I'm Sorry (The End)

I was thinking about everything. Everything that had happened with Colby. Everything that had happened since I met this group of people. It made me happy, just thinking about it made me happy. We had gone to abandoned or haunted places, we had formed relationships such as Aaron and Jess, even Madi and Brennen. It was like we were all meant to know each other. I'm just so glad Colby decided to comment on those posts. There's so much I want to do with theses people. We are literally a group of twelve, all the guys have girlfriends who are all the girls in the group. Six couples who are best friends. How did I meet these people and fall for one of them in particular so fast? I was so confused on how it all happened but I'm not complaining because they are my family and we will never be apart.

A/N I know I said there might be two more parts but I made this one beacuse I thought that was a nice place to end. If you're wondering, in my head, all the couples get married. Three have children (Corey/Devyn, Colby/Daisy, Aaron/Jess) while the others just have each other. Colby/Daisy had twins and one other child. Corey/Devyn had twins and two other children. Aaron/Jess had one child. All the children were besties. The couples with children got a huge house together. Everyone remained in the social media industry.
