where light bulbs were shinning ,and the mountains and the river between those mountains ,The clear sky ,The Moon and its company the Stars ,shinning brightly .

"Such a peaceful Terrace date " Y/n inhaled a deep breath .It was so peaceful ..so quiet ...so beautiful ...No candles ..No people ..Just them ..the sky ..the moon ..the stars ..and their comfortable silence .

And for few seconds no one spoke ,both the couple adored the sky still holding each other 's hands .Their right hand intervened with each other .

"I think Jimin and Riri are falling again -----" Just as y/n was about to speak further ,Taehyung slid one of finger on her lips to shush her .

"Don't talk about others ,Only us okay ?" He spoke softly .

Y/n nodded and glanced at Taehyung who was looking at the night sky .

"You like Stars and the moon ?" Y/n asked .

Taehyung smiled as he felt her stares on him ,He nodded and spoke .

"Who doesn't ? The stars and the moon  shines the brightest  in the night ,They look so beautiful to look at it " .

Y/n smiled as well and looked at the sky just like Taehyung did .

"That 's what human does as well , Even they shine the brightest in their darkest times just like the moon and the stars ".

Taehyung smiled more ,listening her talk so deeply ironly .

"What do you like the most ? Morning ? Night ? Or afternoon ?" He asked staring at her side view ,which looked so pretty to stare at ,The moon 's light fell on her side face and his eyes glowed in love and light looking at his precious lover .

Y/n thought for a while and spoke

"Midnight "

"Out of options huh ? Why do you like midnight ?" Taehyung asked giggling at her answer ,y/n giggled as well .

"Do we need reason to like something ?" .

"Of course ,every liking has its own
reason ,Sometimes it might be thoughtful ,sometimes it might be not " He spoke back .

And this answer of his reminded her off Eunwoo 's,proposal.

" I like Midnight because it is only time where we could see the process of night turning into morning .Just like After every night comes a morning ,and when the morning comes ,a person  heals completely .But ,to have the guts and look at process between darkness and morning is something called healing ,So I like it " .

"Irony talk ? " Taehyung smiled asking ,y/n nodded her head .

"Then ,You would also love  Midnight Rain ?" .

"Of course ,yes ! How did you know ? I love rain ,they remind how even after a storm ,a sky could be clear and sometimes even the sky screams which is known as Thunderstorm in scientific language ,but in poetry it is screams of nature .How even beautiful things needs rest " .

Taehyung admired her ,as she talked about the love for her poetry and literature ,Oh to feel what she is feeling the moment  when she talks about the things she love , to adore her personality ,to adore her talks .He knew y/n since many years ,He had been her best friend for many years and knows every little thing about her ,but listening to her today made him realize something ,He still didnt knew her properly ,He still didnt knew what she tries to speak behind those small little simple words ,Why she loves poetry and literature ? When only those words makes things look more complicated than simple talks .Maybe she loves being Complicated ,Maybe she loves being understanding those things which normal people doesn't know how  to understand . Maybe she tries to find herself in those deep talks ,Maybe comforting herself ? Or comforting others ? The y/n he knew since those years , was not truly y/n .She talks like there is another world present in her ,A world where she often escapes from reality ,A world who only knows the real her , and not the world she is living in.A place she runs to ,when she is tired ,maybe it is her paradise from the reality and cruel world .

"I understand why people become so attached to you , Because you speak things that sometimes other person could not place it in words ."

"What ?" Y/n chuckled as Taehyung smiled more ,showing his boxy smile .

"Why do you like me ?" He asked ,while y/n looked at him confusingly .

"Because you are handsome ?" She answered back in a teasing tone .

Taehyung chuckled ,his laugh so deep ,y/n felt shivers down her spine .

"Come on ,Tell me .I want to know "

"Because you are my home " Y/n spoke smiling ,While Taehyung stared at her for a while and smiled softly .

"But I am a monster ,Princess .A monster who hurt others ,a monster who always hides his ugly self ".

Y/n stared at him frowning her eyebrows .

"A monster is never born Taehyung ,They are created by other monsters out there .And everyone is a monster ,but the thing that we all are trying to be a human slow by slow ,little by little " .

" You are my home as well ,my precious girlfriend " .

Y/n blushed ,while Taehyung embraced her in his arms ,now his shoulders resting on her back ,and the right hand still holding onto her hands ,Her head resting on his shoulders .

And again the silence took over ,the comfortable one ,they found peace in each other ...and the hug was warm ....comfy ...safe ...more like Home .

"I have been your best friend for many years princess ,But it still seem like I don't know you " .

"You know , You know me the most " Y/n spoke back .

"More than Riri ?"

"No ,not more than Riri okay ? " Y/n shooked her head and Laughed  while ,Taehyung whined a little .

"Let's not hide any secret from each other ,and be each other 's home okay ?" .

A guilt striked inside her ,A secret that y/n still hid from him was Eunwoo 's,proposal and no wonder why she couldn't tell him ,She was scared to see Taehyung 's,reaction .Scared to loose her home .

"Okay ?" Taehyung asked again .

Y/n nodded her head and spoke

"Okay "

Taehyung smiled and pecked her lips and her Forehead .

"I love you princess " .

"I love you more ,Taehyung " .

They both confessed and adored  the night sky again in each other 's embrace,While the moon and the stars adored their love story back .

Am i late ? :((( I am really sorry ,I checked everyone 's message ,you all wanted an update .And I am really sorry for making you all wait ,I was stuck :( .

But ,here I am again 💜
