chapter 4

Zane's POV
It has been three days since we were sent to ISS for standing up for a friend. Within those three days I was dumped, bullyed and beat up. I was reading the article we had to answer questions on when my friend nick came to the door of the ISS room. He came in and sat down. The teacher headed out the door to the front office. I asked Nick why he was here. He said the same reason I was, standing up for his self. He told me and the others to get up. We got up and followed him. We went out the door and headed down the hall. We were nearing the library when someone came out. It was Ms.Tubbs.
"Crap the only place to hide is the girls bathroom!" We all made for the restroom. Ms.Tubbs past and we made down the hall. We just made it into the library when Mr.Ruma came in and asked if we have seen anybody come out of the ISS room. We told him that we hadn't and he left. We waited around until we met our friend Wes. He was in sixth grade. He walked into the silent reading room and closed the door behind him. "What took so long? We have been here about an hour." I said. He told me that his class was asked if they had seen us. Then he brought this paper out of his book bag and showed it to us. "What is it?" Evan asked. "It shows the teachers routes around the school. Use it when you need to sneak somewhere.". We tools him thanks and headed to class
