Hi everyone! I am in the works of a new chapter but I wanted to share a floorplan I made of how I imagine the bases setup to be.

Any rooms that don't have a name to them are either spaces filled by temporary characters or have yet to be decided.

Now not all of my descriptions previously may add up but I wanted to share this because even tho I like you guys being able to imagine it however you want, I felt like how I explained the layout didn't make sense all the time and so this was mostly to help me out but thought it would be fun to share anyway with all of you! Obviously you don't have to imagine the base this way if you don't want, just figured it would be cool to see anyway.
Making it actually took a lot longer than I thought and was also pretty hard so shout-out to all the people who make floorplans!😂

Anyway, Will be continuing to work on a chapter and hopefully it will be out soon!
Lemme know what you think of the bases layout🥰

Love y'all🖤
