Chapter Thirteen - Chance

          I try to sleep, I really do, but it's hard to sleep after making a deal that will likely get me and all my friends killed painfully. The room doesn't help much, either. Sure, the bed is comfortable enough, but the endless darkness and the walls painted with dripping blood aren't my favorite. 

        I can't stop thinking about the events of the day. I can't believe I stood up there in front of Antimony and told him I was going to find and use the King's Bane. I hadn't even had a plan until we had entered that throne room. Now I have a plan, and it's a terrible one. But... it just might work. I have to hope. And then there's Tris...

       As if summoned by my thoughts, there's a knock on the door. "Come in?" I call cautiously, and Tristan pokes his head in. "Hi," he says softly. "I didn't know if you were awake, I just thought you might want to talk..."

        "Yeah, sure, come in," I sit up and wave at him to close the door behind him. He does, then comes over and sits on the bed across from me. It's still strange seeing him with the Hunter's slit-pupiled yellow eyes and long coat. 

        "Are you sure about the King's Bane?" he asks immediately. He looks worried. I can't blame him. I'm freaking out. 

       "Yeah," I tell him. And I am, no matter how scary it is. "It's the only way."

Tristan nods, like he had been expecting this. "Well, I won't try to stop you," he says. 

         "Is it worth it?" I wonder, hoping he'll reassure me. "Do you think... Will Antimony keep his side of the bargain?" 

       Tristan gazes around the room, thinking, before meeting my eyes again. "He will," he admonishes firmly. "I know what you think of him, but he's not... Well, he is like that, I suppose, but he's also not. I mean..." he looks away, a slight flush coloring his cheeks. 

       "Oh my god," I can't help but gape at him. "Are you- Are you dating the prince of the Mirror Realm?"

        "That's none of your business," Tristan snaps at me, but weakly. 

"Ok, sorry, I'm sorry, I won't ask again, it's just... you're so different now," I admit to him. "You have this whole new life here, and I don't know how to feel about it." 

       "I know," Tristan sighs. "I'm sorry. But we can talk about it more when you get back, yeah?"

  When. Not if. He thinks we can do it. "You're not coming with us?" I ask. Tristan shakes his head. "I'm needed here. I have a job to do you know. But I'll make sure that Nico is safe while he's here."

       "Thanks," I say, and I mean it. He nods and rises to his feet. "I've got to go. You should try and get some sleep. Oh, and some advice for your journey: Seek out the Circus of Lost Souls. They're a small group of outcasts and unwanteds, but their leader is peaceful and said to be helpful to anyone passing by."

       I consider this advice, trying to remember if I knew anything about the Circus of Lost Souls. "Alright," I say. "Thanks, Tris."

        "No problem," my former best friend-turned-Mirror Realm badass gives me a soft smile as he heads out the door. "Good night, Chance."


    I sleep a little bit, but still not much. I wake and immediately feel tired and cranky. Well, this is going to be fun, I think, and head out to get ready for my quest.

        Spencer is waiting for me in the hallway, in her leather jacket and combat boots, her blue-and-purple hair pulled back in a ponytail. "You look miserable," she comments by way of greeting. I shoot her a grin. "I try." 

 She rolls her eyes, then frowns. "I meant to ask you yesterday. Are you ok?" 

       This genuinely surprises me. "You care whether or not I'm ok now?"

Spencer shrugs. "I only hated you because I thought you were stuck up and part of some sort of evil murderous cult. Turns out I was only partially right. About the cult bit." she smirks, and it's my turn to roll my eyes. 

       "But, now that I've actually hung out with you a little," Spencer admits as we walk through the winding corridors, "You're actually not bad."

       "You like me," I tease her. She punches my shoulder. "Don't make me take it back, Princess."

I laugh, but quickly sober. "I'm sorry," I tell her, "for coming up with this plan. I'm probably going to get everyone killed."

         "Oh, you're undoubtably going to get everyone killed," Spencer replies. "Not even because of the plan, just because you're an idiot." 

        I snort. "You know, insulting me extra isn't going to make me forget that you like me," 

"Shut up," Spencer says primly. "But seriously, it's ok. I didn't stop you from making the deal, did I? I think we can do this. And if we can't, we'll at least find some way to go out with a bang, right?"

           "Going out with a bang sounds just your style," I remark. "But... let's try to survive."

"Of course," Spencer and I share a quick smile, then step out the front door of the castle. 

         Nico, Kitty, Antimony, and Tristan are waiting outside for us. "You ready?" Tristan calls. I nod and give him a quick hug. Nico practically tackles Spencer. "Be careful," he tells her. "If you die, I will never forgive you." 

        "You won't have to, because you'll be dead too," she reminds him, "But I'll keep it in mind."

Nico hugs Kitty too, then shakes my hand awkwardly. "I'll keep them safe," I promise him. He thanks me and gives me a shaky smile. 

        "Well, my adventurers," Antimony declares, stepping forward, "It is time for you to depart. Remember: you have seven days only. Then the boy is dead. Good luck!" 

       I glance at Spencer and Kitty. Kitty puts on a brave face, and Spencer sets her jaw and nods ever so slightly in my direction.

         "Alright then," I say. "Let's go."

