* at the swimming pool *

Kim : it's a tie, who knew you'd soon be able to keep up with me
Ondine : I've been practicing
Kim & Ondine : ( the akuma alert goes off )
Ondine : looks like there's another supervillain right now but no worries Ladybug and her team safe us all like always in no time
Kim : ya no worries ( a little nervous ) so who is the person who got akumatized
Ondine : it says that Ladybug and her team is fighting a new villain named joker near a movie studio wait didn't you say that you and your class are learning how to work in a movie industry you'll be working with the previous Mayor Andre Bourgeois right ?
Kim : yes you're absolutely right which means that I have to go right now don't want to be late
Ondine : why don't you stay a little while there's utter chaos near the studio you could get hurt
Kim : don't worry I'll be fine
Ondine : wait is it ok if I come to see the production of the movie you and the others will be making ?
Kim : sure I think Andre Bourgeios wouldn't mind so you can come, see you at the studio
Ondine : wait can't I come with you
Kim : I uh well I kinda want to go alone
Ondine : you want to be alone but you always love the company of others
Kim : people can change well later bye ( leaves and hides in an alley way ) I always wanted to be a hero and have secrets to keep but I never knew it'd be so hard and painful to lie to the people you love
Xuppo : It is hard to keep secrets but maybe better to think about this later the faster you transform and defeat the villain the faster we'll all have fun making a movie and you'll forget about this
Kim : you're right Xuppo, show time
King Monkey : lets go teach some baddies a lesson they'll never forget

* after the battle *

Superheroes : pound it
Ladybug : great job everyone

* at the studio *

Kim : ( enters the studio ) phew made it
Andre : glad you could come
Miss Stacy : where are the others
Kim : they're on their way
Ondine : hey Kim
Kim : hey Ondine
Andre : Who's sh-
Everyone : ( bursts in the room )
Lea : ( sitting on a chair and painting her nails ) wow your new friends sure are very late for every class Lean
Lean : ( glares at her )
Miss Stacy : now that everyone's here lets start shall we ?
Andre : we shall
Rose : what movie are we going to make
Alya : how about a story on a team of superheroes fighting crime and kicking butts
Felix : we already got that in real life I don't think many will be that interested in it
Marinette : ya how about a story of two lovebirds
Rose : aww I like this idea
Alix : ands what's gonna be in it just two people like you and Adrien always going kissy kissy
Marinette : hey ( blushes )
Adrien : ( blushes )
Mylene : how about a movie to bring awareness among the people of all the problems that the little animals are facing
Max : it could even support the sanctuary project put in motion by Mayor Bustier
Adrien : I agree this would make a great movie
Marc : I and Mr Bourgeois could write the story
Nathaneal : I'll help
Lean : Me too

* after a few hours *

Andre : this story is simply lovely
Miss Stacy : now that the story is complete lets get some products for the movie and select our main leads give them their scripts and start producing the movie
Nino : I'm gonna be the director cause I'm always the director ( adjusts his cap )
Miss Stacy : ok director Nino who do you think should be our main leads
Nino : Adrien and Marinette duh they're the best there is
Adrienette : ( blushes )
Adrien : thx Nino
Iris : ( glares at Mari ) don't you think I too should be one of the main leads
Nino : you know acting
Iris : yes I know a lot of bollywood actors and they taught their acting skills and were surprised why I didn't take acting as a career but due to my charity work I'm not an actress if not I would've been one of the most famous actors in the world
Nino : huh that's interesting
Marinette : ( mumbles to herself ) something about her feels familiar
Nino : ok then you could be the third lead or something I think Marc and Nath could try to fit you in the story
Alya : Nino this movie is about the nature and animals I think it's best if Ivan and Mylene are the leads
Kagami : I agree in a movie the leads should have the personality fit for the movie then the movie would be captivating
Everyone : uh huh / I agree 100%
Nino : guess you two are the leads ( points at Mylene and Ivan ) and I'll see if Marc and Nath could fit you as the one of the leads in the movie Iris
Iris : it's ok the director always knows whats best for the movie
Nino : I wouldn't say always
Alya : uh huh stop pretending to be modest Nino
Nino : whatever lets get started on the movie now
Alya : what about the others
Nino : don't worry Marc and Nath written down everyones roles for the movie ( passes the paper on which everyones roles for the movie were written down )
Miss Stacy : alright students tomorrow everyone's going to get their scripts and today lets go buy some products and costumes for the movie production
Alix : already got them ( holding many bags )
Miss Stacy : what ? When ? How ?
Kim : ( standing beside Alix and also holding many bags ) Max written down all the items needed for the movie and I and Alix bought them while you were all busy
Alix : and since I brought the most I win
Miss Stacy : impressive
Kim : especially this monkey costume I'll be the monkey in the movie
Nino : I don't there's a monkey in the movie
Adrien : well the more the merrier right
Ondine : you could have asked me to help too Kim
Kim : nah I didn't want to trouble you with it afterall Alix and I got it covered
Ondine : ( sigh )

* flashback *

Kim : I'm so bored
Alix : me too when are they gonna finish
Kim : ( an idea flashes in his mind ) hey Max what are the things we need for the movie
Max : the story isn't finished and you already want to go buy the products needed for the movie
Kim : I'm just bored so I want to go out
Max : hmm considering the story is about nature we would need cardboard cut outs of trees,bushes,animal costumes,and other tiny animals
Kim : why don't you write it all down
Max : ( writes all the required materials on a paper and gives it to Kim )
Kim : hey Alix wanna race
Alix : you bet I do
Kim : lets see who can get the most of the things for the movie Bunnix vs the brave amd awesome King monkey
Alix : lets see if a monkey can catch up to the speed of a rabbit lets go ( goes and hides in an alley way ) fluff, clockwise
Kim : Xuppo, show time

* flashback ends *

Miss Stacy : so since Alix and Kim brought us everytging we need for the movie lets start setting these up
Everyone : uh huh / sure / gonna be fun
Lea : I'll only set up the pretty flowers I don't want to get strangled in those wines our get some leaves and tree branches stuck in my hair and I won't set up flowers with thorns I don't want to prick my finger
Miss Stacy : alright but do as much as you can for the movie
Lea : fiinnee
Miss Stacy : alright now lets get started

* everyone started setting things up *

Chloe : how do I get these wines off me could anyone help me please
Kim : don't fret damsel in distress Sir Kim is here to save you ( frees Chloe from the wines )
Chloe : I'm no damsel in distress did you forget I am Queen Bee or rather was
Kim : ( rolls eyes and leaves )
Chloe : hey I'm not finished ( runs after him )
Ondine : ( notices this while setting a tree with Lean and frowns ) ( thinks ) first Alix and then Chloe he hung out with them but didn't even talk to me and nor did he introduce me to Mr Bourgeois now does he even love me anymore we've become so distant ever since the year started
Lean : you seem to be deep in thoughts ( places the tree down ) what's wrong
Ondine : nothing it's a little personal
Lean : ok if you don't want to tell then I won't force you but whatever it is you should talk to someone about it ok
Ondine : I'll think about it ( notices Kim having fun with others and throwing paint everywhere ) I don't think he even likes me he didn't even notice me here ( leaves and hides )( starts crying )
Iris : ( setting up the flowers with Lea ) ( senses a negative emotion from her brooch ) Miss Stacy may I please go to the restroom
Miss Stacy : sure Iris

* in the restroom *

Nooroo : master you told you're only doing this just to ruin one of your classmates life why do all this you don't need the butterfly miraculous for this please listen to me its not too late to renounce-
Iris : enough Nooroo don't tell me what to do just so you know Marinette is an obstacle she's standing in my way and stopping me from getting what I want I need her and Chat noir's miraculous to make my wish
Nooroo : what do want to wish for master
Iris : My wish ever since I was little is to-.........

To be continue.......

* any guesses on what Iris's wish is feel free to write down guesses in the comment section bye peeps *
