A/N plus Faultline

So hey everyone ( if there is a lot of people reading right now which I hope so if not then maybe in the future so I can see this take off) I know I haven't updating as quickly as before but that's because these chapters (or parts) having been getting longer now from 500 in the beginning to around 1,300 words per part and the fact that I get Lazy sometimes or something comes up like studying and stuff but I do try to write as much as I can to get these out and trust me I have plans for this little project of mine in the future as seen by my memo screenshot below.

C'mon you didn't think I'd actually show what's planned ahead that would be spoilers but I realize I haven't shown what Faultline looks like so here he is:

I did my best to make him look as much of a tank as I could.

but that's all for this Announcement bye I hope you enjoy this little project of mine :).
