Chapter 3

The café was located by the sea. It was a small white building with the words 'Ocean Café' written on the wall. There were tables and chairs set up outside.

Zac and Weilan entered the café. Inside, there was a large red sofa stretching out along the left wall with some wooden tables placed in front of it, and there were several more circular tables dotted around the café, each with four chairs.

At the back there was the counter with the till and plates of muffins and cookies. To the left of the counter there was a small stage, where they performed live gigs every night.

At the end of the café there was a small shop with three stand full of dresses and two changing rooms with wooden doors.

David, Carly, and Evie were all inside the café.

David was in Zac's classes at school, and he was the owner of the café, as well as the cook and waiter. He had light skin, a thin squared face and light brown curly hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a green shirt with black jeans and he was wiping up one of the tables with a cloth.

Carly was the waitress of the café, and Evie's best friend. Carly had a round face, and her bright blue eyes were her best feature. She had pair skin, and light blonde hair which she always wore in a pony tail. She was wearing a red blouse and black leggings. She was stood behind the counter, filling up the little glass cabinet with cans of soda.

Evie owned the clothes shop in the café. She had a thin tanned face with brown straight hair and dark eyes. She was wearing a white flowery T-shirt and blue jeans, and was arranging some new stock on the shelf.

Zac immediately went over to Evie. "Hi beautiful," he grinned.

Evie turned to face him and smiled. "Hi yourself."

Zac hugged Evie, and Weilan pretended to throw up.

"Yikes, get a room, you two," Weilan said.

Evie looked at Weilan. "... We're hugging."

"And it's disgusting," Weilan retorted.

Evie slipped out of Zac's grasp. "Fine, whatever."

Zac headed over to the counter. "Hey, David. Can I - "

"- have a fish burger with lettuce, cucumber and no tomato?" David replied. Then he smiled and produced the sandwich wrapped in a plastic bag. "Zac, you ask for the same thing every morning."

"You, good sir, are amazing," Zac grinned, pointing at David and scooping up his sandwich.

David then took another sandwich wrapped in a white bag and handed it to Weilan. "And here's your ham and cheese sandwich."

Weilan took it and smiled. "Thanks."

"Oh, David, I have some good news for you," Zac said.

"Yeah?" David asked.

Zac nodded. "Yes, guess who's in town?"

David paused, thinking. "Eminem?" He asked.


"Justin Timberlake?"

Zac laughed. "No, sorry."

David shrugged, smiling. "I give up. Who is it?"

Zac grinned. "Drum roll, please - " he drummed his hand on the counter for a few seconds, " - SIRENA!! "

David's eyes widened with both shock and excitement. "Really?!"

David and Sirena were dating, and he hadn't seen her for almost three months.

"Carly, did you hear that?" David asked excitedly. "Sirena's back! You and her could do a duet tonight at the live gig!"

Carly nodded. "Yeah..."

Just then Cameron, Zac's best friend and Carly's boyfriend, entered.

Cameron - also known as the 'Camster' - had a roundish face with blue eyes, blonde hair and a cheeky smile. He was wearing a blue chequered shirt and blue jeans and was carrying his school backpack.

"The Camster has arrived!" He announced.

"We best be getting to school," David said, examining his watch.

Cameron blinked. "Oh, and nice to see you too!"

"Cameron, did you know Sirena's back in town?" David asked.

Cameron rolled his eyes. "I'm fine, thank you David. How are you?"

David laughed. "I'm sorry. I'm just so happy!"

"It's been one minute," Weilan muttered.

"Come on then," Carly said, picking up her handbag. "Let's walk to school."

"I'll have to go home and grab my backpack," Zac told them.

But when he turned around Evie was there, his backpack in her hands.

"I knew you would have gone out for a swim this morning, so I took the liberty of going and getting your bag ready for you."

Zac smiled, gratefully. "Honestly Evie, what would I do without you?"

Everyone was ready to leave, but none of them made it out of the door, for anther person had just entered the café.

It was a girl, another mermaid in fact. She had a fairly round face with brown hair and dark blue eyes. She was wearing a black dress with red swirls hand sewn into the material. Her hair was falling out of her messy ponytail, and she looked exhausted.

"Wait, Nixie?" Zac asked.

"I need a sandwich," Nixie announced, falling into a chair. "And I don't care what's in it, just as long as there's a lobster on top. No, wait...make that two."

David blinked with confusion. "Erm... Okay... I'll find you something."

David quickly went into the storage cupboard to find Nixie some food.

"Where have you been?" Evie asked Nixie. "We haven't seen you in over three months."

Nixie sighed. "Well, I was one of the lucky mermaid given the job to go on the hunt to find Erik."

"Really?" Zac asked, his eyes widened. "For three months?"

Nixie nodded. "We just started out swimming a short distance and then coming back home to Mako every night. However, after a while we started expanding our search. We travelled too far to return home. And then they gave me night shifts, and now my body clock has completely turned upside down!"

Zac sighed unhappily. "I really wish that they had allowed me to go on the hunt for Erik."

David reappeared carrying a small plate full of assorted fish. He put it down in front of Nixie.

"It's not lobster, but I honestly don't care." And with that, Nixie began eating her well deserved breakfast.



Mimmi hear a voice call her, and she turned around to find Chris jogging towards her. Mimmi couldn't help but smile as she put the toy dolphin down in her souvenir cart and then waited for Chris to get to her.

"Hey," Mimmi smiled.

Chris reached her and smiled. He was a tall young man, with perfectly tanned skin and light brown hair styled in a short quiff. He has speaking blue eyes. He was wearing the Marina uniform, as he worked with the dolphins.

"Hi," Chris smiled back at Mimmi. "This afternoon I'm allowed to take one of the boats and sail around Mako, do you want to come?"

Chris knew that Mimmi was a mermaid, so this meant that they didn't have to keep secrets from each other.

"What about your friend, Karl?" Mimmi asked. (Karl did not know Mimmi was a mermaid).

"He's got a tour this afternoon," Chris explained. "There's a nine year old boys birthday party, and Karl is showing them around the shark tank. It would just be me and you."

Mimmi nodded, her smile still plastered on her face. "I'll find someone to cover my afternoon shift."

Chris grinned. "Awesome, I'll see you then."
