Chapter Thirteen

Would you get angry because of the prank or laugh it off along with the prankster?

(This chapter is dedicated to Ondrila__)

"Because Manik you don't just talk to strangers but also flirt with them." She whispered back and stared in his eyes.

He gave her a blank look as if trying to process what just happened. She waited, gave him time to calculate it in his mind.

When finally realisation dawned upon him, his eyes widened as he suddenly leaned back and opened his mouth to say something but then closed it. He did this a few times until she chuckled at his attempts to say something.

"You─How─When─you lied." He stuttered badly, blinking his eyes and she tried not to laugh loudly at his state.

Suddenly he narrowed his eyes at her and she raised her eyebrows. Pointing his forefinger at her accusingly he started.

"You played me. You said you weren't coming." He accused and she grinned innocently to which he only huffed.

"Well how could I when I was already here." She shrugged and he glared at her for trying to be extra smart.

"Then why did you say that? And how did you recognise me?" He asked confused and she sighed at his questions.

"Well I was just having my share of fun. And about how I recognised you, you were also looking around for someone just as I was and then you took out your phone and messaged me, so I knew." She shrugged and he shook his head at her explanation.

"By the way am I not right? You do flirt with strangers." She pointed out and he looked at her. Now that he knew that she was Nandini, he looked at her carefully and she noticed him staring at her which made her squirm in her seat.

"I did flirt with a stranger." He replied staring at her intently and she could feel heat creeping up on her cheeks.

"But that was the only stranger. Because it isn't everyday that a stranger like her messages me mistaking me for someone else." This time she was shocked when he said that. Did he not flirt with anyone else except me? I can never believe that.

"What? How was I supposed to know that you are not that Manik Malhotra." She tried to defend herself and he smiled.

"You know sometimes I'm glad that my name is Manik but sometimes I absolutely hate it because you're clearly not into this Manik Malhotra." He grumbled and she pressed her lips refraining herself from saying the truth.

She so was into this Manik Malhotra!

"Anyways what will you have? I'll go get it." He said when she didn't reply anything and she knew he was trying to not make her uncomfortable. If only he knew!

"I'll have one chocolate cappuccino. But wait I'll pay for myself." She said and grabbed her purse but then she heard him scoff.

"As if! I'm not letting you pay Nandini. What kind of guy let's a girl pay on their first date? And no I'm not anti-feminist before you think that." Saying so he left leaving her dumbstruck.

Date? Did he say date? This is their first date? And she fooled him on their first date?

Fifteen minutes later he returned with their order and she decided to ask him whether he said date or not.

"Manik is this a date?" She asked hesitantly and he looked at her as he was keeping her cup on her side. She appeared to be nervous and he smirked.

"You don't want it to be?" He asked taking a sip of his coffee and she seemed flustered. What was she supposed to reply? She looked down at her coffee biting her lip very well aware of his gaze.

"I don't know. I just thought this was a casual meet." She answered still not looking at him. He chuckled and she immediately looked up confused.

"You look cute when you blush." And if it was possible she turned more red.

"Nandini it is not important whether this is a date or not, what is important is we finally met and like you had mentioned I definitely don't find you ugly from any angle." He teased and she surely wanted to strangle him for doing this to her.

He is surely taking revenge for what she did to him. Idiot.

"Okay shutup. I know you are trying to embarrass me now just because I played a prank on you." She huffed and he could only notice how adorably cute she appeared with her cheeks puffed up.

"Okay I'll stop. But let me ask you something. Don't you think your voice is a little squeaky?" She looked at him wide eye and he couldn't control anymore as he burst out laughing at her irritated expression.

"Manik!" She chided already irritated and now embarrassed as well because everyone around were staring at them.

Well how could he let it go without taking his revenge. Hahaha :p

But thank you everyone who liked, voted and commented on this story. I'm deeply grateful to all of you❤️
