Can you bear it ?

"I don't need an assistant please leave now" he said with an angry tone.

"I'm sorry but i'm not here to follow your rules i'm here to follow Mrs. Kim's rules" she replied while slightly pushing him to get into the room

"You said you are my assistant so you have to do what i order you! NOW LEAVE" he said while trying to push her outside

She freed herself and started to speak more formally "Sir your breakfast will be ready in few minute ;now please get ready"
"For??" He raised his brows"Today is Saturday you dumbo now get outside or"
"or?" She asked
He started to come closer to scare her but she brilliantly managed to escape ;going down to get the breakfast

"Hh it seems she will leave faster than i had expected , i hope mom can understand it and stop those behaviours" he smirked looking at the mirror

"Aishhh what's wrong with him he scared me !!! Oh this pervert" she was getting down the stairs when she saw Hana holding the breakfast tray

"Was i too late??" asked Hana worriedly
"No it's okay just on time you can go now" said Michi taking the tray from her and getting back to Tae's room

"Woah are you a super hero now? how did you manage to get it that fast?" exclaimed Taehyung
"You can have your breakfast sir, i'll be down-stairs if you needed me ;please call". But Taehyung ignored her as he was playing Pubg and focusing on the game; moving his hands as a sign of out

"Aishh i shouldn't have accepted that job he is so arrogant" Michi said to herself while getting out of his room. Now where is Jungkook's room . He must be there now

"The third room after Taehyung's" she said to herself . Then she stood infront of a room's door and knocked twice . "Come in" it was Jungkook's voice so she entered the room to see him playing computer games on his desk

"Noona finally you are here" he ran and hugged her
"See , i told you the room is a heaven" he said excitedly "now see ,the closet is filled with good clothes we don't have to get me any till i join college" he jumled happily "And see they even got me DVDs and a computer in my room!! Noona i can't believe that everything here is mine" he said while jumping and showing his sister every inch in his room.

They sat together and he started to tell her about the maids and how they treated him till it was afternoon

"Okay Googie noona will go to see Mr. Taehyung for few minutes to see if he needs me. You have to study now okay?" she said and he nodded
"Fighting sweet heart"
"I'll play for one more time okay?"
"okay but not much! i will go to check on Mr. Tae and i'll come back to see if you were studying or not" she warned
"Kekeke okayy" he laughed

She knocked Taehyung's door again but she got no answer so she opened the door as usual to find him still playing with his phone , intead he sat next to the charger in the corner as his battery died out while playing

"Mr. Taehyung it's time to stop playing . And revise some files" she said but he didn't care since he had his airpods on while playing . She had nothing to do but to pull the phone from his hands

"Aishh so hottt!! How was you holding it" she screamed
"Yaaaah Are you crazy give it to me quickly!" he shouted being too angry
"No! time is over stop playing games you have been playing more than 3 hours now!!" She reprimanded
"Yaaah just this time i'm about to win"
"I said n..." she was about to continue when someone shot Taehyung in the game and his character died

"Aiisshhhh it was the last level and i would have broken the best score Aaaaahh" he went too angry that he even dropped few tears
"Wait are you crying for a game?" She laughed
"I said don't get into my room today!!! Why are you here!! OUTTT!! " he then opened a box from his pocket and got out a cigeratte and started to smoke "Yaaa ,you smoke?!!"
"None of your buisness GET OUT"
"You are smoking because you lost in a game?? What's wrong with you?! She took the cigeratte from him and threw it in the ashtray

"Are you testing my patience??" shouted Taehyung
"No Taehyung now it's time for some work! Here are some files you need to sign" she said and left to see her brother while he was feeling too angry, he had nothing to do ,so he sat on his desk and started turning the papers but ended up sleeping because he hate reading as the letters make him feel sleepy...

Michi went to Jungkook and started studying with him

"Ohh it's 4pm!" she said surprisengly "We studied alot today"
"i need to rest" said Jungkook turning his computer on
"Okay now you are free little boy" she said happily
"Play as much as you want but don't forget the dinner!"

She went out of Jungkook's room and remembered she had to check again on Taehyung. His actions are unpredictable and he can run away in any second

She went into his room to find him sleeping on his desk ,when she went to wake him up he was sleep talking

"it's true ,please believe me ,i'm not lying this time" and he was sweating hard
"Mr. Taehyung" Michi started to shake him until he was awake
"Yes i'm here working" he stood so she laughed at him
"Do you need anything?" She asked
"I'll sleep get out" he replied back so she bowed and left

The rest of the day passed peacefully since Taehyung really didn't have much to do. No problems other than he called her every single second to get him things he already had next to him
"Get me the remote control"
"Change the channel"
"open the window"
"turn on the lights" he was really asking for dumb stuff but she had to do it or she will be fired.

When it was 9 Michi told her brother to sleep and went to her room
It was the first time to get in because the whole day was between her brother and Taehyung's room or the kitchen. She didn't have anytime for herself but she has to take on it.

This will be her life until Jungkook graduates from high school.

Jungkook is in the 10th grade ;a local school . Michi gave up going to college this year because she wasn't able to afford Jungkook's school's fees and her college fees so she decided she can take the college entrance exam a year later.

Her room was as big as Jungkook's ;inside there was a soft bed with light green sheets on it her favorite color! A simple and classic style that could fit any girl in her 19th . Michi was so tired so she slept the whole night

"Trrrr Trrrrr" it was the alarm ringing for the start of a new day. It was 7am and Taehyung has to be up by 8 to go to his father's company by 9. She woke up and had a shower , changed her clothes and wore a white chemise with a navy suit and white comfortable heals, then went to wake Taehyung up

She knocked twice and there was no answer so she opened the door

"Mr. Taehyung , Yaah Taehyung" he was sleeping while covering himself in his blanket and hugging a pillow ,with his tablet and phone lying next to him

"Taehyung you will be late for work" but he gave no respond so she had nothing to do than to turn off the AC ,opened the curtains to get the light into the room

"Yaah!! YOU TAEHYUNG!!" she tried waking him up but he didn't want to wake up so she started jumping on his bed. he was getting up and down as well till he was fully awake

"Few more minutes please" he said in his sleepy voice. Taehyung had a very deep voice and when he wakes up it was deeper
"No Taehyung get up NOW" she said clicking on NOW
"What time is it?" he asked
"7:45" she said while getting off the bed
"then leave me those 15 minutes i promise i will wake up then" Michi can no longer endure so she went like "Yaaah are you a kid wake up you have work ,even my little brother wakes himself up for school" she shouted loudly
"Taehyung wake up" she removed all the honorofics and started pulling him from the bed
"10 minutes then 5 pleaseee" he was fake crying until he was up and sat on bed. He then realised he was shirtless so he covered himself
"Do you like seeing naked men all the time?? He asked but she pretended she is not listening and went to his closet and got him a black suit ,black shirt and even a black neck tie to put on, then she left to get him breakfast

She put the tray in his room and left to stand infront of his Mercedes benz GLC Classic that he will take to work

When it was 8:30am Taehyung got out and she opened the car's door for him and she sat in the seat next to the driver. The way to the company took much time and silence was the leader through their way. She turned to look at Taehyung and she saw him playing with his phone but he noticed her
"What do you want Kimchi?" "Nothing sir and it's Michi not Kimchi" he waved for her to stop talking and he put on his airpods to sleep till they arrived to the company

Taehyung had a great carisma that everyone looked at him when he left the car and went into the building. Michi was walking behind him . They had the elevator together and he went to his office while Michi stayed out with the secretary ;Mrs.Park.

"Hello are you Tae i mean Mr.Tae's new assistant?"
"Aah yes i'm sorry i didn't introduce myself .i'm Jeon Michi you can call me Michi"
"Hello Michi. Nice to meet you. I'm Mr.Taehyung's secretary here. My name is Park Yuna. You can call me Yuna too and i bit i'm older too hehe" she smiled to Michi and Michi knew they might be good friends.

Taehyung called for Michi and she went in
"Get me coffee!" Tae ordered while pretending to be working. "Yes sir" she nodded and went to get the coffee

While standing infront of the coffee machine a handsome guy tapped on her shoulder
"Mrs. Jeon Michi? Taehyung's assistant?"
"Yes" Michi smiled to this young man
"Nice to meet you. You will see me alot too" he said and left her with his cute warm smile. He had a great carisma just like Tae! and he entered the CEO's office so she thought he might be the CEO's secretary or something. few seconds the coffee was finished sl she took it and went to Tae's office and put it on his desk. He took the cup and had a sip

"Eww what is this"
"coffee sir as you ordered"
"I don't like coffee eww"
"B..." she was about to continue when he inturrupted "I want chicken"
"Yes! now! fried chicken"
"But you just had breakfast and How am i supposed to get you fried chicken now!? it's 11am??"
"There is a restaurant next to the company i always got fried chicken from there" He said with confidence
"Now get me the chicken" he said while getting his phone out and returning back to play his games
"okay sir just wait"

"He is weird How come someone can have chicken in the morning? But i have to follow his rules.." but before she left she went to Mrs. Park and told her something.

-at the restaurant-

"How much will it take Miss??" "Just more 10 minutes , we don't usually fry chicken that early" she was waiting when she got a call from Mrs. Park
"Yes Yuna eonnie?"
"Michi ,He is out!" said Yuna
"i knew it" she said to herself "Thanks eonnie!" she ended the call

-Back in the office before going to the restaurant-

"yes Michi"
"Mr.Taehyung asked me to get him some fried chicken but i feel he would run away ,Can you call me if he got outside?"
"Sure sweetie don't worry"

She ran quickly to the company to see Taehyung playing with the phone
"Mr. Taehyung" she called but when he saw her he started to run! She ran as well but she lost him so She opened her phone to see where he is as she previously added a tracking device in his neck tie. She started to follow the the device till it lead to a dark side street.
"What will he be doing here? ,THIS SPOILED YOUNG MAN" she started to look over and over till the location lead to a closed path
"Are you looking for this beautiful lady?" She turned to see a huge man which seemed to be a kidnapper or a serial killer
"Your boyfriend is too weak let's see how will you be" he smirked and ran towards her and was about to hold her arm when she did one of her Karate movements that made him fall on the ground

"Where is he" she was about to hit his face hard when another 2 thin men came to her so she hit them hard as well and started to look for Taehyung ,when she heard a moan that seemed to be for someone in pain

Following the voice She found him lying on the ground while bleeding and moaning out in pain

"Aah Taehyung How do you let them beat you like that" she backed him then called the driver to come to where they were. Few seconds the driver came but this time she sat with him in the back and got the aid box that was in the car and started applying medicine on his injures, he held her hands and looked in her eyes
"Let me finish what i am doing!" she said angrily.
It was the first time for Taehyung to get cared by someone. He always healed his injuries by himself.
"Mr. Taehyung why did you leave the company "
"sshhh" he then pretended to be sleeping .

At the Kims

"Hey Michi ,Mrs. Kim wants you in her room"
"Okay Mrs. Min thank you for informing me" she went to Mrs. Kim and who was having a cup of tea
"yes Mrs. Kim i heared you wanted me"
"How was your first day in Taehyung's company? Did anything happen?" She asked
"No ma'am it passed peacefully but Mr. Taehyung had some stomachache so we came a bit earlier"
"ohh is he okay now ?"
"Yes ma'am he took his medicine and he is taking a rest now" said Michi and left the room


-Back in the car-

*Taehyung closing his eyes*
"Yaaah you Kimchi"
"It's Michi , M I C H I"
"Kimchi Mochi whatever"
"How can i help you sir?"
"Don't tell mom" he said and then coughed
"Don't what??"
"Don't tell mom i said! She will be angry and if you told her i will tell her you didn't take good care of me" he said then he fixed his position and pretended to be sleeping again


Michi changed her clothes and then went to Taehyung's room knocked twice and opened the door
"Yaah How much should i tell you to knock the door?"
"I did"
"i didn't answer"
"then you have to answer next time! HERE" she threw him an ice bag "put it on your face" she continued. he pretended he is not listening so she put it by herself and stood next to him
"Aaah too cold"
"it's because it's an ice bag you dumbo"
"Dumbo?? Don't you notice you speak with no honorofics when we are alone but infront of the others you use them??"
"Sure do you want me to get fired for being impolite to my boss???" She smirked he then pulled her to sit next to him on his bed and holded her hands to make her closer to him.

"Can you teach me" he whispered in her ears ,His hot breath gave her goosebumps


Thank you for reading my book ๐Ÿ’œ i'll update about 2 chapters per day โค i'll be too happy if you commented and told me your opinion too ๐Ÿ’˜๐Ÿ’˜
