Chapter 11

Cristiano's POV-

"Oh man do we really have to go for this award function? I mean it sounds really boring. Can't we just skip it?" James was complaining about this upcoming award function we had to attend. As always he was at his most comfortable place, in sleeping position on my bed.The worst part was,the bastard still had his shoes on.And I must say it's the most annoying thing ever.

"Could you atleast remove your shoes?" I finally asked him.I was just updating my social accounts when a shoe hit directly on my forehead.What the-?

"There you go.No shoes on." He said.

"Rodriguez you son of a b-" I was just about to curse when junior decided to show up. "Brick."I managed to make it into another word before he heard anything. Don't want my son's vocabulary to grow that fast.James made a sound between a laugh and a cough.

" Papa!! Were you about to use bad word??" He asked me with all his innocent looks.

"What no no no Cristiano. I wasn't going to say anything! Ask your uncle if you want." I said and by looking at the look on James's face I knew I made a terrible mistake.

"Uncle James, was Papa saying bad words?" He asked.He went ahead and sat on James's lap. With all mischievous look on his face James said,

"Ahh I think he was but he didn't.But do you want to know what was he going to say champ?" He said.

I picked his shoe and threw it and it hit right on the head.Bullseye.

"Don't you dare teach my son those inappropriate words Rodriguez." I said with a winning smile.

"Ouch!!! That hurts you moron and what? You are teaching your son about violence? Idiot." He said rubbing his head.Cristiano just laughed. But fell all silent after that.

"Hey what's wrong buddy? Why are you so silent? Come here." I said and he did.

"Oh no buddy you are burning with temperature. When did this happen??" I said checking his forehead.It was quite high.

"I don't know Papa. I don't feel good. I want to play with Aria. Where is she? Why didn't she come?" He said hugging me.

It was true. Aria didn't show up yesterday. I thought maybe because of rain or something like that. And by looking at time she should be here before an hour or so.It was strange.

"I don't know buddy I'll call her today OK? Maybe she is on her way.Now let's get you to bed.I'll ask mom to call the doctor. Ok?" I said he nodded.

"I'll take him to his room,you go call her." James said took Cristiano in his arm.They went out of the room.

I called her 4 times but she didn't pick up.I left her messages. Email? Nah she never check them I guess. The day went just like that. I called her again but She didn't return my calls.What was wrong with her.And Meanwhile Junior's health was now a concern. His fever didn't go.Doctor gave some medicines but he didn't respond to them.He was constantly asking about Aria. When I asked mom about her whereabouts she completely ignored my question. James was not picking up his phone. He didn't come to visit us.What is happening in this world. On the fourth day of Aria's absence I went to check on Junior's health. He was watching some cartoon on TV.He was looking tired and weak. He didn't eat that much. His birthday was coming so soon,I almost forgot about it in all this drama.

"Hey,how is my champion feeling today?" I said sitting next to him.He didn't respond.

"Umm it's someone's birthday tomorrow! I wonder what that person wants as gift? New bicycle?" I said nudging him. Still no response.

"Hey, what's wrong? Atleast look at me buddy." I said and he looked at me.Now what's this? He was crying.

"What's wrong?? Did I do something?? Don't don't cry.I'll call grandma wait." I was blabbering. This was a total new sight for my eyes.He never cried without reason. He used to cry when I used leave for tours.But this was out of nowhere.

"Papa,am I that bad?I am not a good kid right?" He said crying.

"What??? No!!! Who told you that? No no Cris you are the most wonderful child on planet. You are wonderful. You are a good kid.Never ever think about it." I said looking him in the eyes.

"That's why Aria left I know. She doesn't like me.Nobody likes me.I tried to get her to like me.but....but she left that why I don't have a Mom like everyone else??" He said between his sobs. I hugged him.Oh no.What is happening? Why is he saying this.Was he always felt like this.That he doesn't have a mother because he is not good enough. Oh my god, my poor child.

"No no no Cristiano. It's not like that.It's not your fault. No no no it's my fault. I wish I could tell you everything right now but I can't. It's not your fault buddy. Don't cry please." I said,my voice was shaking. He didn't stop.

"Don't cry buddy, you know what?? I'll go and find Aria OK? I'll bring her here and then you can be angry at her for leaving you. Ok?" I said and that worked. He stopped crying.Aaah Aria what have you done.Better come and fix this mess I thought.


Update for you lovelies!!! How are you all?? Oh and I have a announcement to make,probably tonight. Did you like the chapter??

Trouble in the paradise!

Oh,lovely messi tagged me to do this.

So here it goes,

Q1. What's your favorite soccer team?
-Real Madrid!

Q2. What do you want to be when you grow up?
-I'm a medical student so I would like to become a good Physiotherapist and if I get chance probably work for some sport team :)

Q3.What sport do you play?
-well I'm a lazybum but I do sometimes play badminton.

Q4.Do you have pets? If so, what are they?
-Unfortunately no! *cries* my mom is allergic to them but we do have so many fishes.

Q5.Lionel messi or Cristiano Ronaldo?

-like both but Cristiano Ronaldo💙
Q6.Casual wear or formal wear?
-casual no doubt!

Q7.Fav video game?
-umm idk if you guys know it or what but it's called "house of dead" and I do love Counterstrike.
Q8.Fav band/singer?
-One direction, Taylor Swift, Maroon 5 and many more.

Q9.Fav song?
-Thousand Years and night changes :)

Q10.Fav youtuber?

So that's it! I would like to tag these people,


See ya tonight!!

