The Death Of Toko Aoi

Valt's p.o.v.

I woke up the next day still a bit flustered from how Lui sneakily Killed Free. Shu made delicious waffles again for breakfast and after breakfast we started training with the equipment again. Today Xander tests us on how well we could throw the shuriken. Once he was happy with our progress, he tested us on our knife throwing skills. After what seemed like ages, he finally says we are good enough and let us go down to lunch. Lunch is spaghetti carbon dioxide or something like that. Daigo says it's spaghetti carbonara. After lunch, we went back to the dojo to train.

Shu's p.o.v.

After lunch, we all go to the dojo, this time Xander shows us how to use the knives during close combat. When it's time for dinner, Toko and Nika volunteer to tidy up.
"Don't be too long," Valt tells them.
we all go downstairs and begin eating. After about 10-15 minutes, Valt gets worried and goes to look for Toko and Nika. We all follow just in case. Getting to the dojo, we are all shocked. Toko was lying on the floor with a knife in his head.
"Who did this?!" Shouted Valt angrily. "Who killed Toko?"
Nika started sobbing.
"It was an accident!" She sobbed. " I threw the knife behind me and didn't realise Toko was in the way! I killed Toko! "
The spike swung out of nowhere and impaled itself into Nika's heart.
"Montezuma!" Roared Valt. " come here! "
Montezuma appeared out of nowhere.
"Yes master Aoi?" Enquired Montezuma.
Valt grabbed Montezuma's arm.
"That was an accident!" He yelled.
A spike impaled itself into Valts chest and dragged him away.
"Oh my." Said Phi. " Toko and Nika were the two people I wanted to die the least. "
"Hey!" Shouted Hearts. " what about me? "
Phi shrugged.
"I don't really care what-"
He never got to finish his sentence as Hearts killed him. A spike came out and killed hearts too. We all went straight to bed after that. Another note waited for me on my bedside table. It read:
Day 4:
Deaths: Toko Aoi, Nika Aoi, Valt Aoi, Phi, Hearts
People alive: 15
Tears rolled down my cheeks. Valt was dead all because of this stupid game. I now knew what I had to do. I had to win this game.

hopefully that update was quicker! are you enjoying the story so far? please comment below!

also, i'm so sorry but my wattpad account doesn't seem to be working properly. i'll be changing my account and you might need to find the story again. it will have the same tags and the same title so hopefully you can find it again. if not, my new profile name is 

