Not a secret anymore

Couple days later 1:00pm 

Alli : *writing* 

Dallas : *run to the bathroom* I have to pee 

Alli : I'll be back ! *leave out* 

Dallas : Okay ! *dry his hands off then hears Alli phone ring* Hello 

Doctor : Hi is Allia Bhandri in ? 

Dallas : No but I can take the call i'm her boyfriend 

Doctor : Alright well do you have a pen and paper ? 

Dallas : *grab a pen and grab the book that Alli had* Yes 

Doctor : There is a Abortion center near the house in London her home doctor recomended called Marie Stopes on 1 conway streeet call in at 44-7636-6200 that's about it 

Dallas : Alright thank you *hang up* 

Alli : *close the door* Hey want some- *look at him* What's wrong ?

Dallas : Nothing 

Alli : *put the plate down and walk over to him* What's wrong *try to kiss him* 

Dallas : *move his head and grab the book* Doctor just called he wanted me to tell you that he found a good abortion center that your doctor recomended 

Alli : *pout* I didn't want to tell you because 

Dallas : Because what ? It's so simple Dallas i'm pregnant 

Alli : I can't have a baby right now 

Dallas : I'm not even mad about that I'm mad because you *stand up* hid it from me ! we could have talked about the whole abortion ! *about to leave* 

Alli : *grab his hand* Dallas don't leave we can talk about this *move in front of the door*

Dallas : You have everything planned already what is there to talk about !? 

Alli : *turn her head away from him because hes screaming in her face* I was scared ! If I kept it I would fall behind in school you wouldn't be able to go on hockey season if coach found out my parents would be so upset even sav well all my family and you know that 

Dallas : I don't even care... *open the door and leave* 

Later that night 

Dallas : *come out the bathroom and get some socks out his suite case* 

Alli : *laying on her side on her phone* 

Dallas : *lay down* 

They lay in silence until they fall a sleep
