Hide And Seek

Sam had left 2 seconds ago and I had already got my spot. There was a tiny cupboard (where devyn's hiding spot was) that had a bunch of boxes. I got in the one at the bottom put some.om top, closing the boxes.

I could feel something moving and then I thought of the one person who could fit in the spot behind me.


Me Are you behind me?

Devyn yeah I think so!

Me omg l, don't give me away!

Devyn I'll do my best!

Daisy's POV

I was sitting there for ages. Then I heard Brennan's voice right by me. "Yo Sam! I know where Daisy is!"
"Where?" Sam replied. There was silence until my box opened I laughed as I got out.
"Who else is caught?" I asked.
"Everyone but Devyn" Sam replied.
"Am I allowed to rat her out?" I asked.
"If you want to. Brennan ratted you out"
"She's there" I pointed to behind the boxes and there she was laughing.

We all went back to where we started the video. "So guys now everyone has been found. In order we have the loser Colby, then Corey, Kat, Aaron, Elton, Brennan, Daisy and the winner Devyn" Sam said "So Devyn, what does Colby have to do or say?" Sam asked.
"Can I include other people in the group?" she asked looking innocent.
"Whatever you want!" we were all waiting when she whispered something to Corey.
"Yo, you can't do that he will never speak to you again. You're gonna make him do that on camera? Devyn you're crazy. OK everyone Devyn and Colby are about to officially end their friendship!" Corey exclaimed as she was whispering. After she started whispering Corey looked at me which made me think I was involved.

"Ok I know what I'm gonna make him do" Devyn said. You could see her mischievous smile
"Wait wait wait. Devyn just tone it down a notch" Corey said we were all confused but let them have their mini conversation.
"ugh fine. Colby you have to...... Kiss.... " the second she said that I saw his face change. "... Daisy on the cheek"
"What?! I'm pretty sure I have to agree on that and I didn't" I said.
"Colby has to do whatever she says right now so you don't technically have a choice" Sam shrugged. Elton high fived Devyn.

I thought for a second. Then I turned to Colby and put a hand on his shoulder. "This is nothing personal" I said just before I ran off. I ran outside and climbed up a tree before one of them could see me. I stayed there and heard them walking around.

"Daisy where are you?" Corey asked in a girly voice.

Group Text

Me I am doing Colby a favour

Colby thank you

Devyn I had a different dare originally so when I find you I am changing it back.

Daisy's POV

I saw Colby below me. "Psst" he looked up and saw me. I motioned for him to climb up so he did. We sat together and whispered. If we heard footsteps we'd stop talking but continue when we heard them leaving.

"Wpuld you have kissedy cheek if I hadn't of ran off?" I asked.
"I didn't have a choice remember?" I giggled a bit.

Group Text

Elton oooo Colby is missing now too. They are 100% hiding with each other

Devyn Awe guys that's so cute

Me just try and find us

Aaron Confirmed!!

Colby you guys will never get us

Elton do you know what the replacement forfeit is?

Me no

Devyn it's a kiss on the lip

Me and Colby looked at each other terrified. "Sleep here?" I asked him and he nodded. I lay my head back on a bran h and closed my eyes. I saw him so the same.

The next morning

It up as actually kind of comfortable. I looked at Colby to see he was still asleep.

Group Text

Me tald you you couldn't find us!

Elton whatever 🙄

Me 😂

Devyn I was starting to get worried

Me did you end the video?

Sam yeah but we are going to add in when we see you next so hurry up and get your asses over here

Me you are being rude so no

Corey where are you guys though seriously

Me I will never tell you and Colby will die if he tells you
