Chapter Two

Kai's POV

While we were playing outside our friend Amy came by and dragged me off. I told her let go of me but she wouldn't listen. Finally she let go and said, "This is urgent. I need your help." She said in a scared voice. "Well, of course it is urgent. You wouldn't try to break my arm if it wasn't. Wait, what's wrong?" I asked as rubbing my wrist were she trapped me. As she looked down at my wrist she says, " Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. But what I wanted to ask you Kai, was do you think Zane will take me back if I ask him out again?" Amy asked me. "Amy Amy Amy. NO! HE! WONT! He has a girlfriend and her name is mac. That's it I'm leaving bye." I yelled and walked off. Later everyone asked what it was about and I told them she just wanted to go out with me again. I hate to hide stuff from Zane but if u told him Hi would blow up.

So we are in math class and Evan just asked Mrs Tate what we are doing to day and she said, "Today we are doing...." Right then Chris bust in and yelled "DEZ NOTES. EHNT STUDY!" Everyone started laughing. This then Mrs Tate saw Evan reading and sent Him to the vice principal's office. Grace
, me and Zane piped up and said in unison, "You can't do that. He was just reading when we were doing nothing and had downtime." She yelled back, "If that is what you think then you can join him. NOW GO!"
