Chapter Eight

Would it freak you out if you start liking him just in so little time?

That night after their dinner was over, Nandini had ran straight to her room but to her dismay her brother followed behind saying he wanted to spend some time with him and as much as she wanted to throw him out she did feel that her time with her brother was too cut short.

So like a good elder sister she agreed to spend time with him which ended them together watching Netflix. Time flew as they watched the series "Money Heist" and they got so involved in it that none was ready to sleep.

In between when Nandini's eyes fell on the clock, her eyes widened and she shrieked loudly causing her brother to jump in fear. He glared at her but she ignored it and asked him to sleep as it was too late and she had to go to work tomorrow. Although it was true but she knew she won't be sleeping after he would leave.

Reluctantly her brother left grumbling something under his breath about something wanting to continue watching the series. When he finally left and closed the door behind she grabbed her phone and thought about it.

Should she call him? He said he would be waiting but what if he slept already? It was way too late.

But something inside her told her that he would be awake so the next second she opened the contact list and clicked on his name.

The phone rang twice before he answered and she sighed to herself.

"Were you sleeping?" She asked almost guilty.

"What do you think?" He questioned back, his voice sounding just fine. It didn't seem like he was sleeping or even sleepy.

"I'm sorry. I was spending time with Yash and then I lost track of time." She was still guilty because he was surely up because of her.

"Well aren't you one nice sister." He teased but she didn't chuckle nor did she reply him.

"Nandini it's fine. I told you I'll wait right? So there's no need for you to feel guilty." He assured her but she wasn't convinced.

"But you shouldn't Manik. It's 12.30 already and you'll still up because of me. I should've atleast texted you so that you could sleep." She muttered and heard him sigh. Was he tired?

"Yes I'm tired. Not because I was waiting for your call but because you can't stop looking down on yourself. Nandini why do you always take things upon yourself when you clearly know it's baseless." He was now frustrated and inspite of that she giggled.

She heard him suck in a sharp breath which caused her to cover it up with a cough. Was he angry now that she was laughing when he was talking about something serious?

"Did you just giggle?" He asked quietly and she couldn't make out if he was mad or not.

"Yes?" She said but it came out more like a question. She waited for his reply but he didn't say anything for few minutes.

"Can you do it again?" He said and she looked at the wall infront of her in disbelief. What even? Has he gone crazy?

"Manik are you even hearing yourself? You sound crazy!" She exclaimed rolling her eyes and heard him mutter something but didn't understand it.

"What?" She scrunched up her face but he dismissed it saying 'nothing'. What a weird man!

"So I was thinking that we won't show our faces to each other in photos now but when you get comfortable enough, we'll meet sometime in future. It'll be more exciting to see each other in person than in pictures. What say?" He really sounded excited even now as he explained everything and she liked that he mentioned meeting sometime in future.

"Sounds good. I'll like that." She smiled and he hummed in appreciation.

"But please don't take too long or for you future might mean 2-3 years." He so liked teasing her and she was irritated.

"Shutup Manik!" She chided and he laughed loudly causing her heart to skip a beat. I'm sure it did miss a beat. His laugh is beautiful.

"Okay sorry and even though I hate to say this, you should sleep now because it's too late." He said concerned and she looked at the time. It was almost 2 am. So soon? It felt like just ten minutes!

"Goodnight Manik."

"Goodnight Nandini. Dream about me!" Although he was flirting, his voice was warm and she didn't retort, just smiled knowing she might dream about him.

Thank you to everyone reading! :)
