* in the agreste mansion Felix's room *
Adrien : ready for the pool party Felix
Felix : ( wakes up ) huh what ?
Adrien : the pool party remember
Felix : oh right the pool party tell me how many of your friends are going to be there
Adrien : I think 1,2,3 ....umm I don't know a lot
Felix : greaat ( sarcastic tone )
Adrien : don't worry it's going to be alright I'll just have invite my friend over you'll see they're great I'm sure you'll get along with them very well
Felix : uh huh
Adrien : Max is also a techi like you he made an pawesome robot called Marcov I'm pawsitive you both would make an pawesome techno duo
Felix : sure
Adrien : there's going to be cookies
Dusuu : ya you love cookies don't you Felix and meeting lots of people is going to be fun rightt
Felix : ya fun look I'm not very sociable and am not interested on going
Adrien : ok I'm inviting Kagami too and I think she would be wearing her best swimsuit just for you Felix don't you think you want to see your beloved Kagami but I understand if you don't want to see her
Felix : finee I'll go
Adrien & Dusuu : yess
Felix : don't make me regret this
Adrien : trust me won't regret this even in the slightest bit
* in Marinette's room *
Marinette : oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh Adrien's inviting me to a pool party what do I wear
Alya : gurl you know this pool party is for everyone else to get to know Felix's good side
Marinette : got it how about this swimsuit Alya
Alya : well atleast it's not an over the top crazy swimsuit
Marinette : hey
Alya : just teasing
Marinette : I know you didn't mean what you said but I'm just going ignore your comment
* in the agreste mansion *
Emilie : there everything's ready what about you Amilie did you finish making treats for the kids
* goes to the kitchen *
Emilie : ( sees a lot of cookies , cakes , pastries , cupcakes , pancakes and many more ) need help carrying those treats
Amilie : I'd love some extra help
Nathalie : whoa ( accidentally slips and throws the cupcakes )
Emilie : ( catches all the cupcakes looks at Amilie smiles and rises eyebrow )
Amilie : ( nervous laugh ) well I was worried that the kids would be hungry so..
Emilie : you made all these treats ( gestures towards everthing Amilie made )
Amilie : well yes
Emilie : I don't know how you made all these but it looks delicious ( takes another plate of cookies ) come on we better set this all up before the kids show up
* at the pool near the backgarden *
Emilie : there that's everything right ?
Amilie : yes
Emilie : ( takes a cupcake and eats it ) delicious
Amilie : yes but don't eat them all they're for the boys and their friends
Emilie : speaking of the boys where are they ? shouldn't they be here by now ?
Amilie : I'll go get them
* in Felix's room *
Adrien : come on Felix just go and get ready for the pool party already ( is currently pushing Felix into the bathroom for him to get ready )
Felix : no you're friends probably think I'm a bad guy cause of all the things I did what's the point in trying prove I'm a good guy ? I don't think they'll believe me
Adrien : they'll believe you alright you saved Paris just yesterday along with the other superheroes
Amilie : ( enters and sees Adrien pushing Felix towards the bathroom ) is something wrong boys ?
Adrien : Felix refuses to go to the pool party
Amilie : ( looks towards Felix who's scowling ) Adrien give us a minute I think I can talk him out of it
Adrien : sure Aunt Amilie ( leaves them alone )
Amilie : what's wrong Felix why don't you want to go to the pool party Adrien is throwing for you
Felix : I don't think his friends would even be my friends I've made mistakes that are unforgivable
Amilie : come on Felix everyone has made mistakes in order to do good just like you
Felix : but they don't know that and I can't tell them because it would mean I'll have to tell them my uncle was Monarch and how I gave him all the miraculouses they'd hate me even more and I don't want to hurt them
Amilie : even if they hate know that I'll still love and Adrien , Kagami and Emilie will always be here for you and what about Marinette didn't Adrien made you two friends didn't he
Felix : you're right ( hugs Amilie ) thanks mom for cheering me up
Amilie : your welcome Felix ( hugs him back for a while ) now go get ready for the party
Felix : yes mom
* in the backgarden *
Emilie : you look unhappy Adrien is something wrong do you not like the decortions does the food taste bad or or
Adrien : no everything's perfect it's just I'm worried for Felix he really didn't want to attend this pool party I'm throwing for him I feel like I'm forcing him controlling him or something
Emilie : ( hugs Adrien ) hush hush Adrien don't worry too much I know we all want what's best for Felix but maybe he want's to do something else did you ask him what he want's to do
Adrien : I tried but he didn't tell me
Emilie : how about you let him get to know one by one making hime meet all your friends at once might be scaring him
Adrien : maybe your right mom ( thinks about what Emilie said )
* the door bell rings *
Emilie : ( let goes of Adrien ) oh I think they're here
Gorilla : ( opens the door to find all of Adrien's friends )
Emilie : welcome everyone glad you can make it come on in ( takes them to the pool ) make yourselves at home while I go get Felix , Adrien make sure your friends feel free and have much fun as they can ( leaves to get Felix and Amilie )
Nino : whoa dude your mother is so cool
Alya : I agree she could easily win best mom of the year award
Adrien : ( chuckles ) thanks
* in Felix's room *
Amilie : Felix are you ready your soon to be friends are waitings
Felix : ready mom
Emilie : you ready Felix we don't want to keep your guests waiting
Dusuu : woohoo we're going to have so much fun Felix
Felix : ya fun ( nervous )
* near the pool *
* music stops *
Adrien : hey everyone I would like you to meet someone
* Felix enters the party *
Adrien : everyone meet my cousin Felix Fathom and this party is in honour of him and so that you all could get to know him better now come on lets get this party started
Adrien : hey Max did you know my cousine also loves technology
Max : really ( adjusts his glasses ) that's interesting is it true
Adrien : ya tell him Felix
Felix : well I own a lot of gadgets like ( insert some cool sounding gadget names )
Max : wow impressive may I see them
Felix : yes ofcourse
Adrien : later now how about you meet my best bud Nino he too loves almost the same songs as you do
Felix : well ok I'll see you later Maaxx
Adrien : ( drags him away to meet Nino )
Felix : ( sighs ) this is going to be a long day
Adrien : hey Nino did you know Felix also loves Jagged stones music
Felix : wait I do
Adrien : see he does
Nino : really what is your favourite album
Felix : ( thinks ) I don't even listen to Jagged stone's music they're not even my type what do I say ( looks at an excited Adrien ) better tell the truth well ... you see Nino I actually don
Adrien : fun fact my cousin is also a superhero and he saved Paris just yesterday
Nino : ya I know dude Argos right you've got real strength the way you dodged all of Firepheonix attacks was cool pretty slik moves if you ask me
Felix : uh thanks
( Dusuu comes from behind Felix )
Felix : oh and this my kwami Dusuu
Nino : nice to meet you little dude
Dusuu : nice to meet you too big dude ( giggles )
Adrien : alright now why don't you meet Ivan
Felix : ok have fun Dusuu and Nino ( whisphers to Nino ) she's pretty emotional so don't say anything mean even the slightest and smallest mean word is even to make her cry ok
Nino : got it
Adrien : ok now lets go
Felix : whoaa he's really impatient
*after a long day of moving here and there talking with all of Adrien's friends Felix finally had enough*
Adrien : oh and did you know Felix also likes
Felix : that's enough Adrien I can talk myself and I don't need you lying to your friends and telling them great things about me just so they'd like me and be my friends too I want to be myself around them instead of lying to them about a completely different persona of me ( stomps away to his room )
Adrien : wait Felix ( feels very guilty ) I'm sorry
Nino : you lied Adrien whoa that's so not you and is so not cool
Alya : Nino
Nino : what ?
Alya : ( sighs and shakes her head in sorrow )
Marinette : wanna talk about it Adrien ( puts hand on his shoulder )
Adrien : yes
* Marinette & Adrien goes to a private place in the backyard *
Marinette : so what happened ?
Adrien : Felix really didn't want to vome at first and I forced him to come so that my friends could be his friends and he could finally get along with other people and my mom told me that he might be scared to meet all of my friends at once so I thought it would be best if he gets to know my friends one by one and I was worried a little for him so in order for him to get along with everyone I lied about things he didn't even liked and made it seemed that he liked them and at the end this entire pool party turned out to be a disaster
Marinette : oh Adrien what your mother said is right but you should let Felix be who he is would you like it if someone told things about you that are totally the opposite of who you are and then to please them you'd have to pretend what they said about you is true it's just like how you were with your father
Adrien : when you put it that way I guess your right Marinette you always find the right words to cheer me up thanks Marinette
Marinette : your welcome Adrien now come on we better go find your cousin
* in Felix's room *
Felix : this party was a disaster
Dusuu : oh no I feel so sad I'm so sorry you couldn't make any new friends ( cries )
Felix : it's ok Dusuu this wasn't your fault it's mine I knew I shouldn't have agreed to this
Kagami : this isn't your fault Felix
Felix : Kagami what are you doing here I thought everyone left after what had happened including you
Kagami : ( grabs Felix's hand ) I'll never leave you Felix you may have not made any friends but I'm sure they'll forgive and they'd be your friends soon enough speaking from personal experience
Felix : you were in the same situation I am in ?
Kagami : yes I couldn't make any friends I was doing the wrong thing pretending to be someone else taking advice from an app which teaches how to make friends but that was until I met Marinette and she taught me how to be myself I took her advice and made lots of friends I think you could do that too if you be yourself
Felix : thanks Kagami ( kisses her on the cheek )
Kagami : anytime
* Adrien & Marinette enters Felix's room *
Adrien : Felix I'm sorry for forcing you to do things you are not interested in doing and lying about things you like could you ever forgive me
Felix : ofcouse I forgive you Adrien your my cousin ( hugs Adrien )
Adrien : ( hugs back Felix )
Kagami : ( stands beside Marinette while staring at them and exchanges glances with Marinette )
Emilie : alright you two that's enough hugging cause you guys need to go back to the party before your friends all leave I don't think Amilie and Nathalie can hold them off for long
Adrien : ( stops hugging Felix ) oh ya the party so Felix should we end this today and continue someother time tell me what you want to do
Felix : I think there's an old saying the party must go on ( winks at Adrien )
Kagami : I think it's actually the show must go on and not
Dusuu : ( interrupts Kagami ) so we're still having the party hooray cause I don't want this ending to be a sad one
Marinette : well then lets go
* back at the party *
Kim : I don't think there coming anytime soon lets just leave
Amilie : now hold on we still didn't start the swimming contest the winner gets a big gold trophy and gets to eat as much a they can ?¿
Nathalie : a gold trophy ?¿
Amilie : just follow my lead
Nathalie : if you say so
Adrien : sorry for keeping you all waiting for so long but I have an announcement to make well earlier today I lied and forced my cousin to attend this party when he didn't want to and made you all worry I'm sorry this party turned out to be a disaster
Nino : it's ok buddy even though it wasn't cool we understand right folks
Everyone : uh huh
Zoe : but why didn't you want to attend this party ?
Rose : is it because you didn't like us or want to be our friend
Felix : no it's nothing like that totally the opposite what I mean is that I was worried that you wouldn't want to be my friends because of all the mistakes I made in the past
Zoe : everyone makes mistakes you don't need to worry we'll definitely forgive
Luka : you mustn't let your past mistakes ruin your future the past is in the past you must learn to move on
Nino : Luka's right dude don't live in the past or else you'd soon become as old as or even older than my grandfather
Everyone : ( laughs )
Felix : thanks I couldn't ask for better friends than all of you
Everyone : ( gives Felix a group hug )
Kagami : see I told you just be yourself and they'll surely be your friends
* after a while *
Felix : ( talking to Alix & Nathaneal and learning how to make street art and drawings )
Adrien : ( from afar looking at Felix getting along with his newly formed friends and is very proud of him )
Marinette : ( stands beside Adrien ) see the party wasn't a total disaster like you initially thought it would be
Adrien : ya thanks Marinetye for helping me realize my mistake
Marinette : your welcome Adrien now lets enjoy the party shall we
Adrien : ofcourse

* phew another chapter completed and boii was this a long chapter probably the longest chapter I've ever written word count = 2461
thanks for reading my sorry see you in the next chapter *
