Chapter 2: Being self-conscious

In this chapter we now talk about image and being self-conscious. One of the hardest things for teenagers is to not worry about their own image. 47% of young people felt so stressed by body image this is nearly half! The topics I speak about in this chapter has such a big impact on our mindset and mental health and we are all in this together to make us less self-conscious.

My experience of image was me always worrying what people thought of what I wore and how I styled my hair and how I acted. And this is something I've always struggled with throughout my life and this led to me over worrying and this massively affected my mood.

One of the first problems with image is the increase in social media, we all follow people with huge social media followings. And as a teenager we try to look them, buy expensive clothes makeup etc. Love Island is a prime example of creating a problem for teenagers in which girls are meant to look skinny and lads should have big muscles and this is one of the biggest teenagers because you feel a lot more self-conscious because you don't look like that. Why do you need to look like that, you don't we are all unique why do we need to look like everyone else? You can wear what you want because why should it matter what other people think because at the end of the day your unique. If you are worried about your own image spending a lot of money on designer clothes etc. is not the way to be happy because happiness comes from within. Being proud of how you look will make you less self-conscious.

Why are you self-conscious? Is it because of your hair or your body? If you constantly think about your image and let the thoughts in your head fester, then you will be increasing worry and making your mental health worse. If you don't like what you wear go shopping for new clothes, don't let someone decide what you wear and put you off buying clothes, having that confidence to wear what you want to wear even if others don't like it is a step towards having a more positive mindset. Just because someone doesn't like for example a pair of trainers you own why does that matter we all like different food so why does it matter what food we eat so why does it matter what top or jumper you wear.

The only way you can improve how you see yourself is doing something about it. If you want to look a certain way workout etc. and the only way you can look how you want is putting that effort in and staying motivated throughout to keep going. Don't let anyone stop you from getting to where you want to be.

Furthermore, we must also think why we are caring that much about someone else's opinion. The reason you are worried about someone's opinion is that you value their opinion or see them as significant. Most of the time people aren't bothered about how you act and look and especially if they are your friends who support you. Worrying your friends will see you differently keeps a negative mindset; true friends will support you no matter how you are and look and if you ever get self-conscious speak to them. Asking for their opinion and advice and not hiding all this from them will help you understand your friends better but also allowing them to help you improve your image and ultimately your mental health. You also must think that not just you are self-conscious your friends might be feeling the same being there for each other and helping each other out will boost your mindset and being more positive thinking about your image.

Being self-conscious of how you act is another major threat to your mental health. One of my main messages is staying true to yourself, don't change for anyone just because someone else acts another way. Why act like them? Why do you need to change for anyone else? One of my main problems was with everything I did every action and decision I make I overthink and are conscious of how I acted. Reflecting on your past actions is important yes so that you improve don't make bad decisions but overthinking every little action is in fact much more negative.

Let's take for example social situations and you make a weird comment, or you do something embarrassing, don't sit there and overthink how you acted you need to move on. You made one mistake big deal we all do something embarrassing once in a while don't let your mind destroy you just because you've done something wrong. Staying in the past is something you should avoid because it's already done you can't change it so why should you sit there and think how you could've changed it. Only the future can be changed not the past so move on keeping this positive mindset that you can be better.

The main message of this chapter is that you can wear and act how you want not how others act. Having a more positive mental health is having a better self-esteem and being proud of how you look, never change for anyone because you are unique. If you aren't happy do something about it don't sit there and worry about what others think. The only way you can improve your mental health will be do something about it and not worrying about what people think of how you are. 
