Authors Note

Heyyy gizee.

We have just reached the end of season five and I'm having mixed feelings.

Also if you haven't seen the Miraculous movie or the rest of season five I really think you should.

Oh and the movie is on Netflix, if you don't have access to it check out "hdtoday" a free website that has it. It also Miraculous on it excluding the last six episodes of season five, might I add however that the specials and other seasons are there, and the quality is great.

Thank me later. Also I'm considering starting a blog,but this September I'm transitioning into a senior in high school and it's gonna occupy most of my time.

I'm Caribbean so even if I try to explain you won't get it. To simplify it I have some external examinations that will determine how my future is.

I hope to continue my one shot boom tho, as we await season 6 I know the fandom is going to be buzzin' and it's fans will be creating new pieces to keep us occupied till then. Theories, one shots, edits, blogs, vlogs.....

It never ends.

I hope whomever reading this is ok.

If you're not an atheist, God loves you.

I love you. Thanks for all the support.

Till next time

Peace <3
