Chapter Ten - Chance

                      The day we enter the Mirror Realm, the sky is cloudy and gray. No one is outside. We decided to skip school, because there was no way any of us could focus on something normal. 

           The four of us, Spencer, Nico, Kitty, and me, stand at Wintergreen Academy's gates, staring up at the imposing building. Even though it's a Monday, the school is empty. They shut it down the minute they learned the mirror was cracked. 

       I'm not ready for this, but I'll probably never be. The last time I messed with the Mirror Realm, I killed my best friend. There is no way this can end well. I glance at Spencer, who looks up at the Academy without fear, her jaw set. I have to do this, for her. I can't let any more innocent people get hurt. I have to try again. And that's that.

      "Are you ready?" I ask, hoping I sound calm and in control. Nico nods, eyes distant. Kitty looks to Spencer, who meets my eyes. "Let's kick some Mirror Realm ass."


        The effects of the cracked mirror have already spread throughout the Wintergreen building. Vines of a thick, oozy material thread over every surface, and the air smells of decay. I take a deep breath and form a small ball of light over my palm so we can see. 

         "Creepy," Kitty comments. That's an understatement, I think, but I don't say it out loud. "Just stay behind me," I tell my companions, approaching the staircase. "Let me do all the talking." 

       "There's going to be talking?" Spencer mutters. "Oh boy! I love talking to demonic beings that want to kill me!" 

        If she keeps this up, I'm going to kill her, but that's another thing I have to refrain from saying. 

       As we approach the mirror room, the darkness grows heavier. The vines are thicker here, and shapes flicker in my peripheral vision. I shiver, trying not to think about what we might have to face. 

          "There might be guards at the mirror," I warn my companions. "We'll have to get past them." 

           Spencer cracks her knuckles, and I shoot her a warning glance. Violence would not be a good idea in this situation. 

       The back room of the school library is open, and a sickly pale green light emanates from it. That's not good. I'm terrified by what we'll see in there, but I can't let it show. I have to be strong. 

         A low growl sounds in front of us. I throw out an arm, stopping Spencer and the others from moving any further. I hold up my ball of light and stifle a yelp.

      Before us is a massive animal, like a wolf but not quite a wolf. Its eyes glow green, its fur is threaded with strands of pure gold, and it has sharply curved spikes along its spine. Also, it's twice the size of any normal wolf. It regards us coldly, its bristling tail twitching back and forth. 

         I take a step forward. "Let us through," I order, hoping my voice isn't shaking. "We have urgent business in the court of the Mirror Realm." 

         The wolf seems skeptical, but apparently decides to humor us. It turns and pads away, giving us easy passage to the room where the mirror is held. We enter, and I freeze in the doorway.

         The mirror is open. No more glass covers the swirling green-and-white portal in its center. The dark vines in this room are thicker than in any other place, and they twist and boil as if they are alive. Creatures peer out of the corners of the room, crouching figures with spindly limbs and huge round eyes. 

        On either side of the mirror/portal are beings unlike any I have seen before. They appear to be sewn together out of human parts. Patches of flesh in every skin tone make up their bodies, crisscrossed by ugly scars of stitching in thick black thread. In some places the stitching is coming undone, and in those places shine pinpricks of light, like thousands of tiny eyes are peeking out of the skin. No, those are eyes. Oh, god. 

               "Ew," Kitty says behind me, which sums up everything pretty perfectly. Nico looks like he's about to throw up, but manages to put on a brave face. Spencer seems fascinated. Of course she does. 

       The creature on the left turns its hideous face toward us. Its features are completely messed up. It seems like whoever put it together didn't actually have any idea what human faces look like. The creature's mouth is on its forehead, its nose is on its chin, and it has three eyes scattered haphazardly across the expanse of skin. 

           "What do we have here?" It asks. Its voice sounds like a chorus of flies buzzing as one, which adds to my theory that there are tiny monsters living inside it. 

       I clear my throat. Let me do the talking, I had said. "We, uh... We..." 

The creature on the right joins the conversation, delighting in my hesitation. "It's a little mage," it buzzes. "And it has brought friends!"

       "Mmmm they look quite delicious," the creature on the left says. "It's been a long time since I have feasted on human flesh."

        "How shall we kill them?" the creature on the right asks its companion. "Shall we invert their eyeballs? Ooh or rearrange their limbs? What do you think?" 

   I'm panicking now. I try desperately to think of something to say, but my mind is entirely focused on the fact that they are about to invert my eyeballs. Fortunately for me, Nico steps in before anything can happen.

        "Is this any way to speak to your king?" he demands, but the voice isn't his. It's Nikolaius, brought out by the proximity to his home dimension. The creatures freeze, astonished. 

        "Your... Your Majesty,"  the one on the left stammers. "We thought you were dead."

"The humans tried," Nikolaius snorted, "But they were no match for me. I have been biding my time in their world, waiting for the portal to open so I could return and claim my throne. Now, let me through." 

     "Of course, my king," The creature bows, then pauses. "But, if I may ask... The humans? And the mage?" 

         "Do not question me!" Nikolaius snaps. The creatures look at each other nervously, then nod enthusiastically. "Of course not, my king, we would never, my king."  They back away from the portal, giving us easy access. 

        Suddenly a voice echoes through the green light. "What is going on over there?"

I freeze. That voice... it can't be...

      "King Nikolaius has returned, lord," says one of the creatures.

"The king? Impossible." The light of the portal swirls faster, and a figure steps through. I make a noise somewhere between a gasp and a squeak. The figure observes us curiously, head tilted to one side in a very inhuman manner. "Well," he says, his voice as familiar to me as my own. "This is certainly unexpected. They will come with me. The prince will want to see this." he meets my eyes for a second, and a slight mischievous smile flickers on his lips.

        I can't breathe. "Tristan?"
