

Another busy day in the kitchen, orders after orders are coming nonstop, it's one of the commitments you have to take doing this job. It's not easy, having to balance life both inside and outside the kitchen. I get offered a lot of contracts even as a chef, most of them are TV companies requesting me to become the next Gordon Ramsey. I know it would be nice to appear in front of the audiences again as a judge instead of a participant, and going back to that gallery will bring back those competitive memories. The only thing holding me back is the shy guy inside of me, yep, I'm holding myself from becoming a celebrity. Idiot.

After a long day of constantly dealing with hot stoves, I decided to give my team the break they deserve. A little time enough to freshen our minds and bodies, I opened my phone after leaving it untouched for quite some time. While I was scrolling through Instagram, I stumble on a post made by some Kpop news account, it was about TWICE. 

As much as I want to avoid reading Kpop news, especially TWICE, I kinda miss them. The post stated how TWICE will be having concerts around the world, it was posted one and a half months ago. Why do you give outdated posts, Instagram?

Ring Ring

A call from Mr Curtis, the owner. 

Y/n: Hello sir.

Mr Curtis: Ah, Y/n. I'm fifteen minutes away from arriving in Berlin, can you pick me up in Berlin Hauptbahnhof?

Y/n: Of course sir, I'll be there.

Mr Curtis: Thank you, I'm sorry to interrupt your work.

Y/n: No problem sir, I'm glad I can help you.

Why didn't he call his secretary? I looked at my watch, fifteen minutes, it's impossible to go back to my apartment, change into proper clothing, and go to the central station in fifteen minutes. The most polite thing to wear is this chef uniform, I went to my locker to take off my apron and instructed the sous chef to take over the kitchen whilst I'm away.

I drove through the city of Berlin, it always amazes me of how good this city looks in the afternoon. The car passed the iconic Brandenburg Gate, beautiful. Not long after I arrived at Berlin Central Station, considered one of the busiest train stations in Europe, averaging 110 million passengers every year. You will probably lose in the crowd if you're not paying attention to your surrounding.

A text came up, he said that he will be on platform 13, which is above ground. There are about five minutes left according to the information board, I can see a train in the distance getting closer each time.

Chaeyoung POV

I raised my head and saw a big station ahead, that must be our stop, I closed the book that I was reading and looked at my surrounding, Momo and Dahyun unnie are asleep while Mina unnie...well she's still focused on her Switch with Animal Crossing as the game. After a minute or so, the train came to a stop.

Mina: Why did the train stop?

She said that still not averting her gaze from its' screen.

Chaeyoung: We've arrived Unnie.

Mina: That was fast.

Chaeyoung: Momo unnie, Dahyun unnie, wake up, we're here.

Momo woke up, but usual, our tofu slept like a rock.

Momo: *Yawn* Yah, Dahyun-ah, wake up...Dahyun-ah...DAHYUN-AH!!!

Dahyun: *Yawn* Unnie~~ Shut up~~ Don't disturb my beauty sleep~~

Momo: We arrived you pig. If you don't wake up, we'll leave you here alone.

Dahyun: What do you mean~

Chaeyoung: Unnie, she's right, if you don't wake up. We will leave you for real.

We stand up from our seat to take our stuff above our heads. When I was taking my purse, a bag almost fell on my head. Fortunately, a middle-aged man stopped it from falling just in time, I showed my gratitude by bowing and saying thank you. I looked at him going to the front part of the car, I don't know what was on my mind.

Mina: Chaeyoung, you're not coming?

I turned to see Mina at the door, I was the last one inside.

Chaeyoung: A-ah, yes, I'm coming.

As soon as I stepped out of the car I stopped to admire the surrounding, I rarely go to a train station in Korea, so all this still impresses me. I, again, spotted the same man that helped me earlier, he's shaking hand with a much younger guy wearing a white top. They don't look like father and son, the interaction between them are formal, they look more of a business partner.

I snapped myself out of whoever I was looking at.

Chaeyoung: Unnie~~! Don't leave me alone~!

Mina: Hehe, then stop daydreaming.

Chaeyoung: Ah~~!!


Mr Curtis: Y/n! Long time no see!

Y/n: Welcome back sir.

He took out his hand which I gladly accept it, we shook our hands.

Mr Curtis: You look...more fit.

Y/n: Thank you, I do work out in my spare time.

Mr Curtis: That's great! A chef should always be healthy.

Y/n: Well, you look fit yourself.

Mr Curtis: Is that a compliment or what?

He patted his stomach.

Mr Curtis: My wife did well on feeding me.

Y/n: I can see that.

Mr Curtis: Let's not waste time, I'm hungry, I need some of your great cuisines.

I felt like someone was staring at me and turned to see who that was, but no pair of eyes were on me, all I see is a group of people and a girl running towards them as she was left behind. Her back reminded me of...

Mr Curtis: Chop chop, the car isn't going to drive by itself.

Y/n: A-ah, my bad.





I drove my car to the front of the station to pick up Mr Curtis, there was quite the commotion going on, flashes of light from cameras, people gathering around, three black vans were stationed. I searched for an opening and saw him there.

Y/n: What's going on there, sir?

Mr Curtis: No idea, maybe a group of celebrities or something, maybe singers? Do you happen to know any concerts that will be held?

Y/n: Not to my knowledge, but I heard that the next 007 film will be set in Germany. Those are probably the casts.

Mr Curtis: Hm...could be. But they are a group of girls.

Y/n: Group of girls?

Mr Curtis: Yeah, and I think the news will pick it up anyways.

Y/n: So, are we going to your house or the office, sir?

Mr Curtis: Let's go to the office.

Y/n: Alright.

His office and the restaurant are in the same building, while the restaurant took the fifth and sixth floor, the office took the seventh to the tenth floor. The building itself only has ten floors upwards and three below. Underground being the parking lot and the rests are shopping centres.

When we arrived I decided to go back to the kitchen even though Mr Curtis said that I can already go home, I just felt that I have to stick with my team, I can't leave them. If I started the day working with them, I should end it with them too.

--: Chef, we have a group of celebrities.

Y/n: Really? I should greet them then.




Chaeyoung POV

Chaeyoung: Unnie~~ I'm hungry~

Momo: Yeah, me too, I want to eat something. Anything!

Jihyo: How about dinner outside? Or inside if you don't want. We can always order foods.

Nayeon: Outside! Who's with me?!

Jeongyeon: I'll go.

Dahyun: I want to eat outside!

Mina: Me too.

Tzuyu: Three!

Sana: I'll go with Dahyun-ah!

Jihyo: Outside it is! Where should we go?

Momo: I'm craving for jokbal, let's go to that Korean resto!

Jihyo: Any more suggestions?

Jeongyeon: That's fine, we haven't tasted Korean food for a while.

Jihyo: Alright, ready yourself, girls.




We went with casual clothing to not bring attention, this is the restaurant that Momo and Dahyun were arguing back at the train, the place is located not far from where we stayed. It's on the fifth floor, that means we can enjoy the night time of Berlin from there.

Sana: Why haven't I found a hot guy in Europe?

Nayeon: Are you still searching for a hot guy?

Sana: Mhm, I saw many celebrities from Europe who are insanely handsome and hot, so I thought Europe has a lot of them. I found nothing intriguing.

Nayeon: So all this time we went around to every tourist attraction was for you to find a guy?

Sana: Face it Unnie, you're searching too right?

Nayeon: What?! NO?!? Why would I?!

Sana: Come on~~! You're old enough~

Nayeon: I may be the oldest, but I'm a baby at heart~


They stopped when the elevator opens, and so are the other members, we were greeted by the waitress and showed us the table. We did a reservation beforehand to prevent losing a spot.

Chaeyoung: Wah~~! This place is so...

TWICE: Fancy!!!

Chaeyoung: Ooo.

Waiter: May I take you- Aren't you TWICE?!

Tzuyu: Yes we are.

Waiter: Wow, I can't believe I met you!

Sana: You can speak Korean?

Waiter: I am Korean, I...I still cannot...I'm a ONCE.

Jihyo: You're a ONCE? Well hi!

Waiter: Okay, I need to be professional. What can I get for you?

Momo: If you're a ONCE, you'll know what I'll order, right?

Waiter: Of course, your very favourite...jokbal!

Momo: Spot on!

The waiter took every one of our orders, he's nice and humorous. The food came after ten minutes and we dug in straight away. It was delicious, tasty, and yummy!

Dahyun: This place seemed familiar, I don't know what is, but it is.

Nayeon: You're right, I'm having Deja vu.

Chaeyoung: What do you mean? It's our first time here.

We chat around for a while, having conversations about our next stage, what we'll be singing, wearing, all kinds of stuff.

Until who I assume is the head chef, came to us.

???: Hello girls...
