Chapter 138 - Mysterious Black Jade

Translated by Luxican

Edited by madghost

Her first murder was not bloody, but especially violent.

After killing Hua Ke Ke, Yun Sheng was dazed for a moment.

This was the first time she truly killed someone.

Yun Sheng was a doctor, and the huge contrast between saving people from her previous life and the killing in this life made her feel uncomfortable for a moment.

Using dark magic power gave even Yun Sheng a feeling of losing control. However, losing control completely would devoid one of humanity like what happened to Hua Ke Ke just now.... She would have to be cautious when using dark magic in the future.

She pushed down the discomfort in her heart and settled down to meditate for a moment.

It took a long time for her mind to calm down.

The situation just now was a critical juncture where, if the enemy were to survive, Yun Sheng would have been the one to perish. Fortunately, Yun Sheng could contain herself, otherwise she could go off the rails.

Recalling the situation just now, Yun Sheng had to admit that the Magic Vortex was much more powerful than she had imagined.

Hua Ke Ke was already an intermediate student at the Great Magician stage, and with the use of the jade pendant, she had reached the peak of the Great Magician or even initial stage of Magister.

With the use of the Magic Vortex, Yun Sheng was now certain that she could cross the boundaries of cultivation realms with it to kill the enemy. And if she added the help of Xiao Hei and Bobo, she believed that she could now fight against a Magister or even escape from a Great Magister.

But that didn't mean that she could use the Magic Vortex at will, as she herself paid a heavy price for doing so, having consumed 78% of the magic power in her body and having very little left.

Yun Sheng looked at her right hand again, and on her palm, a hideous layer of blisters had formed.

"I already practiced a few times, but even with the protection of the Jade Marrow Technique, when I use it, I still get blisters." Despite using the Jade marrow Technique to protect her palm and speeding up the Yearning Life Technique several times her hand was still vulnerable in front of the powerful magic vortex.

After all, Yun Sheng still only possessed a body of flesh and blood, and even with the Shen Nong Bracelet, she was vulnerable before a magic vortex.

Yun Sheng was someone who was very good at learning, both in terms of medicines and magic.

After she got in the possession of the five-elemental Magic Soul and her father's illness suddenly acted up, Yun Sheng was determined to become a powerful magician.

One day, with her own strength, she would save her father and bring him to the Wu Sheng General Mansion in a dignified manner.

During the time that she was confined in solitary confinement by Mentor Mei Li, Yun Sheng was very happy. Not because of the successful refinement of the high-grade Moon God Elixir but because she comprehended the magic vortex.

The might of the Magic Vortex, she clearly realized it.

Even someone as powerful as the Wu Xuan Peerless Hall's Dou Li or the dean of the Magic Academy, their first reaction when seeing a magic vortex was to try and avoid it.

While controlling the magic vortex with her hands, Yun Sheng had attempted to use the internal power cultivated in the Jade Marrow Technique that was inside her body to defuse the violent and restless magic vortex.

It also formed a protective film-like layer of internal energy over her hands, but the intense clashing of magic elements still created a power that quickly penetrated through her hands into her body and mind.

Initially, she only felt pain, but after that, Yun Sheng discovered that her Magic Soul had undergone a slight change as well, due to the stimulation of the magic vortex.

Yun Sheng's Magic Vortex, which he had obtained from Ye Beiming, was initially a five-elemental Magic Soul, colored, red, yellow, green, blue and black.

But right after she experienced the magic vortex, a tiny crack had appeared in the middle of the original abysmal black Magic Soul.

The crack wasn't big, Yun Sheng inspected it, but she didn't find anything special, and the crack also didn't widen, it also didn't have much effect on her use of magic, so she didn't pay much attention to it anymore.

Yun Sheng tried using the water and fire elements in her body at the same time, and after many trials, she finally fused the deadly blow that Hua Ke Ke this night.

This also made it so that after Gu Feng, Yun Sheng had also successfully comprehended her first own profound magic.

And the only one who knew about this secret, was Hua Ke Ke, who had been reduced to a ditch of scorched earth.

When Yun Sheng cleaned the scene, she found that the piece of Black Chaos Jade Pendant owned by Hua Ke Ke had not been destroyed by the magic vortex.

What kind of material was it that could even survive the direct impact of a magic vortex, that was like a small nuclear bomb.

Yun Sheng touched the jade pendant, and when her fingers touched it, Yun Sheng could feel a cool sensation.

The jade pendant, which carried a large amount of dark magic elements, was a very evil magic tool.

A weak magician, like Hua Ke Ke, who wore it for a long time, was bound to be affected, no wonder Hua Ke Ke lost control.

Yun Sheng originally thought that this jade pendant was given to Hua Ke Ke by Cheng Lian, but from what she remembered about Cheng Lian, even though she was domineering and arrogant, there wasn't a trace of dark magic elements on her body!

Then the jade pendant couldn't have come from Cheng Lian, and it was more likely that Hua Ke Ke had contacted people from outside the academy besides Cheng Lian.

It was a pity that the person in question was already dead, and the truth of the matter could not be investigated.

On top of the jade pendant, there were two ancient sealing characters engraved, and Yun Sheng could only vaguely recognize one of them, the word "Underworld".

It seemed that Hua Ke Ke's death was not so simple, and probably involved a mysterious organization.

Yun Sheng thought about it and threw the jade pendant into the Beast Language Ring.

After returning to the scholarship dormitory, Yun Sheng slept with her clothes on, and a steady snore could be heard in the dormitory.

However, two beds were silent, from time to time you could see them tossing and turning, it seemed like the news of the exchange student program of the Wu Xuan Peerless Hall still made the other two 13th Magic Potion Team members a little anxious.

Tonight was destined to be a sleepless night.


The same sleeplessness hung over a training ground somewhere in the Wu Xuan Peerless Hall.

It was a squarish training ground paved with a hundred refined steel bricks, and the entire training ground, which was empty and boundless, was about the size of five standard playgrounds of the modern times.

Next to the training field, a patch of tough bamboo was planted.

Four fine Iron Elephants, weighing more than a thousand pounds squatted beside it, and dozens of weapons were neatly arranged beside them.

A naked teenager was sweating profusely on the training ground, he punched and kicked, then changed through eighteen different weapons until the ground was slippery from his sweat, shining like steel after it had been tempered a thousand times.

Several hours passed before the young man circulated the douqi throughout his body, breathing in and out, and recovering his beginning stance.

"Jiuxiao, you practice night and day, truly worthy of being the number one martial idiot of the Great Zhou Empire." A sudden banter came from the other side of the training ground.

On the iron elephant sat a fair-skinned, delicate youth, dangling his feet.

T/N: Sorry, I was a bit busy preparing yesterday , because school started in my country today...

Important Question: Is anyone interested in taking over as editor/proofreader? Unfortunately, madghost doesn't have as much time anymore, and told me it would be best to look for a new one. I thought I would first ask my readers if someone is willing to do it, because you already read the previous chapters and (hopefully) like the story.

As editor/proofreader you would need to check at most 4 chapters a week, but this amount could also change depending on whether I can keep up the translation speed during school time.

 At the same time, you can read over ten chapters in advance!

Please message me if your interested!

Thank you for reading!!
