The Second Murder

Lui's p.o.v.

I wake up the next morning, get out of bed and stretch. I walk down to breakfast where Shu is serving everyone waffles for breakfast. I know he's my greatest rival, but I have to admit, his cooking is great. The day is getting off to a great start, when I see Free talking to a group of people, boasting about how he beat me in a match. Does he have to be so loud so that everyone in the room can hear? I think to myself. His showing off is getting on my nerves now.

Free's p.o.v.

I was telling Valt and some of his friends now I beat lui in a bey battle during breakfast, when Lui shot me a really mean look from across the room. Can he hear me from all the way there? I wonder. Shu comes over with today's breakfast - waffles. I thank him and begin to eat.

Shu's p.o.v.

After breakfast, we all went to see if we could break the hollow wall and see what was behind it. To our surprise, it had become a set of golden double doors.
"Well?" Barked Lui. " will someone open it or will we just stand here gawping at this door? "
Valt cautiously approaches the door and pushes it open. We all gasp. It was a dojo style place with a wooden floor. There was a glass cabinet filled with weapons. Swords, knives, shuriken, numchucks and many more I didn't know the name of.
"This is great!" Says Valt excitedly. " we can learn to defend ourselves here! "
"Mate," says honcho. "It could also work the other way round. These weapons could also be used to kill someone too!"
" yeah but you learn the basics first, like throwing and aiming. Then you learn all the advanced stuff like how to kill." Counters Xander.
I guess he would know since he works in a dojo. Up until lunch, Xander showed us how to throw the shuriken and knives so that they hit the target from a far distance. After a morning of hard work, we went back to the hall to have lunch.
"Oh no!" Says Lui, looking at what he was holding in his hand. "I still have my shuriken! Free, will you come with me so I can put it back?"
" Sure." Free yawns.
They both get up and go to put the shuriken away. And I had an uneasy feeling that something was going to happen. Why would Lui want Free's help?

Aiger's p.o.v.

Lui and Free took a long time coming back. Just as I got worried, Lui sauntered back in. I asked him where Free was.
"He was a bit tired so he went to his room to sleep," Replied Lui.
Accepting his explanation, I carried on eating.

Shu's p.o.v.

Lui came back without Free. Aiger told me Free had gone to sleep. That didn't make any sense. I decided to put my doubts to rest once and for all. I walked up to the room Free was sleeping in and quietly peeked in. He wasn't there. A feeling of dread gripped my heart, turning it into ice. Where could Free be? I had a suspicion. I walked over to the dojo/training room. Going inside, I saw a horrendous sight. Free was pinned to the wall with a shuriken protruding out of his brain. I checked his heartbeat just in case. No such luck. I ran back to the hall, where everyone had just finished lunch.
"Guys!" I yelled over the noise. " someone murdered Free! "
There were disbelieving mutters.
"I'll show you myself," I said, leading them to the dojo.
Everyone screamed when they saw Free's dead body.
"How do we know you didn't do it?" Sneers Wakiya.
"Why would I kill Free?," I asked. " I have no motive to do it. "
"I know someone who does!" Pipes up Valt. " Lui! When Free was telling me and Honcho about how he beat Lui in a battle, Lui got this really jealous face! "
"Plus he made the excuse that Free was taking a nap when Free had just woken up from a nap!" Butts in Aiger.
" So! " says Honcho triumphantly. "Was it you?"
" FINE! " screamed Lui. "It was me!"
A spike comes out of nowhere again and impaled itself deep into Lui's chest.
"Guys!" Says Hearts. " it's almost ten-thirty! "
We all rushed to our rooms as fast as we could and got ready for bed. Lying in my bedside table again, was another piece of paper. It said:
Day 3:
Deaths: Free De La Hoya, Lui Shirosagijo
People alive: 20
We have to get out of here. Soon. I thought to myself.

sorry i took quite long with this one! it was my brother's birthday and i had literally no time to do any writing! i promise the next one will be quicker!
