
No one POV

The coldness of the floor wakes Chaeyoung up, her eyes open slowly. Supporting herself with both hands. Her eyes dilate, adjusting themselves to the darkness around, she turns her head to scan the surrounding.

Barely making out the structure of the place, she realizes that there's no more makeshift bed, table, even the blinking light in the corner disappear. 

This is a whole new room.

She spots a dim light coming through an opening, it's the door to the outside. She stands up and walks to it, her hand reaches for the handle.

It's worth a try.

Just when the tip of her fingers touches the handle, the door swings open. She falls in shock. Standing there, a figure covering the source of light, a silhouette of a man with a hoodie.

"You're awake, is the floor too cold?"

The man squats down to her level, grabbing Chaeyoung's chin gently.

"Even your eyes glow in the dark... Gorgeous..."

He moves his hand down to her neck, grasping it near to choking. She tries her best not to let out a single tear like before. I can't let this monster think that I'm weak.

"If it weren't for your boyfriend, you wouldn't even have the strength to stand up."

Chaeyoung startles at the word said by him. She wants to ask but she knows it will not take her anywhere to her answer. Though, it feels like he can read her mind.

"Yes, I just need your boyfriend to see you suffer."

He takes out a candle from his pocket and light it on fire.

"Tonight, hopefully,  you can meet him."

He chuckles and leaves the room with a light candle, locking the door from outside.







I woke up hearing my name being called faintly... Her voice... She sounded broken and petrified. I have to find her.

Jay: Got a nice sleep, mate?

I sat up on the sofa and turned to see Jay, sipping on his coffee. Why is he so relaxed? There's a girl out there, vulnerable and hurt, kidnapped by some freak and he's here enjoying his coffee like nothing's wrong.

Jay: Want some co-

Y/n: How long was I out for?

Jay: 6 hours, why?

Y/n: Fuck! 

I quickly grabbed my jacket on the arm of the sofa and headed for the door.

Jay: Where are you going?

I stopped.

Y/n: Where am I going? Are you seriously going to ask me that? Look at the time, Jay! I wasted my time! If I hadn't slept, I would've gotten a clue to where they keep Chaeyoung!

Jay: Calm down, Y/n.

Y/n: Calm down, huh, easy for you to say. And why the hell are you so relaxed in this situation?!

Jay: Because we got the lead.

My mouth dropped when he said that.

Y/n: L-lead, you mean we do have a clue on who's behind all these?

Jay: Let's go to the police station.




One of the police officers led us to a room after we arrived, sitting behind a desk in the middle of the room was Chelsea, or in this case, Detective Reid.

Chelsea: Oh Y/n and Jay. Come in, I have something to tell you.

The officer behind us closed the door after she let us in. She took out a bunch of files from under her desk and laid them all evenly.

Chelsea: These are all the files regarding my team's background and what they have been up to for a year back.

I took one and flipped through it followed by Jay doing the same. There was nothing suspicious in every one of the pages, they were all clean. But then she took another file out and open it in front of us.

Chelsea: This is maybe the one you're looking for, the track record of Lt. Trey. 

We both looked closer.

Chelsea: As you can see, he was in Switzerland a week ago, the United Kingdom two weeks earlier, and finally, South Korea a year back.

I clenched my fist hearing and reading all the evidence laid on the desk.

Jay: You sure he's the informant?

Chelsea: Not just the informant, he may be behind everything that happened to TWICE. But of course, this alone cannot become concrete evidence.

Y/n: It's enough for me.

I stormed out of the room and went outside. Once again I was stopped by Jay in the parking lot.

Jay: Hey hey hey. Are you just going to meet him? You don't even know his house. Would you just calm down a bit? I know we don't have much time left until whatever happens. But with you being like this will only slow us down.

I calmed myself down after realizing what he said was right.

Y/n: Fine, what's next?




We spent most of the day inside this room, interrogating this man for more than an hour, and we still got nothing as he always objected to every evidence we show him. He just won't open up and tell us what he's been doing for the past months, maybe years.

Trey: It's confidential! I can't tell you what I've been doing you fucks! I've got nothing to do with all of this! I'm helping you catch the bad guy!

Jay: Just tell us dipshit!

I was on the verge of raging, grabbing him by the collar and pushing him to the wall, I've had enough of him.

Y/n: I'm gonna tell you something. I will make you and your family suffer if you're not gonna fucking tell us where you hide her!

Trey: Do you think by saying that you'll get what you want? You can't even control your temper, and you're hoping to find and save her. 

That's it. I punched him on the cheekbone and he fell, he didn't stand back up and just stayed there brushing the blood at the edge of his mouth. I turned around and head for the door, getting out of the cramped room to clear my mind.

Trey: You're so naive!





An hour left before the clock hits 00:00 and still nothing. We're all running out of ideas, they suggested me to wait in hope that the person will send another letter. But I can't do that, there's no telling what he'll do to her before the letter gets to my hands, or what he's gonna do after I got the letter.

I'm back at the apartment with Chelsea, she offered me to go to a cafe but I refused. I need some time in my own environment. Jay chooses to stay at the police station, in case something came up he'll be the first one to inform me.

I took a bottle of booze and the glass from a small compartment hidden inside my wardrobe. It was never meant to be open, but I guess opening it at a time like this is okay. I walked back to the living room and sat down on the sofa, pouring the liquid into the glass.

Chelsea: I didn't know you drink.

Y/n: I don't. This is my first time.

The edge of the glass was touching my lips when her hand grabbed on my wrist and lowered it down. She took the glass and placed it back on the coffee table.

Chelsea: Then don't. It's better that you don't start.

I sighed and leaned back on the chair. Staring into the bottle of wine.

Chelsea: Y/n...umm...I shouldn't say this but... What if we can't find her?

I turned my head.

Y/n: What??

Chelsea: I-I mean, we have to see at the worst case that could happen.

Y/n: No, no. Chelsea, there is no "worst case that could happen." I'm going to find her, I have to find her and I will.

Chelsea: I'm sorry...

I took out the last thing I can consider as a clue, the piece of paper, from my pocket.

Chelsea: Hey, can I see that paper?

I gave her which she examined it thoroughly.

Chelsea: This...this is not just a normal paper, it's silk paper. Made from silk fibres.

Y/n: Does that give us anything new?

Chelsea: Of course! By the looks of it, the paper is either ten or twenty years old. There's only one place that they produce this kind of product, and that place has already been closed twenty years ago. 

Chelsea grabbed my laptop and searched for the place she was talking about on the maps.

Chelsea: On the edge of the city, out of reach, abandoned. A perfect place to lock up someone and turned it into a hideout.

Y/n: We still have time, come on.




The car zoomed through the silent night, the road was free from others. Chelsea was driving as this is her car.

I took out my phone and dialled Jay to inform of our move and to ask him to bring reinforcement to help.

Y/n: Jay, I got something.

Jay: I was about to call you, what is it?

Y/n: The paper leads us to an abandoned factory at the edge of the city.

From inside the car, I saw us going inside the factory's complex.

Chelsea: We're here, Y/n.

Jay: You found the place?

Y/n: Yeah, and we've just arrived.

Jay: We? Who are you with?

Y/n: Chelsea. I don't have time, Jay, track this phone and bring the spec ops with you.

Jay: Wait, Y/n-

I closed the phone before he can finish, sorry Jay, I need to save her as fast as possible. I looked to my left and saw Chelsea loaded her pistol.

Chelsea: Take the box below your seat, there's one for you.

I grabbed the box that she mentioned and took out the gun from inside.

Chelsea: You do know how to use it, right?

Y/n: Uh...

Chelsea: Switch off the safety lock, point, and then shoot. Be careful, you can kill someone with it.

I felt the gun on my hand, never having a thought that I would hold something that can injure and kill someone. 

No one POV

Chelsea's car parks side by side with another vehicle, switching off the engine, they both come out with a gun each in their hands. 

They reach the entrance to the building, breaking through and advancing into the abandoned building. Darkness consumes them as they stepped inside, the only light guiding them are dimly lit, flickering as though it'll explode anytime they walk below it.

Checking every room they passed, they come across a stairway leading to the second floor.

"I'll check the rest of the room on the ground floor. You can check the second floor. Take this, press the green button if something happens."

Y/n nods and proceed upstairs while the girl continues onwards.

Just like the ground floor, Y/n checks every room he can find. He carefully walked through the corridor, looking out the window he can see the rest of the compound.

In the middle stood a door, closed shut. He takes a step forward and stops when he hears the lock being open from the other side.

He backs away slowly, switching off the safety lock and raising his pistol. Nervous sweats dampening his shirt as he cautiously waits for the person on the other side to open the door.

His hands are beginning to shake, the long wait only made him more scared every second that passed.


The door swings open...
