Chapter 11

"That's Mako Island?" Matteo asked, pointing to the island in the distance. "¡Pero es muy pequeño!"

It was the day after the full moon, and Erik and his friends were almost at Mako Island.

"Yeah, that's Mako," Erik grinned. "The soon-to-be home of all mermen."

"It will take us at least three hours to get there," Dr Denman told the boys. "Erik, can you use your magic to speed things up?"

Erik nodded. "But let's take a break first, I'm starving."

Gareth, who was playing a game on his laptop, looked up. "So what's your plan?" He asked Erik.

"We're going to defeat the mermaids and force them to live on land," Erik said.

"Yes, but how?" Gareth asked.

Erik thought for a moment. "Well... There is a group of mermaids who have saved Mako many times before. If we target those mermaids, and we succeed, then the other mermaids will have no choice but to follow them on land."

"And if we don't succeed?" Gareth asked.

Erik rolled his eyes. "Why are you so negative?"

"I'm not negative, I'm logical," Gareth said, shrugging.

"What about holding their human friends hostage, and telling the mermaids that we'll only let them go if they give Mako up?" Charlotte suggested.

"That would just take too much time," Erik said.

Charlotte groaned. "Well, I haven't seen you suggesting anything, Fish-Boy."

"I'm the one who suggested that we find some mermen!" Erik cried defensively. 

"Guys, don't shout," Josh said. "Mabel's asleep."

Charlotte sighed. "Why didn't Mabel tell us she gets seasick?"

"She didn't know," Josh said defensively. "She's never been on a boat before."

Suddenly, there was a large crash in the waves at the side of the boat.

Erik, Matteo and Josh went to look, and there, with their heads and arms popping up out of the water, were about thirty mermaids, from Mako Island.

"Erik, we warn you now," Veridia called. "Turn around, leave Mako, and never return."

"But I invited some friends over," Erik said, pretending to sound upset. "It would be rude to leave without showing them around the place... Should I start by showing them the Moon Pool, or the Merman Chamber?"

"You brought land-boys to Mako Island?" Veridia asked.

"No, three mermen."

Most of the mermaids looked unhappy and worried when Erik said 'mermen'. Erik couldn't help smiling.

The mermaids ducked their heads under the water, and Erik thought that they had retreated. But then there was a another crash on the other side of the boat, and Dr Denman's boat lurched, and everyone lost their balance, clinging to each other and the sides of the boat so they didn't fall.

"What's going on?!" Charlotte cried.

"The mermaids are attacking, duh!" Erik cried.

"They better not scratch the painting," Dr Denman muttered.

Without hesitating, Erik jumped over the side of the boat and into the sea, and Matteo followed him, adding in a fancy forward flip.

"Gareth, are you coming?" Josh asked.

Gareth, who had found refuge under the table, shook his head. "Nope, I'm halfway through level twenty two, and I can't save the game until I get to the castle."

Josh rolled his eyes, and dived into the ocean.

Whilst most of the mermaids were still hitting the boat with their tails, about ten of them turned their attention to the mermen.

Erik swam forwards, Matteo swam to the left, and Josh swam to the right. This sent the mermaids into confusion, before coming back to their senses and splitting up, swimming after the mermen.

Erik lead the mermaids following him under the boat, then he swam upwards at full speed, so the mermaids swam after him as fast as they could. However, just in time, Erik flipped his blue tail and and halted. The mermaids, however, kept swimming. They all crashed into the bottom of the boat, bruising their heads.

Matteo had lead his group of rivals to the rear of the boat. He then held out a hand in front of him, and the four mermaids chasing after him appeared to be trapped in a water bubble. They furiously began throwing their weight into the bubbles' walls, but they couldn't break free. Matteo was then able to thrust his other hand forwards, and the water bubble slipped out of his grasp and toppled away, like a bat had just hit a ball, carrying the mermaids inside it.

Josh, however, did not know what to do. He just swam in circles around the boat, hoping that the mermaids would eventually get dizzy. But, before long, he was the one that became dizzy.

So Josh decided to lead the mermaids away from the boat, but they realised what he was doing, so they went back to attacking the boat.

Josh, filled with disappointment in himself, and anger, swam towards a mermaid with brown hair and dark blue eyes. He swam behind her, but she turned around before Josh could lift a finger.

The Mermaid held up her moon ring, and it began shining. Josh held out how hand, his palm facing the mermaid, and he created a small wave, sending her backwards a little.

The mermaid looked angry. She swished her tail and held out her ring once more, this time it glowed even brighter than before.

Josh, now, felt scared.

Suddenly, something around Josh's neck began glowing, he had to cover his eyes with his hands, as the light began expanding and getting thicker, heading towards the mermaid.

When Josh felt or was safe to open his eyes, the glowing had died down, and he saw the mermaids swimming away from the boat. Every mermaid, apart from the mermaid Josh had just been fighting. She was floating in the water, her eyes closed, arms out, and lips slightly parted.

Josh had never used his magic to hurt someone before... In fact, he didn't even know if it had been him who had created that bright glow...

Josh grabbed the mermaid's arms and gently pulled her to the back of the boat, where he broke the surface and saw the metal ladder leading up to the deck. Josh saw Erik's foot disappear over the top.

Josh knew he couldn't pull himself and the unconscious mermaid up the ladder.

He had an idea. He used his magic to create a whirlpool around him, and then, keeping one hand around the mermaid, commanded the whirlpool to jump out of the water and up to the deck.

Josh and the mermaid land on the deck, and the whirlpool disappeared. Josh held his hand over his tail and slowly clenched his fist.

His tail steamed dried in no time, and his legs had appeared.

He stood up, but didn't touch the mermaid, as she was still dripping wet with sea water. Josh just looked at her. She looked pretty. It looked like she was sleeping. She was so calm...

"Josh, what the heck are you doing?!" Erik cried, Matteo and Gareth walking up to him.

Erik halted when he saw the mermaid. "What - " he began.

"I hit her with magic," Josh said. "But I don't know how... It just happened."

"I know this mermaid," Erik told them.

"¿Cuál es su nombre?" Matteo asked. "What is her name?"

"Her name is Nixie," Erik said. He reached down and quickly pulled the ring off her finger, and he slipped it in his pocket.

"I hit her with magic," Josh repeated, his voice filled to the brim with worry.

"What type of magic?" Erik asked curiously, still looking at Nixie.

"I don't know... It was a bright light. It came from my neck."

Josh's hand immediately went to his neck, where his fingers locked around his trident necklace.

Matteo and Erik looked at the necklace too. The men were silent for quite a while. Could that necklace have magical properties?

"Where did you say you got that necklace?" Erik asked.

"I've always had it," Josh said. "I've always presumed my parents gave it to me before they abandoned me on the main land."

"May I?" Erik asked, holding out his hand.

Josh unwillingly unclasped the trident necklace and handed it to Erik.

Erik examined the trident closely. Then he noticed, underneath the middle prong, there was a small blue stone. The stone looked just like the one in the moon ring.

"This necklace has magic," Erik announced.

"Erik, what does this mean?" Matteo asked, motioning to the necklace.

Erik grinned. "It means that this necklace could solve all of our mermaid problems..."
