
The guys all crowded around the small table in the basement, bored out of their minds. Lucas and Max were talking quietly, Will was drumming his pencils against the desk, Dustin was playing with his hat, and Mike and El were having a private conversation.

Everyone looked half asleep until somebody slammed their hand against the table, making Eleven fall out of her chair. They all turned startled, towards Dustin.

"I'm so bored! Let's play Truth or Dare?" Dustin suggested.

"NO! We already played that three times today! How about Spin-the-bottle," Lucas also suggested.

"No," El murmured quietly.

"I agree with El. I'm definitely not kissing anyone," Max exclaimed, voicing out her opinion on the matter.

"Let's just play Hide-and-seek." Mike said, already frustrated.

Multiple yeses (is that even a word???) were exchanged around the table. 

"Ok. It's settled. I'm not it!" Mike yelled.

Everyone quickly yelled out they were not it, however Dustin was the last.

"Aw man! Whatever. I'll count to 50. 1....2..." Dustin started counting quickly.

Everyone swiftly hopped up, and started running to opposite sides of the tiny basement. There was not many places to hide. Hint: The TINY basement. 

El hid behind the couch, Mike hid in a little closet under the stairs, Lucas and Max hid together in El's make shift fort that was still up. 

"49...50! Ok I'm coming for you," Dustin yelled, smiling creepily. Not that anyone could see of course.

Lucas and Max were lightly talking in the fort, already giving themselves away. They didn't seem to care too much when Dustin moved the blanket to the side. They just shrugged and wiggled out. 

Mike was found next when he accidentally knocked over a small bucket, which he didn't even see laying there. 

They still, however, couldn't find El. 

Behind that couch El hid, trying her hardest not to make a sound, not even a giggle after 10 minutes of looking for her along. 

"Where is she?" Dustin asked looking around the basement. He was puzzled since he was sure he looked at every spot. 

Mike silently pointed to his right. 

"She's hiding behind the sofa," Mike replied quietly, not wanting her to hear. 

Dustin moved slowly, inching his way towards the couch.

He tapped her on the back lightly. El sprang up and yelled.

Everyone gradually started to laugh. Quietly at first, then all at once.

El stood there with her arms crossed tightly a little below her chest.

"That. was not. FUNNY!" She yelled out, laughing as well.

By the time they were done, they were all on the floor, exhausted.

Everyone fell asleep right there, no one bothering to move or get up.


Wow. I have not updated in SO long! I'm so sorry. School has been hectic. Anyway, not sure how I feel about this one. What do you guys think?


