
Requested by Mirkwood_Vibes

I hope you guys like it!

They are both 18 in this one-shot. A picture is attached of El's swimsuit!


It's no surprise El loves the beach. She can't get enough of it. The crash of the waves against the sand, the cool salty mist from the water, the feeling of sand between her toes. She loves everything about the beach. So Mike was so excited to tell her that he planned to take her to the beach for a little weekend getaway. He can just imagine the thrilled expression on her face when she finds out where he is taking her. 

El is curled up on her couch, bored out of her mind. She called all of her friends and not one person was able to hang out over the weekend. She just wished she could go somewhere and not have to be at her house by herself again.  A hollow knock sounds, confusing her as she was expecting no one. She rose up and made her way to the door. As she opened it, she saw Mike standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey Babe," Mike says leaning forward giving El a quick kiss.

She pulls away startled before she replies, "Mike. What are you doing here? I thought you had to visit some family?"

Mike shrugs, "I might've planned a surprise. I had to cover it up." 

El's face lights up. "You planned a surprise? For me?"

"Of course! I can't wait for you to see it. You will have to pack a bag for the weekend though. We are having a little getaway. Don't worry about Hopper. I already told him to make sure it was alright," Mike replies before pushing El to her room so she could quickly get packed.

She was thrilled. She had no idea where they were going but she knew that anything that Mike planned would be special. She contemplated bringing a book but her thoughts were interrupted by Mike speaking up. 

"This surprise does include quite a bit of driving so I would bring something to pass the time if I were you."

So El brought a few books instead. She packed quickly and soon enough, they were on the road, jamming out to songs with the windows down, reading, and snacking on chips and sweets. This drive alone made El so happy that they could be together. She couldn't wait to see what he planned for her. After a few hours, Mike brought out a blindfold and told her to put it on so he could surprise her. They arrived at the little condo Mike rented and he parked. They got out of his car and led her up the stairs and into it. He brought her to the balcony, and took off her blindfold but had her keep her eyes closed. 

"Open your eyes," He whispered into her ear. She opened her eyes to the balcony overlooking the beach. The pure white sand and the movement of the waves crashing against it. She was shocked. She couldn't believe he did this for her. She turned towards him and tumbled into him, hugging him tightly around the neck.

"Thank you," she whispered with slight tears in her eyes.

They pulled away before Mike grabbed her arm and dragged her to the bathroom with her suitcase.

"Let's not waste any time! Change into your swimsuit and let's go swimming!" He exclaimed before shutting the door, giving her privacy. They changed quickly and ran down to the beach that was right outside of their condo. They spent the whole day splashing around in the water and enjoying each other's company. Mike admired El as she laughed and swam around. He loved her so much.

They spent that night wrapped in a towel together, watching the sunset as they sat on the sand. 

"Thank you so much for this Mike. I love you," she whispered against his chest. 

He kissed her forehead before replying, "I love you too. I'm so happy that you are here with me."

She giggled before they both turned their eyes to the sun setting before them.



Hello everyone! Thank you for reading my stories. Let me know what you think of them!  Also, I had the idea to put a song that I've been recently obsessed with into each new story. Is that a good idea? Please let me know! Thank you again!


