Chapter 5

Aria's POV-

"How about this skirt? It will look good with a white top or do you have any pink scarf? This will totally go with a scarf." Said a very relax Sam, cause she didn't have to worry about the clothes;Since she had to wear a uniform at work.Unlike me,who had no idea what to wear on your first day at work. Aaah it's so frustrating. So I asked Sam for some help.And she agreed to do so,which resulted in my whole wardrobe being tossed on either the floor or on the beds.

"No,I don't think a skirt will do.I mean I don't know what kinds of things I have to do.I don't think it's a good idea." I sighed.

"Well then I don't know how to help you.I've already told you all the possible combinations.I'm done." She said and flopped down on her bed,facing me.

"Or how about you go in your pajamas? It's super comfy and you could do all kind of things in it,you can even do back flips if you want." She teased me and started laughing. I threw my pillow at her.She caught it right before it hit her.

"I wish I could do that." I chuckled.

So I decided to go with a simple white top Mom gifted me,and a pair of blue skinny jeans. Since I was too lazy to do something good with my hair I just set them loose on my shoulder. All set to go. I took a cab to reach the house, or you can say mansion if you ask me.It was definitely bigger than any ordinary house. When I reached inside,he was waiting for me,I mean geez I didn't know what to call him, Mr. Ronaldo? Mr.Cristiano? So I decided to go with simple 'sir' plain and simple. That will do.

" Oh hello Miss.Aria.I was just waiting for you.I need to go out for 2 days.we've a big game coming up so I have to discuss some matters with teammates. My secretary has already told you about the details right?" He said while typing something on his laptop. I nodded but then it hit me that he is not looking at me so I need to speak up.

"Yes Sir,I just got the details. I'll catch up with Mrs.Aveiro's doctor soon.You don't have to worry about her health anymore." I said.He looked up and flashed me a bright smile.

"I'm sure you'll do your job very well. You can call me Cristiano if you want. I won't mind,I'm not a horrible boss; or atleast I think so." He laughed. It was one the most beautiful laugh I'd ever seen. His smile reached his eyes. And it was so beautiful. I smiled back.

"No thank you Sir, I think that would be too awkward Sir, so I'm going to call you Sir, Sir." I muttered. Oh shit,that's too many Sirs in one sentence. Why am I behaving like this.I was angry at my self.When I looked up he was staring at me.He blinked and started laughing.

"You are funny Miss.Aria; I think my mom is going to like you." He said while standing up from his chair.

"I'll have to leave now, I'll tell someone to give you the tour of house." He said.

"Papaaaaa!! Are you leaving? When will you be back?" A little boy came running opening the door.Mr.Ronaldo scooped him in his arms and kissed his cheek.

"Hey buddy! I was just coming to meet you. I am leaving but I'll be back before you even Start to miss me.You have to be a good boy.And I come back,I might take you to fishing.What do you say?" Mr.Ronaldo said to the little boy.

"I will miss you Papa. Can I come with you." The little one said hugging his dad.I swear I saw a flash of pain across Mr. Ronaldo's eyes.He hugged the little one even tightly.

"You know buddy I can't do that.I'll try to come early. Maybe tomorrow alright." The little one nodded.He sat him down on the floor.

"Now, how about you give Miss.Aria a tour of our house? She is going to take care of you and Grandma." He said to the little one.I smiled at the little boy but he didn't return my smile. He looked back at his dad and whispered something in his ear.Oho he didn't like me I guess.But much to my relief Mr.Ronaldo smiled at him.

"Miss.Aria this is my son Cristiano Jr. And he is very pleased to give you the tour of house." He stood up from the ground.

"Hello junior! I'm Aria. What a lovely boy you are." I said to junior. He seemed shy but he smiled at me.

"Come,I'll show you my room.You will like it so much." He started pulling me towards the door, Mr. Ronaldo smiled at us and waved us goodbye.

Junior's room was 3 times more bigger and beautiful than our dorm.It was so good. There were some pictures of him.From When he was little baby to the recent one with his dad.Probably first day of school. I could tell that he really loved his father. Then he showed me some of his drawings. He gave me a little tour of house, apparently it was too big to see so we decided we'll do it some other time.

"Come,I'll show you Grandma's room.She must be in there." He said pulling me towards the room.This was it.I hole she likes me.Mr.Ronaldo  gave me little information about how she hates someone taking care of her.I assured him that it won't happen this time.I guess my real job starts now.And I'm ready for it.


Hello, please do vote and comment. It makes me update really faster. What do you think about Sam? Isn't she lovely!! See you soon people.

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