Can you sing for me?

Elyan was doing his best to get settled in Camelot. It had been some time since his father's forge had been in use, so there was much that needed done. Gwen had welcomed his presence and was excited to be able to spend time with her brother again. But she was still a maidservant in the castle and was gone most of the day and some nights. Arthur was the Prince and a Knight and he was constantly busy with court and patrols. Merlin trailed after Arthur and anytime Elyan caught their conversations he couldn't help but smile and laugh a little. He'd never seen any noble, let alone a Crowned Prince, let a servant speak to them the way Merlin did to Arthur. But gods help anyone who tried to degrade or bully Merlin and the Prince found out. Elyan looked forward to the type of King Arthur would be based on what he had seen so far.

After a week in the city, Elyan finally had the forge cleaned and ready to be back in use. He'd already had several orders that he was eager to get started on. He was grateful for the work, but he was also quite lonely. He never had many friends, never stayed too long in one place if he could help it. He worked at various forges through the five kingdoms but they were only temporary. He knew one day he would return to his home and take over the forge. When he'd learned of his fathers death, he had been devastated and the guilt and shame kept him from returning. Gwen had forgiven him, for the most part. She kept telling him that all that mattered was that he was here now. He was in the midst of working on an order, when he finally noticed the lingering presence. When he looked up, he was slightly confused.

"Merlin? What brings you out here?" he asked.

"Oh, I hope I'm not interrupting," Merlin said. "I just wanted to check and see how you were doing?" Elyan just stared. "Elyan?"

"Oh, uh, I'm fine. The forge is keeping me busy, father's old customers mostly remember me so they've already ensured they plan to keep coming back." Elyan answered, still stuck with the fact this particular servant was interested in how he was doing.

"Good. I'm glad. Do you care if I hang around for a while? I've got some time to myself and the only people I hang out with are working or were banished. It would be nice to have a new friend." Merlin said hopefully. Elyan smiled.

"I'd like that. I haven't had a chance to make friends. Pretty much started working as soon as I got here." Elyan answered easily. Something about Merlin made him feel relaxed. They struck up a conversation easily after that. Elyan spoke some of his travels, where he had been, while Merlin complained of things Arthur had done or spoke of his physician training. Elyan couldn't put his finger on it, but something about Merlin kept his spirits up. After a few hours, Merlin bid him goodbye. Every few days, Merlin would come by and sit and chat with him like they were long lost friends. 

Elyan had gone on a walk one day through the woods, taking a break from the forge, when he caught sight of the familiar blue tunic and red scarf nearby. He wanted to go speak to his friend, but stopped himself and listened instead. Merlin was gathering herbs, but he was singing while he did. His voice was beautiful. Elyan had heard few others whose voices could compare. He himself liked to sing, but usually did so only when he worked when no one else could hear. It was a song that Elyan could not make sense of. The words sounded strange, and that was when he realized they weren't the common tongue. Merlin knew another language? His friend became more and more mysterious. He had his thoughts on Merlin's singing for a few days. When Merlin came to visit the forge again, Elyan was smiling brightly at him.

"Merlin!" he exclaimed. Merlin chuckled.

"Elyan! You look well." Merlin responded.

"I'm doing well. These past few weeks have been...honestly I probably would have left again if you hadn't started visiting me. Thanks for being a friend." Elyan told him, while continuing with his work.

"Anytime. Need any help with anything today?" Merlin asked, watching Elyan's hands.

"Not as such, but, could you do one thing for me?" Elyan asked, hoping not to embarrass Merlin with his request.

"Sure." Merlin answered brightly.

"Could you...only could you sing? For me? I usually sing myself while I work, but it would be nice to listen to someone else for a time." Elyan felt his cheeks heating up and knew it was nothing to do with the coals.

"Sure. Any requests?" Merlin asked, shuffling around the forge to get a better view of what Elyan worked on.

"No, nothing in particular." Merlin smiled and started singing an upbeat tune in common. Elyan smiled, he knew the song. After a few verses, he joined in. Merlin's smile seemed to brighten up the entire forge as the pair sang, voices balanced. They hadn't noticed the small crowd that gathered outside the forge, straining to hear. Merlin continued singing the entire time he was there only pausing a few times to decide what he wanted to sing next. Twice he sang songs in another language that Elyan could only listen to and appreciate. By the time evening was approaching, the crowd had finally dispersed.

"Thank you, Merlin. You have easily made Camelot much more enjoyable." Elyan told him as they left the forge together.

"What are friends for?" Merlin responded grinning crookedly.

"I do have a question though," Elyan started as they neared his home. "What were those two songs you sang that weren't in common? I've not heard that language before."

"Oh," Merlin blushed. "Er, mother came from another part of the country and it's what they spoke there. It's what she taught me to speak first. She called it Gaelic. Don't, please don't tell Arthur. I don't need him knowing that I can speak a language he's probably never heard of."

"Your secret is safe with me, Merlin." Elyan smiled, wrapping an arm over Merlin's shoulders as they walked. It got to be a normal routine after that, for Merlin to visit the forge and for the pair to sing whatever random song the moment needed. They continued to talk most days and sang only once a week. They had noticed the crowds that came to hear them and were hoping if they didn't do it as often that the royals would never find out. Gwen, of course, found out, and would come by on those days as well and would sit and do her sewing while listening to the boys. She was grateful that her best friend and her brother got on so well.

Things only changed slightly after the immortal army incident. Instead of Merlin and Elyan singing in the forge, they would polish armor or sharpen swords together and sing in the armory. It always delighted the other Knights who heard. Gwaine, of course, watched Merlin with barely concealed affection. They would still sing in the forge together once a week or once a fortnight, mostly for the townspeople who had missed it and needed cheering up now and again. Elyan was sure to express to Merlin any time he could, how much he appreciated that easy friendship. And it had only grown so much because he asked a simple question. Can you sing for me?
