Chapter 26
Aspens pov:
Is been a few days since I've been at playlist, tomorrow is the last day then tomorrow night I'll be flying home to face whatevers going on there.
Oh yeah update on Abby, she basically said we ain't friends which is honestly fine by me, I've made so many new friends here so why worry about it?
Anyways tonight theres going to be a huge party for all creator's to celebrate everything and I guess just enjoy are time together which sounds pretty cool.
But anyway I get ready for the day (swipe) then walk over to the boys room.
Surprisingly I'm super close to the boys, maybe even more then the girls.
I let myself in to see all of them in Jaden and Josh's room.
Blake:Look who it is!
Aspen:Good moring
Jaden:Hi Aspen
He wraps his arms around me
Aspen:Hey J, arent you surpose to be up and ready?
I ask, acknowledging his messy hair and missing shirt.
Jaden:yeah but I'm not
He smirks as I roll my eyes playfully
Aspen:well let go and go get ready!
Jaden:but your warm!
He whines hugging my tighter
Bryce:are we gonna be able to hug her or
I laugh and wiggle out of Jadens arms then hug the rest of the guys.
Kio:you can tell her likes you
Jaden had gone into the bathroom to shower and get ready so he for sure couldnt hear us.
Aspen:uh I dont think so Kio, we're just friends and besides why would he like me anyway?
Griffin:you're blind
Anthony:I have to agree with Griffin, I surprised you dont see it
I shake my head
Aspen:just friends ok
The bathroom door opens to reveal a nicely dressed Jaden with slightly wet hair.
Jaden:hall ready?
Josh:just waiting on you dude
Jaden:well I'm ready
Blake:alright then let's go
Everyone grabs their stuff and we head down.
