Chapter 107 - Bobo, The Flying Bandit

Translated by Luxican

Edited by madghost

While Yun Sheng was busy practicing the intermediate spell without pausing, Bobo was flying around the magic array restlessly.

"What is my dear master doing? Why does she want to learn such low-level magic? It's so boring." Bobo yawned in boredom.

Suddenly, an idea popped up in Bobo's mind. Why not go for a walk?

The Master only said Bobo couldn't wander around the Magic Tower when she was away. However, now that she is here, Bobo can now go and walk around.

After misinterpreting his master's words with the logic of an egg, the active natured egg decided to walk around the Magic Tower.

Considering Bobo's nature, staying still for a day in the Magic Tower without playing around was quite an achievement.

After thinking of an excuse for himself, Bobo went towards the wall of the magic array, only for the magic array wall to merge with him and let him pass through.

The magic restraining wall, which even the magicians of the academy can't cross, was like a thin layer of paper in front of Bobo.

Leaving the array 204, Bobo kept jumping up and down between the walls and ceiling, as if he was playing a game.

While concealing his body, Bobo bounced up and down to the first floor of the Magic Tower.

The sky was already hazy and somewhat bright, while the weary old man still had his eyes closed to rest.

"Advanced Magic Card, five hours." With a deep voice, a mentor wearing a magician's robe walked in. He took out a Magic Card and gave it to the old magician. .

"Magic array 605, five hours." The old magician replied, while also using his magic to invade the Magic Card to erase five hours. "Chen Liang, you're already a Magister, yet you're still coming to the Magic Tower?"

"Magic Sage Jin, I am trying to refine a magic weapon in the Magic Tower." The Magic Master named Chen Liang is one of the instructors in the Royal Magic Academy's Fighting Department.

In the Wu Ji continent, the level of a Magic Academy is mainly dependent on its students' talents. But apart from that, the amount of Great Magisters among the instructors is also an important factor.

The old magician guarding the Magic Tower was a Magic Sage, a Magic Sage.

The old magician nodded. Turns out the Magic Tower was not only for cultivation, it is also a good place for refining magic tools and making magic scrolls. The magic elements here are abundant enough to boost a magician's concentration and produce high-grade magic tools and scrolls.

But this secret is only known to a very few instructors within the Royal Magic Academy.

Mentor Chen Liang has a student, who is about to be promoted to intermediate student and needed to participate in the academy's rank-up assessment. So, he wants to refine a magic tool for him. Which is also why he needs to use five hours in the Magic Tower.

After receiving the key, Chen Liang headed towards the sixth floor of the Magic Tower.

Magic Card?

Bobo thought for a moment. It seemed like his dear master also had one of those and it's most likely an important thing.

If Bobo brings some Magic Card back, then his master will definitely like Bobo even more.

So, Bobo sneaked and followed Chen Liang to the sixth floor.

Cheng Liang also didn't notice the beast following behind him. He had already come to the magic Tower countless times, but never did he imagine that someone would bring a beast inside.

As soon as Chen Liang entered the array, he began to concentrate on refining the magic tool.

While refining a magic tool one should not be distracted, so all of Chen Liang's thoughts were focused on his materials.

Bobo flapped his wings to rub Chen Liang's waist, and the high-grade magic card quietly fell into his waiting wings.

After getting it, Bobo left immediately.


In the 204 magic array, Yun Sheng, who had been in deep meditation, woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she felt that her senses were unusually clear, and her limbs were surging with an unprecedented amount of energy.

"Shen Nong Pupil breakthrough." Yun Sheng's eyes were like glazed stones. Her Shen Nong Pupil had broken through during the practice of intermediate magic earlier, and now it had reached the second realm of insight.

Where is Bobo? Yun Sheng found that the magic fluctuations of Bobo were no longer present in the 204 magic array.

That damned egg!

Yun Sheng cursed, when ripples of magic fluctuation spread out from the walls of the magic array.

A round egg came out from the wall.

The restrain set up around the magic array was ineffective against Bobo?!

Yun Sheng was secretly frightened. Without waiting for her to ask, Bobo pounced on her. "Dear Master, Bobo has brought back a present for you!"

When Bobo saw his master's dark face, his eggshell got goosebumps. He was afraid in his heart. So, he took out a few Magic Cards, as if offering a sacrifice to appease the angry deity.

When she saw the Magic Cards, Yun Sheng couldn't help raise her eyebrows. "Where did you get these from?"

"Picked them up from the sixth, fourth and third floor." Bobo gloriously told the story of how he went out for a walk. Travelling through several magic arrays, while passing and encountering several Magic Cards that he picked up next to magicians who were cultivating or refining magic tools.

You call this picking up?

Yun Sheng considered whether or not to crack open Bobo's eggshell and educate him about the concept of "stealing".

Yun Sheng said weakly. "Bobo, you can't just take these Magic Cards. The Magic Cards in the academy are just tokens. It's no use even if you "pick up" someone else's card and give it to me. I can't use them."

"Why can't you use them, Bobo says you can!" Puzzled, Bobo followed the old magician's example and wiped its wings over the card, and all the names on the cards instantly disappeared.

"......." Yun Sheng was shocked and pleasantly surprised. She seemed to have underestimated this precious egg of hers.

With this egg, she would have an endless source of Magic Cards.

The Magic Cards whose names were erased were in anonymous form. Two Intermediate Magic Cards and the most rare Advanced Magic Card was the one that was obtained from Chen Liang. A high-grade item with which you could enter the fifth and sixth level of the Magic Tower.

However, Yun Sheng wouldn't dare to use the Advanced Magic Card for now. After all, she was just a junior student at the moment, using an Advanced Magic Card would probably draw suspicion.

Remembering the time, Yun Sheng had consumed about five hours. But that was only five hours after the multiplication effect was added. Which meant that Yun Sheng still had fifteen more hours.

From what Bobo had told her, Chen Liang had come to the Magic Tower in order to refine a magic weapon.

It seemed that the Magic Tower could not only improve cultivation speed, but could also improve the chances of successfully refining a magic tool.

Speaking of magic tools, Yun Sheng recalled the One-Horned Horse bone that she had purchased at the night market. Which she had promised Gu Feng to refine by herself.

She didn't want to cultivate another spell scroll today. So perhaps she could take the opportunity tonight to try her hand at refining a magic scepter.

T/N: Something I always forgot to mention: Qi Gubian's name means Abandoned or Abandonment.

The entire time when Yun Sheng told Bobo to stay put as long as she isn't in the Magic Tower, I knew something would happen, haha.

Thanks for reading!!
