More than I realized.


After spending the rest of the night hanging out with everyone, me and könig say goodnight to everyone and head on our way to our bedrooms.
König stops me once we make it to my door and puts his hand in mine
"I did..truly enjoy our time together And I.."
he sighs and shakes his head
"I really like being around you."
He gives me a small smile through his hood.
A blush rushes to my cheeks and I smile
"I like being around you too"
His smile grows wider with a satisfaction that I felt similarly to how he did.
"I'm glad."
He chuckles and nods
"We should probably both be heading to bed now.."
König says, taking a deep breath full of disappointment in having to leave my presence.
"Would it be weird to... Ask you to lay in bed with me for awhile?"
I ask, looking up to him and study his reaction to my request
His eyes go wide with excitement and he shakes his head
"Not at all, id love to"
We both look around to make sure no one was looking before slipping away into my room and closing the door carefully behind us.
König takes off his shoes and tosses them next to my door before making his way to my bed and plopping himself down.
"I'm gonna change real quick first, I don't wanna sleep in khakis"
I chuckle as I rummage through my clothes, I grab a tank top and some shorts then head my way into my bathroom to change.
When I walk out, I see könig laying in my bed with his helmet layed on my side table but his hood still on.
He had one leg propped up with the other straight and his forearm spread across his eyes and a light snore was escaping his mouth.
I giggle quietly to myself and walk over to the bed, being careful not to wake him up but of course startling him awake once I sit on my bed and it squeaks loudly.
He lets out a deep breath
"Shiza, that scared the crap out of me."
He lets out a low sleepy laugh.
"I'm sorry, I tried my best not to wake you. I'm surprised you fell asleep so quickly"
I face him, laying on my side, and rest my arm over him with my head layed on his chest.
"Ahh well, I guess you could say.. I had a long day"
He gives me a cheeky smile and I nuzzle my head into him out of embarrassment.
He laughs and starts to trace his fingers gently along my back, causing me to become very tired
"Goodnight liebling"
was the last thing I heard before eventually falling asleep.


I'm startled awake by my alarm blaring, the warmth of könig still very much so present next to me.
His arm was wrapped around my waist, his hooded head nuzzled into my neck while quiet snores left his lips.
I lean backwards and snooze the alarm, könig wakes slightly with a groan and tightens his arms around me to pull me back into him.
I smile and place my hand on his face while placing a kiss on his forehead.
"We need to get up before someone comes to get us up"
I speak quietly, könig responds with a loud disapproving groan.
I chuckle and tap his shoulder
"C'mon, get up before I get you up"
He looks up at me with intrigued sleepy eyes
"Not that kind of up"
I smile and roll my eyes
"Well I can't say ide complain"
He says before rolling into his back while stretching and yawning.
I shake my head and stand from the bed, heading into my bathroom to get my morning routine started.
König comes in soon after and snakes his arms around my waist while I brush my teeth, resting his head sleepily in my shoulder.
"You should probably sneak back to your room before someone notices you're in mine"
I tease before rinsing my mouth
"Ya ya, I should.." he sighs loudly and rubs his face through his hood.
He wraps an arm around me and pulls me in to kiss my forehead
"I'll be seeing you later leibling.."
He says quietly before heading out of the bathroom to grab his helmet and nods to me before sneaking his way out of my door and to his room.

I finish up my wake-up routine, thinking the whole time about how nice it was to finally be able to sleep in a bed next to someone again.
The presence of someone else next to me was very reassuring, especially with how long it had been since I've had that kind of comfort with someone.
That was probably the deepest sleep I've had in forever.
I put on my clothes for the day and swing by the kitchen to grab a snack before heading to practice.

The time had gone by fairly fast,
It was over before I knew it.
We were all now heading to hangout in the lounge area,

Ghost and soap both seemed to be absent since before practice and I had assumed it was very likely they would be assisting price in an interrogation with Hassan.
Everyone was on their toes waiting for word on anything involving the missiles.
As we all sat around, drinking beers and playing videogames, ghost and soap arrived back.

Soap gave me a bring smile and grabbed a beer before playfully grabbing me by my waist and lifting me and cheering at their return, even for only a short time.
I giggled and struggled as he put me down carefully and gave me a friendly kiss on the cheek and hopped over the back of the couch, into a seat and starting to play around with the other guys.
I took a sip of my beer and turned over to könig to see him staring at me with a frustrated expression.
I shrugged my shoulders at him in confusion and he shook his head, walking off out into the hallway.
"What's his problem?.." ghost looks at me, pointing in the direction of the doorway könig practically stormed out of.
"I uh, I'm not sure?"
I finish off my beer and toss the bottle into a garbage can.
"Well it seemed like you might, I don't think he liked soaps excitement"
I sigh and shrug my shoulders once more.
I look around the room at everyone enjoying themselves and decide to go check on könig and see what the deal is.
I nod to ghost and head on my way to look around for könig.

I checked his room,
I checked the kitchen,
Training area?
Still nothing.

Suddenly I hear a sniper shot go off in the distance,
He must have gone to the armory and grabbed some stuff to head to the range.
I head back inside and make my way down the hall towards the armory,
Grabbing a set of ear muffs and heading towards the range.
As I step out the door, I immediately see könig laying on his stomach with a sniper in hand.
I cross my arms and start walking towards him.
I let him finish a shot before tapping him with the tip of my boot on his thigh, he pulls one of the earmuffs back and looks up to me
He turns back and begins lining up his scope again.
"This is the first time I'm seeing you out here, let alone with a sniper, so what's wrong?"
He sighs and pops the earmuff back on and takes another shot.
I watched as he just grazed a bottle he had set up.
I squat down and pull off his muffs completely
"Can you please talk to me?"
He rolls his eyes and sits up, leaving the gun propped up as he sits cross crossed next to it on the ground.
"I don't know if I can talk about it, I don't think I can admit to liking you as much as I do."
His eyes showed his upset,
I could tell he was very frustrated and confused about how he felt.
"What do you mean könig? C'mon, what's going on."
I sit myself down from my squat in front of him and take my earmuffs off to hear him clearly.
He looks down at his hands and starts to pick at them nervously, I place my hands over them to bring his focus to me and he looks me In the eyes nervously.
"I like you. Way more than I realized before.
I knew I liked you but... Soap touching you made me angry.
I wanted to tell him off, tell him to stay away from you.."
I sigh and smile
"There's nothing wrong with that könig, ide probably feel the same way with you if there were more girls around here."
König sighs with relief
"Really?.. you would?"
I nod
"I would... You don't have to be scared of me könig. Especially considering what we've already done together.."
We both blush at the thought and sit in silence for a few minutes.
"Thank you."
König says as we are both sat, looking off into the field of the range.
"For what?"
I look to könig confused
"Caring what I'm feeling. Not many have considered giving it any thought."
I look at him with a sympathetic look, I rub his shoulder reassuringly
"That's not something you should need to thank me for."
He nods at my response and looks back out into the field.
I scoot myself closer to him and give him a small hug.
He looks down at me, almost unsure as to how he should respond to the sudden gesture.
I give him a small reassuring smile before giving him a kiss on the cheek and standing
"We should head back in, we don't need people being suspicious. Ghost already seemed curious about you walking off"
König laughs and stands himself up, grabbing the rifle and hanging it in his shoulder.
"Then let's get goin"
He says before patting my ass and gesturing me to walk inside.
I roll my eyes playfully and we both head inside.
I waited while I leaned against the doorway for könig as he puts the rifle away, he double checks everything is in its place before walking up to me
"Before we head back.."
He places one hand on my cheek and lifts his hood with the other, kissing me deeply then pulling away with a smile and letting his hood fall back into place.
"Shall we leibling?"
He says gesturing to the hallway.
I smile and head off while he follows closely behind after shutting the door to the armory.
We both make our way back to the lounge and hangout once again with everyone until lunch rolls around.

Maybe this is more serious than I was initially thinking..


Why hello again😎
Here is another chapter for ya nasties,
It was a cute little simple one but hopefully I'll be more creative in the next chapter :')
Love y'all and hope you're having a great day/night❤️💕

Until next time soldier🫡
