Chapter 7:
Aspens pov:
Tomorrow I'll be in Orlando Florida for playlist which is crazy to think about. It's now been around a week since I "blew up" as everyone says. I now have 6.8 million followers on tik tok which is crazy to think about. Abby has been mad at me all week for the whole having to buy her own tickets thing, but honestly, I dont make the rules.
I already had my bags packed from friday so I didnt really need to do anything.
Surprisingly I had got a few messages from other creators about collabs and over all saying we should be friends or hang out, it was kinda scary to be honest since I wasnt really sure who to trust I mean.... I had Abby but now I'm not so sure....
I didnt stress it tho.
I hear my phone buzz, picking it up I receive a message from...
Aspen:no freaking way
Bryce hall... I known about him from a while now, I knew he lived in some sort of house with a few other guys?
Bryce:Hey Aspen, we heard you were going to playlist with weekend and wanted you to come hang with us, I know being new to this can be kinda scary.
I smile, unlike some of the others who messaged me I really did feel welcomed.
Aspen:Hi Bryce, yeah I have to admit I'm kinda nervous since I dont really know anyone yet
I reply, Abby for sure wasnt coming since shes mad, most of my "friends" wanted to use me so who else was there?
Bryce: yeah I understand, heres my number ***-***-***. Text me when you arrive and we can meet up and you can meet some of my friends
I smile, hopefully I'll gain some new friends after this
Aspen: for sure, see ya at playlist :)
Bryce:cant wait to meet you
I smile and click out of the dm.
At least I know I won't be alone now.
Jadens pov:
The guys and I are chilling on the couch when Bryce comes in with a smirk on his face.
Josh:what have you done?
Obviously he was up to something, he always is.
Bryce: well we're gonna have an extra person be joining us at playlist
I think for a moment until it clicks
He nods with the same smirk on his face.
Kio:how'd you manage to do that?
Bryce:I messaged her, i doubt she knows anyone so I thought maybe it would be nice if she had someone when she gets there
Bryce always portrayed himself as a tough guy but I guess hes a softy.
Griffen:look at Bryce, be soft.
He rolls his eyes but shortly after smiles.
Bryce:yeah yeah whatever. I'm gonna head to bed, we have an early flight. Night guys
I had to admit, I was exticed to meet Aspen tomorrow.
