chapter 16: monster high Sisters will be sisters

The morning started almost like every morning with the wolf family but this time it wasn't just Howler's joke that started it, it was Howleen's payback that tip the scale



"Alright, you two that's enough!"

The mom said coming into the room seeing them fighting

"You two fight all the time but this time it's gone on long enough"

"But she started it!"

They setting Union as they growled at each other making the mom sigh

"Howler remember that thing we talked about when Clawdia came over?"

"Yes ...wait you mean"

"I'll ask your father and see what he can do"


Howler shouted as she ran out of the room, once at school Howleen saw howler talking to her friends about something which they seem really happy. The bell rang and Howleen went to class, half of class Howleen wanted to know why howler was so happy about so after class she caught up to her

"Hey howler why are you so happy"

"You really want to know?"

She asked with a giggle making Howleen even more confused

"Today my young twin sister we won't be living in the same room anymore"


"I know right I'm so happy, mom talked to Dad today about my idea of making dad's workroom my new bedroom and he said yes!"

"Wow, I can't believe it"

"I know it's like a dream come true, Clawd will be leaving school early along with my friends rococo and they will be done once we get home tonight"


"Yeah, we are going to go shopping to decorate my new room, mom said I can pick anything I want, want to come with me"

Howler asked as Howleen agreed, once school ended they went shopping it took forever for howler to pick the style and color for her room, once she got done they headed home as the stuff got sent to the house.

"I feel like I'm dreaming, me having my own room will be ....wired and all mine"

"Not having second thoughts are you?"

Isis asked

"Are you kidding, I've always wanted my own room but mom said the house wasn't big enough"

"What changed her mind?"

"Dad gets the garage which is much bigger then his workplace and Clawdeen's workshop gets moved to the attic that is the same size as the garage"

"So why didn't you making the garage your room"

"Because it's too far from the main hallway bathroom"

"How many bathrooms do you have in your house?"

"2, one upstairs and one downstairs but I like the downstairs bathroom"

"I would ask why but I don't want to."

Isis said as they headed home, howler was so happy that this was happening that she didn't notice a not so happy Howleen

"Welcome howler to your new bedroom"

Clawdeen said as she opened the door, howler walked in and gasp at how beautiful the room was

"mom and dad thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Now howler, I'm giving this to you because you asked and your father agree that you are old enough to have your very own room and because he agreed on this trade I expect you to..."

"Yes yes yes, do homework, get good grades, be a good girl, can I have a moment to myself now?"

Howler asks them as the parents left the room along with Clawdeen as Howler jumped on the bed screaming with joy, Howleen was watching her sister go crazy.
