"Listen Michi, I hope you believe me!! Tho no one did before but please trust me Okay??"
"I love you so i'll trust you" said Michi looking into his hazel eyes giving him assurance to speak


7 Years Ago

"Save me!! Save me!! i'll die!!" shouted the little Taehyung from the pool "Mrs. Min!! Nanny!! save me!! I'll die!!"
"Taehyung NO!!" Jumped Mrs. Min into the pool to save him. She started pushing him up and instead she was sinking!!
"Taehyung get out" she said pushing him out but her breathe started to run out
"Hehe Mrs. Min i decieved you" he said getting out of the water. He waited for her to get out but instead she went deeper in the water!!!
"M-Mrs. Min!!! Come out now" He called for her "M-Mrs. Min" he screamed when she didn't get out and Mr. Min came
"M-Mrs. Min didn't get out!!" He cried when Mr. Min jumped into the water to save his wife

"Eunbi!! Are you okay??" Mr. Min shaked his wife trying to do an artificial respiration and help her get her breathe back

"T-Taehyung" she started to wake up "Is Taehyung Okay??" She asked unconsciously
"Y-Yes!!" He said hugging her and crying when Mrs. Kim and Mr. Kim went outside running for the screams

"What happened!!" ran Mrs. Kim to her wet son and his fainted nanny

"I-I d-didn't do anything! Mrs. Min jumped into the water!!" He pointed at her
"Little sir!! Don't lie!! She went into the water to save you!!! She could have died there!! She can't swim!!!"
"I-I?? Nooo" he shaked his head as a sign of no when Mr. Kim pulled him inside

"You did this??"
"No dad!! I swear she jumped into the water by herself!!"
"I will see the cameras and if you were lieing i'll be too angry!!"
"Aah Mmm Aaah I-It w-was my fault" he said and then looked at his dad with a smile as if it's nothing but he didn't expect that hard slap!!

"dad!" He said with eyes filled with tears
Although his father always scold him ,He never slapped him before!!

"but dad"

"Mmm i was wrong! I shouldn't have done this! I have to apologize" He was talking to himself thinking deeply of what he did

"Mrs. Min" he knocked his nanny's room's door
"Come in" she said and he opened the door looking into the ground
"Come Taehyung" she called him and he entered closing the door behind him, still didn't raise his eyes to look at hers
"Mrs. Min, I mean nanny" he stuttered
"Yepp my son"
"I-I'm sorry" he said in a low voice. Tho he was wrong! He didn't apologize in a loud voice. Taehyung never did apologized or Thanked anyone!! He was so arrogant, he learnt that from his father. Even in school, No one wanted to be his friend because he treated them as if they work for him.
It's not his fault for being like that!! His father always taught him to be that way but his mother and Mrs. Min tried to change those habits
"What?" She pretended she didn't hear him
"I-I'm sorry" he looked into her eyes "I-I really didn't mean it! I didn't know you can't swim" he said when she holded his hands.
"I accept your apology TaeTae but you have to apologize to Mr. Min and your father too"
"Nanny" he said jumping on her bed "Dad beated me!! I will never apologize" he complained
"But he is still your father Taehyungie! He was worried!!" she patted on his soft brown hair
"But You accepted my apology!! Why should i apologize for them too?!"
"Mr. Min was too worried too and he loves you but your actions weren't proper for a gentleman Taehyunggie"
"Are you sure?? Should i apologize??!"
"Yes! Apologize for both of them" she said and he was convenced
"Okay i'll do it after one thing"
"Give me my kiss" he smiled joyfully
"Tete i'm the one who you should give the kiss here" she said tickling him
"Heheh Okay Okay" he said kissing her
"We are okay now?? Mini Mini??" He asked happily and she nodded "Minie Moo" It was there secret word

"I'll go to apologize to Mr. Min First then i'll do to My father"
"Okay but say sorry in a loud voice" she said pinching his soft cheeks
"Okay Okay nanny" he said trying to free himself. He was about to leave when he returned back to her and hugged her

"I love you Nanny.. i can't believe my life without you" he tightened the hug
"I love you more Taehyungie! I want you to be the best boy... Don't do it again Okay??!"
"I won't" he kissed her again and ran to Mr. Min who was in the garden looking at the pool sadly!! He was going to lose his beloved wife today!!

"Mr. Min!!"
"Mmm" he replied angrily wiping his tears away
"Mr. Miiiin" he said jumping while holding the end of his suit
"How can i help you little sir"
"Sir?? Mr. Min since when you call me sir when we are alone?? Didn't you tell me we are friends??"
"We arenot anymore sir"
"Because you lied!!"
"I was scared. You know kids! I'm one of them that's why i lied" he said innocently that Mr. Min laughed at his cute reactions
"Ohh you laughed means you accepted my apology" he said teasingly
"Mmm look into my eyes" he said looking into Mr. Min's eyes "see!! Your eyes say I forgive Taehyung I forgive Taehyung"
"but my heart still didn't" he said teasingly too
"Mmm let me see" he said and tried to jump to reach Mr. Min's heart
"I heard it!! It says i love Tete i love Tete" he said changing his voice to be softer "Mr. Miiiiin please forgive me" he said moving right and left
"Okay if you did something"
"Anything!! I will do anything!!"
"Sing to me one of the songs you wrote"
"Aigooo Mrs. Min told you"
"Nope i saw your notebook" he said teasingly
"Ohh How!!"
"You left it in the car the last week and i took a peek"
"Aigoo" he said tickling him "You playboy" he said in a cute way. it was so cute especially from a little boy like Taehyung

"Haa?? Sing and i will forgive you"
"Okay Okay i didn't finish it yet but i think you would like it"
"I will listen to everything"

In the streets full of flowers
I see you today too
Will it be in me
In the park of the early morning
I have my feelings now
Towards this old yellow
Illuminated by the moon
Listen to the film
I still wonder wonder beautiful story
Still wonder wonder best part

"That's it?!"
"I told you i didn't finish it yet"
"Taehyung you are talented!! You sing and write beautiful songs and you are just 13!!" He praised him and Taehyung rupped his nape
"Now you forgive me?!"
"Where is Monnie Monnie Hug??"
"Yaaay" he said hugging him
"Now excuse me i have to apologize to dad too" he said "Don't you know what should i give him as a gift?!"
"Mmm Your father would love anything because he loves you!"

"I knew what should i get him" he said happily and ran to his room before going to his father's room

"I'm sure he will like those chocolates! He always asked me to give him some but i refused hehe" he said happily holding his chocolate's jar

"Yes i'm sure!! Do what I told you before retreating!!! Make it seem like a normal accident not a murder!!! If anything went wrong Never mention me or you will regret it" Taehyung heard his father who was talking in his phone. He was shocked that the chocolate's jar fell from his hands
"Who is it!!" He shouted when he heard the shuttering voice
"Taehyung!! Come in my boy" he said pulling him into the room and didn't care about the glass he stepped on!!

"D-Dad!! What murder were you talking about??"
"Shhh Don't say that!! It's our secret okay?? Taehyung!! I do all of this for you!! Now be a good boy and Never tell anyone!! If you did you will regret it too" He was threating him!!

How can a father threaten his son!!

"D-Dad but this is too w-wrong!! Please stop what you are doing" he stuttered and was about to cry
"Taehyung i do all of this for you!! I want to give you everything!!" He said reaching his postion and patting on his hair when Taehyung moved 2 steps away

"Yes i do want everything!! But not with that way!! Not by killing other people" he screamed when Mr. Kim put his hands on his mouth
"SAY IT AGAIN AND I WILL KILL YOU TOO" he threatend him again and Taehyung ran to his room
His foot was bleeding from stepping on the glass but it didn't hurt the same as his heart. He is a part of that crime now!!

"What's wrong Mr. Kim" entered an unexpected guy
"Minjun!! Taehyung knew about our plan!!"
"Don't worry sir i'll do my best to stop him but you have to promise that you will let me marry your daughter!!" He bargained
"Okay Okay but stop him!!"

Jin was coming from work when he saw Tae running to his room. He was faltering because of his foot injury

"Taehyung" Jin called but Taehyung didn't hear him so he went after him to his room

"What's wrong Taehyung?" He asked when he saw Taehyung shaking in a corner and talking to himself
"Tae!!! What's wrong?!!" He shaked him when Tae didn't answer
"H-Hyung!!! Dad Dad is doing something w-wrong" he stuttered and kept hitting his head in the wall
"WHAT IS IT!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!! WHAT HAPPENED?!!" He hugged him to calm him down
"Dad is planning to kill someone but i don't know who is it!!" He cried

"Taehyung stop your lies!! This time it's not funny"
"I-I'm not lieing i say the truth i swear i heard him i swear believe meeee" he said holding his head when the headache became stronger
"Okay i'll go and see but if you lied i swear i will never ever play or talk to you"
"I say the truth!! Stop him!! Stop him!! STOP IT!!! STOP IT!!!" He said crying and holding his head
"Wait here and calm down i'll go to see what's wrong" He left his little brother who had a mental breakdown to see what's happening down there.

Jin went to his father's room and talked a bit with him trying to lure him when one of the guards interrupted

"Sir we got some bad news!! Mrs. Rujin passed away with her family in a car accident"
"What!!!" Shouted Jin who was shocked! Taehyung didn't lie this time

"Excuse me dad" Jin excused himself and ran to Tae's room who laid on the ground without moving
"TAEHYUNG!!! TAEHYUNG!!" shouted Jin when he saw his little brother.
He was covered in sweat and his legs were bleeding he didn't move nor talk just laid with his eyes opened and tears are coming out of them he cried silently

"SOMEONE HELP!!" shouted Jin holding his brother who was totally in a mess. This wasn't the same Taehyung 30 minutes ago


"You mean no one believed you but Mr. Jin??"
"But Why didn't he say anything??!"
"Because i was the one who told him. They sajd maybe it's a coincedince. Even tho Jin hyung was the most trustful person in that house"

"What happened next??!"
"Mmm i don't remember much because i had a temporary memory loss and i was taken to the hospital. Maybe it was better to forget what i suffered then" he said "But i remember what happened that day! It's printed in my memories i even have nightmares about it!!" He said sadly "Dad then blamed me for it!! I changed alot since then until we met" he continued when she hugged him and cried

"You suffered alot"
"Yaah don't feel pity i'm better now"
"Noo my little baby suffered"
"Yepp you are my baby" she said patting on his hair
"No i'm not a baby!! Why do you call me a baby"
"I told you before!! Everything cute and nice i take it as my baby"
"I am not your baby"
"Great!! I will call Baekhyun to be my baby then"
"Mommy" he said in a childish way "Mommy Mom Mama! I love you"

"Mama?" She laughed
"Yes you are my mother" he said hugging her
"Shut up!! i'm not your mother"
"You called me my baby a while ago" he pouted
"It's my fault!! Now get out i want to sleep" she said pushing him
"But it's my room?!"
"Aah Mmm okay!! Aaah it's 12am!! Good Night!! i'll leave to my room now" she said when he pulled her from her arm that she fell on the bed so he hovered her

"Why are you mad?"
"N-Nothing!! Just don't call me like that!!" she stuttered
"Ooh You don't like it?!" He started to laugh for her cuteness. She pushed him and was going outside when he preceded her and locked the door

"What are you doing??" She gulped
"What?? I'm locking the door to stop you from running away!" He smirked
"Yaah Kim Taehyung Stop It!!" She said when he locked her behind the door and hugged her
"Stop what?"
"S-Stop this" she said when he was coming closer
"Mmm If you weren't mama then what should i call you??" He spoke slowly looking at her lips then at her eyes

"Remember our first meet?? When you took me to the police station?? I never said i forgive you for it" he said coming closer that the gap between them was 0.00000001cm. They were about to kiss!!!
"I-I'm sorry"
"Sorry??" He was coming closer to kiss her so she closed her eyes

"Mr. Taehyung open the door!!" said the knocker

"Aishh Who is this??!" He said and Michi opened her eyes
"It's Hana sir"

"It's Hana!! If she saw me then rumors will spread in this house!! You might hear i'm pregnant!!" She started to speak when he put his hand on her mouth!!
"Shh! Hide" he said and she went under the bed

"What?" He opened the door
"Mr and Mrs. Kim came from outside and they want you"
"Okay tell them i'll come" he said and she bowed and left

"Is she gone??" Asked Michi trying to get out
"Yepp she is. My parents need me! You will sleep right?! We didn't do anything in our first date!! I will compensate you laterer "
"Okay Nighty Night. I'll wait" she said and kissed him on his cheeks and left quickly before he says anything
"Cute" he said touching his cheeks and smiling

"Mmm? It's midnight?? What do you want??" said Taehyung when he went to his parents
"Tomorrow Jennie's parents are going to come!! We will make a family dinner so get ready"
"You could have told one of the maids to tell me!!"
"Stop your arrogancy!! Tomorrow by 8 so Get ready!! If you didn't come then you probably will know what i'll do!!" Shouted the father when Taehyung huffed and went back to his room
He didn't want to start a fight
