We have arrived

Air Port

Drew : *gets out the car* 

Dallas : *turns off the car* Alli we're here *shake her* 

Alli : I'm up i'm up *grabing her blanket and bag opening the door* 

Jenna : Alli ! *watch out for cars in the parking lot then run to her* 

Clare : *smiling running with her* 

Conner : *lock the car doors and walk over to them with the suite cases* Yall ready to go to London !

Dallas : hell yeah ! 

Eli : *walk over with his suite case and clare suite case* So.. who's ready to go 

Dallas : *look at him then grab his and alli suite case* 

Alli : Alright let's go then *walk with dallas holding his arm* 

On the plane 

Jenna : Can't wait to get there 

Conner : *look down at her and smile* 

Jenna : Well i'll be sleep on your arm then *lay her head on his shoulder and close her eyes* 

Alli : *reaching in her pockets* Did i bring my headphones ? 

Dallas : You their in your bag 

Alli : Oh yeah *open her bag then freeze then look at the seat in front of her and frown her face* 

Dallas : *look away from his phone then turn to her* You okay ? 

Alli : *put the top of her fingers on her lips* Yeah *sit back* 


Clare : I can't believe we're here ! *get out of Eli and Conner and her rented car* 

Eli : I know this is unblieveable 

Conner : So where do we go after ?

Jenna : You can go without me i'm still tired 

Eli : Alright well we'll go and catch up with you tonight i'm Eli and I need to go explore *kiss Clare*

Alli : *walk over to Jenna and Clare* So ready to go see our hotel ? 

Clare : Yes ! come on ! 

Drew : I'm beat I need to go to bed *open the door for them* 

Dallas  Yeah *walk in with them* 

Rented Vacation House 

Alli : *walk in* Baby look ! 

Dallas : *walk in with the bags* Nice ! *look around* 

Alli : I know this is so nice *make a instagram video jumping on the bed* We're in london ! 

Dallas : *trip over the bag and fall* 

Alli : hahaha ! *turn the camera on him* He just fell ! 

Dallas : Turn it off ! hahah *getting up slowly* Shit 

Alli : hahaha ! *end the video and upload it then jump off the bed* You okay ? hahah 

Dallas : Yeah  on my ribs and thought I was gonna die 

Alli : hahaha *hug him* 

Next Day

Clare : *driving* 

Alli : So how was your big night after prom ? 

Jenna : *in the back seat* Not good I had to fake it 

Clare : Wow... 

Jenna : It was awkward and like me faking moans is not so good 

Clare : Your a great singer 

Alli : hahaha 

Jenna : haha whatever but all I have to say that i'm just kidding 

Alli : About ? 

Jenna : Conner and I it was great I didn't know he had it in him 

Clare : That's conner for you *looking at her through the mirror* 

Jenna : He like took over after kissing it was amazing I thought he didn't know what he was suppose to do 

Alli : hahaha oh my gosh ! I can't believe it 

Clare : That's conner for you 

Jenna : If she say that one more time.. but I sometimes wish he was normal like your boyfriends I love him but 

Clare : Jenna if love him you wouldn't feel like that ? 

Jenna : Then who did I fall in love with ? *look out the window* 

Alli : *turn around and sit back*
